Chapter 244 Back and forth
"Going to get the report from my parents and grandma is more nervous than going to the examination myself." On the way to the hospital, Ju Min rubbed her hands and said nervously to Ju Ling.

Ju Ling was also very nervous, even more nervous than the high school entrance examination.

Li Dagang's mother passed away some time ago, and it is said that it was also related to an inspection.Before this, Li's mother had been in good health, and she went for a walk by the river when she had nothing to do. Whoever wanted to find out that the cancer was in the late stage, she passed away after a long time.Many acquaintances said that if the old lady didn't know that she was seriously ill, she might be able to live longer, which is a pity.

Ju Min and Ju Ling are also afraid of this kind of thing now. Even if there is something wrong with their body, they can last for a while when they don't know it.

"Little boy, if we find out something, let's not tell our parents, let's think of a way first," Ju Min instructed.

Ju Ling nodded in response, and said: "Sister, don't keep thinking in a bad direction, maybe nothing will happen, let's scare ourselves."

Facts have proved that they really scare themselves a little bit.

The bodies of parents and grandma cannot be said to be very healthy, and they all have some minor problems, but the problems are not serious, as long as they are well adjusted, they will be fine.

How to solve these small problems, the sisters went to several departments to register and inquire carefully, and Ju Ling took a small notebook to record them one by one, planning to call them when they went home.

Coming out of the hospital, Ju Min breathed a long sigh of relief: "Next time I ask your second sister to come to get the test results, I won't come, I almost scared myself to death."

Ju Ling couldn't help laughing, took Ju Min's arm and said with a smile: "I guess the second sister is also quite worried at home. If there is nothing wrong, let's go back and call home to report that you are safe."

Ju Min thought for a while and said: "Don't go back, go to the closed market to see Peng Yan. A few days ago, he sent me a message asking me how the business of the beverage store is. I was too busy to return to him. Now Go and talk to him sometime."

Ju Ling's eyes lit up, and the soul of gossip was burning.

"Sister, does brother Peng Yan often send you messages and call you? What are you talking about?" Ju Ling gossiped.

Ju Min did not doubt that he was there, and replied honestly: "I don't post it often, just occasionally, and I don't talk about it when I ask about the situation. Just this time I went to see if there are any shoes suitable for parents and grandma at his place. , buy them a few pairs for the bus to take back.”

The use of passenger cars to carry things is only recently. Generally, the fee depends on how much space is occupied. If you don’t occupy space, you will be charged two yuan, and if you occupy space, you will be charged three or four yuan. It is not too expensive.Write the recipient's name on the item, call first, and wait at the bus stop in advance. When the bus arrives, just report the name and the recipient will hand over the item. It is really convenient.

There are quite a lot of people in the closed market on the big weekend, and Peng Yan's shoe stall is holding an event again, buying cotton shoes and giving away single shoes, there are so many people who come to buy shoes, Ju Min and the others can't get close at all.

"Why don't we go back first, and come back when there are not so many people," Ju Ling suggested.

Just as Ju Min was about to agree, Peng Yan, who was busy behind the booth, raised his eyes and saw the two of them, and hurriedly called them to stop.

He left the stall to Xiaolian alone, and ran over to talk to them by himself.

"Let's come and have a look, you go and do your work," Ju Min said embarrassedly.

But Peng Yan waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile: "It's okay, there are so many people, they are all watching there, and it's not too much to spend money on. Xiaolian can come over quickly. Go, go inside and say, there are place."

There was indeed room in the stall, and the two sisters sat on a small bench, watching the people outside the stall carefully picking out shoes.

"Brother Peng Yan, you won't pay for buying one and getting one free?" Ju Ling asked in a loud voice on purpose.

Many shoe pickers outside listened with pricked ears, waiting for Peng Yan's answer.

Peng Yan and Ju Ling looked at each other, and immediately understood what she meant, sighed and replied sadly: "Isn't there no way, money is tight recently, and I want to sell the backlog of goods quickly and keep some money in my hand It's a good turnaround."

It's quite subtle, but what I want to convey is that he really doesn't make money by buying one and getting one free.

A businessman will definitely not make a loss-making business. It is only the customer who thinks it is not expensive, and only the seller knows whether it is expensive or not.

People outside heard that the owner of the shoe stall sold the shoes at a loss. It seems that after selling these shoes, there will be no such cheap shoes. People who are still hesitating whether to buy or not buy the shoes immediately pay for the shoes.

One thing Peng Yan didn't lie about was that he was indeed selling the overstocked stock. If the stock was not sold, there would be no place to store new ones, and his shoe store couldn't continue to operate.

There are only so many stocks in stock, and after being snapped up by people like this, it really didn't take long before they were almost sold out.

There were fewer and fewer people in front of the stall, and Peng Yan could sit down and chat with the two sisters in a down-to-earth manner.

"Sister Min, I just came back from the south yesterday. I brought a batch of good goods. Some of them are very suitable for my uncles, aunts and grandma. Would you like to have a look?" Ju Min asked Peng Yan and said.

This feeling is good, Ju Min immediately nodded in response.

There is a large warehouse on each floor of the market, and shops can rent warehouses to store goods.Peng Yan rented a rather large place where he could store a lot of shoes.

Peng Yan took the two sisters to the warehouse, and Ju Min looked at the goods inside and said with emotion: "It's so big inside, and there are a lot of things. There is only one partition, aren't you afraid that others will take your goods?"

"It's the rules that people in business should abide by. No one will offend others for a little money, right?" Peng Yan said with a smile.

Money is very important, and people are equally important. Only by balancing the relationship between the two can the business be done well. Peng Yan always insists on this point.

Obviously, there are quite a few people who think like him.If you only care about the petty profits in front of you, you will never be able to do a big business, and you are not qualified to be a businessman.

It was said that there were some shoes suitable for the Ju family, but Peng Yan took out a few pairs of good shoes from a separate large box in the warehouse. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he had specially prepared them for the Ju family.

Ju Min also blamed it for not being mean, she had to pay for the shoes, and Peng Yan didn't say no money, as long as the amount wasn't too big.

It's not that Ju Min doesn't know how to do it at all. Such a good pair of shoes requires more than this amount of money, but if he really breaks the word and says it, it's not giving Peng Yan face, it's not good.

After thinking for a while, Ju Min thought of a good way, she said: "My dad recently made a lot of wooden gadgets for children to play with, and I will send some back to my family. It would be great if you give them to friends who have children of."

Once back and forth, the favor is repaid.

Ju Min felt that she had figured it out quite well, but she had never counted Peng Yan.The favor was repaid, but there is still a back and forth ahead, to create opportunities to meet and make the two people closer, this is Peng Yan's main purpose!

Ju Min didn't think of this, but Ju Ling who was watching did.

She has a headache now, not because her eldest sister is being targeted by Peng Yan, but because she thinks about the bet she made with Jing Chengxi!
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(End of this chapter)

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