Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 270 Comments

Chapter 270 Comments
Before Wu Youhai went to the hillside to block Ju Jing and was arrested, because of insufficient evidence and other reasons, he was only detained for more than ten days before being released.

After coming out, Wu Youhai went home to pack his luggage, took some money and left, saying that staying at home was boring and he wanted to go out to make money, and he didn't come back during the Chinese New Year.

Whether he comes back or not will not delay Ju Laosan's family and Wu Laosan's family. Wu's family is on fire, even if the whole village goes to fight the fire, Ju Laosan's family will not take it with him.

There are many people and strength, and the fire was extinguished in a short while.

The fire from the pile of bean sprouts reached the house, and a corner of the house of Mr. Wu's family was burnt down, but overall it was not bad. The house as a whole was saved, and it will be repaired when the weather warms up.

This fire will definitely not start for no reason, there must be a reason.

Someone in the village said that before the fire started, they saw Wu Youhai's daughter-in-law muttering and going crazy in the pile of beans. The fire was probably set by Wu Youhai's crazy daughter-in-law.

Some people also said that they saw Mrs. Wu's daughter-in-law passing by the backyard of Mrs. Wu's fourth house before the fire. Maybe Mrs. Wu's wife still remembered the revenge for Wu Youhai's killing of her son and setting fire to her.

Each has its own theory, but there is no actual evidence, so it can only be said casually.

At noon, Ju Min and the others went home to take a nap, but they couldn't fall asleep lying on the kang.

"Does anyone in the village know where Wu Youhai's grandson has gone?" Yin Kaixuan suddenly sat up from the kang and asked angrily.

His partner was almost bullied by that bastard, and he was very angry. He wanted to grab that grandson and beat him up a long time ago, but he didn't expect that grandson to hide very quickly, and he didn't wait for him during the Chinese New Year.

It's really uncomfortable to hold this breath in his heart, he has to drag people out to vent.

Ju Jing answered him: "No one should know. If anyone knew, word would have spread in the village. Don't be angry, his home is here sooner or later. He will come back sooner or later. You don't need to do it by then. I will do it myself." Cleaned up for him."

"Can it be the same?" Yin Kaixuan lay back again, staring at the ceiling and said: "I'm your partner, of course I have to help you out when this kind of thing happens, it has nothing to do with whether you have the ability to deal with him."

"It's going to be long in the future, get rid of him sooner or later," Ju Ling said.

It's a big deal for a little boy to be ruthless.

Ju Jing became interested, turned to her side and asked curiously, "What do you think?"

"I haven't thought about the specifics, but it's always right to find his weakness and prescribe the right medicine." Ju Ling laughed.

Ju Jing curled her lips, moved her body a little further away from Ju Ling, and joked: "I have to stay away from you, lest you take revenge on me while I'm asleep."

The two sisters are used to bickering, and when they have nothing to do to chat, they will feel uncomfortable if they have to fight.

After this encounter, I slept very soundly during my afternoon nap.

In the afternoon, I have nothing to do. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei went to the restaurant to watch TV, and entertained people when they came.

Ju Ling was studying, Ju Min and Jing Chengxi lay on the kang and played with their mobile phones, while Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan got together to play computer.

Ju Ling was solving a math problem, and when it was critical, Ju Jing slapped the table like crazy and made a loud noise, which scared Ju Ling enough and lost her thinking about solving the problem.

"Second Sister, what are you doing? Scaring me to death!" Ju Ling complained.

Ju Jing said angrily while typing on the keyboard: "The comments below the blog made me very angry. I have to reply carefully. It is normal for the same thing to be called in one place, and these people seem to be out of their minds." Come up and say that what I said is wrong, what should be done, the whole world should be centered on them, and everyone else who is different from them should die."

What she said was rather vague, and Yin Kaixuan explained further for her: "Someone in the comments said that Jingjing made a mistake, that was not sticky dumpling at all, but sticky bean buns. Some people said that Jingjing made a mistake about the New Year's customs, and they It’s not like that at home.”

As soon as he explained Ju Jing, he became even angrier, and said in a low voice: "I wrote the title clearly. It is my own family's habit of celebrating the New Year. Who asked their family how the Chinese New Year is going? Is there something wrong? Isn't it? We have to go to New Year’s Eve like their family, why is his face so big. And that sticky bean bun, he wants to call it sticky bean bun, let him call it, our family has always called sticky dumpling, who stipulates that there can’t be more than one kind of thing Different names? He wants to discuss with me the different names for the same thing. I’m not going to be angry, and I’ll discuss it with him, but if I say I’m wrong with him, it’s just scolding.”

"Sister Jing, you haven't been online for a day or two. You should have seen this kind of person a lot, why are you still so angry?" Jing Chengxi asked.

Ju Jing sighed: "I used to think that such people were so rare that they could be ignored. But recently, I found that there are more and more people like this. It made me very angry, and I felt uncomfortable if I didn't go back."

Ju Ling felt that this was a good thing, and analyzed it to her second sister: "This means that more and more people read your blog! If there are more people who read your blog, there will naturally be more people who leave messages and comments, and what Ge Lengzi said is natural. There will also be more. Second sister, you don't have to reply one by one, I'm afraid you won't be able to reply at all in the future."

"What the little guy said makes sense, so just ignore it. Why are you angry with these people? This kind of person is only so cheap on the Internet. Does he dare to talk like that to people he doesn't know much in life? The big mouth made his face crooked." Ju Min said.

The Internet is not very developed now, and the network environment is relatively good. Even so, there are still many people who come here without opening their mouths. It is really hard to get angry.

Ju Jing almost calmed down after replying to the two comments. She tilted her head and looked at her article and laughed, which stunned everyone in the room.

"What? Are you mad?" Ju Min asked worriedly.

Ju Jing said with some pride: "The little guy is right. More and more people read my blog, which is a good thing. The day after tomorrow we will go up the mountain to cut down trees. I will take a few more photos, so that the whole process of transforming the barren mountain Record it and attract more people to watch it.”

In fact, Ju Min and Ju Ling didn't quite understand why she did this. Obviously, Ju Jing had her own plans, and she was mysteriously unwilling to say that no one could do anything about her.

Jing Chengxi's focus was different, he wailed and said: "Sister Jing, you are too much, you asked us to work for you on the third day of the Lunar New Year, can't you let us rest for a few more days?"

That is of course impossible.

There are only so many days in the winter vacation. If you just rest and don’t work, the tree can’t be cut down.

In the second year of junior high, Jing Chengxi and Yin Kaixuan took care of grandma at home, and the others went to grandma's house to celebrate the New Year together.The restaurant opened for business on the third day of junior high school, and the four of Ju Min went to the mountain to cut trees with various tools early in the morning, and Ju Ling stayed at home to study and watch grandma.

After two days like this, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, an uninvited visitor suddenly visited, disturbing the entire Ju family's peace.

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(End of this chapter)

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