Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 263 Childishness

Chapter 263 Childishness
The students in Class [-] did not know from whom they heard that it was Ju Ling who took the lead in suing Teacher Wang with the school, so Class [-] was axed to make Teacher Wang unable to stay any longer.

They had nowhere to vent their anger, so they naturally directed their anger at Ju Ling.

Beating and scolding directly will definitely not work, the school will punish them if they find out.

The students in class six thought for several days before they came up with the trick of snowball fights.

They planned well, when the time comes, everyone will concentrate on throwing snowballs at Ju Ling alone, so that she will suffer a little.

In fact, there are quite a lot of maneuverable places in this snowball fight.

If you play cleanly, you can collect snowballs in a proper manner; if you hit dirty ones, it doesn’t matter what is stored in the snowballs!

After figuring out what happened, the squad leader regretted it. If he had known that Class [-] still had such a dirty mind, he would not have been able to fight the battle no matter what.Winning or losing is very important, but the classmates in the class are more important.

Luo Yuanyuan was also very angry when she heard the whole story. She said: "How can they be like this. They don't have such a teacher in charge, and they don't feel pain in their backs when they stand and watch the fun one by one. Ju Ling, don't worry about it, let's Just study hard."

Ju Ling didn't like the children's grievances and grievances, and really didn't want to get involved, so she thought it would be best for the monitor to push this matter away, and if she couldn't push it off, she thought of another way.

I just didn't expect the students in class [-] to bully people too much. The monitors here haven't gone to find their monitors yet. Ju Min knew it all.

If there is no fight, class [-] will definitely say that the people in class [-] are cowardly, saying that they fled because they were timid and afraid of losing.

This move was a bit sinister, and Ju Ling's petty temper was also aroused. Regardless of the good words of her deskmate, she agreed to fight with the monitor and other students in the class.

The time for the snowball fight is set by the sixth shift, which is also very interesting.Before the weekend evening self-study, he clearly said that he wanted the students in Class [-] to have a relaxing weekend, but in fact he wanted Ju Ling to be ridiculed for the next week.

"How naive!" Ju Ling said on the phone with Qiao Jue on Saturday morning: "It would be great to use these small thoughts in your studies, and you have to use them in these ridiculous little things."

Qiao Jue didn't want to think about whether he was childish or not, he was only worried about Ju Ling.

"Be sure to protect yourself, wear more, wear hats, gloves, and scarves, and scarves to cover your nose and mouth, and just show a pair of eyes." Qiao Jue warned: "Don't rush forward when you fight, hide behind you. Behind the tall boys in the class, don't be brave at this time, the one who hurts you is yourself."

Ju Ling was quite surprised, she thought that Qiao Jue would persuade her not to get involved after talking about the snowball fight.

Asking doubts, Qiao Jue explained: "I also came from your age. Some things will feel regretful if I don't experience them. There will always be some regrets in this life, but I hope that when you are old, you will look back on the past. There will be fewer regrets in the time."

Probably thinking that chatting and talking about these things is like educating children, Qiao Jue said with a smile: "Your eldest sister and second sister must be very worried about you if they know it. You better not tell them if you don't want to be nagged."

It's too late.

Ju Min knew about the snowball fight, so she sent Jing Chengxi to find out what was going on, and after knowing the cause and effect, she called Ju Jing.Before Ju Ling called Qiao Jue, Ju Jing had already been nagging on the phone.

Fortunately, the eldest sister is not at home at the moment, if she is, she will definitely have to chatter for a long time.

Ju Min not only babbled, but also came to the scene in person before the snowball fight, standing in a group of students who were very excited.

There are two classes of players on the field, one class occupies one end, and a one-meter-high rope is drawn in the middle as a boundary line. Neither side can cross the line, so as to avoid physical conflicts.

It is not allowed to accumulate snowballs in advance, only after the shouting has started, you can fight while you are accumulating, and you will lose when you are miserable.

What's more, you can only use your hands, and you can't use any tools. If you find someone cheating, the whole class doesn't have to fight, just lose.

The standing of Class [-] is very interesting. The boys are all standing in front, and the girls are standing at the back, which is in stark contrast to the scattered standing of Class [-].

The students in class six didn't take it seriously. No matter how tall a boy is, he is still not a wall. It is not so easy to block a big living person.Twenty people set fire to one, and within 5 minutes, she could kneel down and beg for mercy.

They think it's beautiful, but the reality is not like that at all.

This position in class [-] is not entirely for protecting the girls, but a strategic division of labor.

The boys in the front block the snowballs and throw the snowballs, and the girls in the back are responsible for accumulating snowballs and passing them. Although it seems superfluous to throw a hand in the middle, in fact, there are many tricks inside.

Boys have great strength, and the snowballs thrown out are fast and difficult to hide, and the damage caused by boys and girls is completely different.

Ju Min stood at the head of the sixth class and watched the excitement, not to support them, but to stare at them, if they dare to put sand and stones in the snowball or something, she can't rush up to arrest them and shout "" Cheating in class six" is still possible.

When the battle started, Ju Ling was squatting on the ground wearing a thick down jacket and concentrating on collecting snowballs. The screaming behind her had nothing to do with her, she just did her own thing.

She has saved more than ten snowballs, and the snowballs were taken away by the boys to fight, but she hasn't hit a snowball yet.

What's the matter?Could it be that there are some barriers around her?
Of course it doesn't.

The firepower of Class [-] was really too fierce. Not long after the battle started, two girls from Class [-] were slapped in the face by snowballs, and they cried out in pain for a rest.

The [-]th class didn't cheat, and no one could find fault with them, except that the [-]th class wasn't good at fighting.

The battle lasted less than 10 minutes and ended in a disastrous defeat for Class Six.

From the beginning to the end, Ju Ling only took one snowball, which was an own goal made by a classmate with a slippery hand, and it didn't hurt at all.

After the beating, the class leader Bei'er said to the slumped Class [-] students with arrogance: "No matter what grievances and grievances there were in the past, they will all be canceled today. We will never be polite to anyone who troubles us in Class [-] in the future. By the way, Don’t forget to have two cups of milk tea per person, we’ll write down everyone’s desired taste and send it to Class Six, don’t buy it wrong!”

With so many people watching, there is no other way but to bet and admit defeat.

Class [-] shot themselves in the foot this time, who made them so naive, Class [-] helped them grow up!

The onlookers and students who participated in the battle dispersed one after another. Ju Min called Ju Ling who was about to go back to work, checked up and down for a long time, and was relieved to make sure that she was fine.

"Okay, it's fine, just go back to class and study, and don't get involved in such things in the future," Ju Min said helplessly.

Ju Ling was quite excited, and said to Ju Min with a blushing smile, "Don't worry, I didn't offend so many people, and no one will call me to have a snowball fight in the future. Sister, would you like to set up a snowball fight package to encourage others The students in the class have a snowball fight, and you can sell more milk tea."

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.All the characters in this chapter are pronounced cuán, zhuxueqiu. I usually say this, but I don’t know if you all say the same.By the way, there is no third update tonight, and tomorrow I will try to update it earlier and try my best to update it.

(End of this chapter)

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