Chapter 273
Ju Laosan's family unanimously spoke out, and Zhao Fen was speechless.

However, this woman is not easy to deal with. She simply doesn't make any sense and just sells it to the end.

In the middle of winter, she actually knelt down to the gate of Ju's house and cried miserably, begging Ju Wenqi to borrow money!

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were fidgeting in the room, not knowing what to do.

"You can't keep her kneeling like this, it's not good for the people in the village to see it." Zhang Yongmei said sadly: "I used to think that it was not easy for her to think of ways to help her, but I didn't expect her to do such a thing. , What a white-eyed wolf, I will never ignore her again."

"She and you are just sister-in-law. Ju Changqing is her own son. You can understand the closeness and distance, but you are confused and can't figure it out." Ju Jing said: "If she loves to kneel, let her kneel." , what the people in the village like to say, anyway, we won't lose a piece of meat."

Ju Ling also said: "Parents, you don't need to worry about it, just do whatever you want. She just used this trick because she saw that you two were soft-hearted. She can't be allowed to succeed."

There was nothing wrong with Ju Ling's words, Zhao Fen just saw that Ju Wenqi and his wife were soft-hearted, and felt that this would make things happen.If the matter is successful this time, Zhao Fen will use this trick whenever he encounters troubles in the future, and it will be called trouble.

With the support of the three girls, Ju Wenqi and his wife went to work in the restaurant as usual, turning a blind eye to Zhao Fen who was kneeling at the gate.

After all this, Zhao Fen still didn't give up, and moved to the entrance of the restaurant to kneel, it seemed that she wanted everyone in the village to sympathize with her and help her speak to Ju Wenqi and his wife.

Zhao Fen's popularity in Xiaofuqiangtun is really good. She sells steamed buns and rolls that are delicious and cheap.

In the cold weather, she knelt at the door of the restaurant and cried miserably. There were indeed many people who didn't know where she was going to persuade Ju Wenqi and his wife to have something to say.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei felt aggrieved. Seeing her parents being forced into such a temper, Ju Jing rushed to Zhao Fen and said to her in a low voice, "I call you Er Da Niang today because I am the second daughter who passed away. Grandpa, please don't treat our Jusan family as easy to bully. If you have the ability, you can continue to kneel here, kneel firmly and don't get up, and if someone talks to my parents later, we will tell the truth directly, tell you Why come to borrow money so shamelessly, saying that your son has done some unconscionable things outside, I want to see how cheap you can come up with at that time."

Zhao Fen definitely didn't want people in the village to know about Ju Changqing. She expected that Ju Wenqi and his wife would not tell the truth.

But she could guess Ju Wenqi and his wife, but she couldn't figure out that the three girls of the Ju family, each of them had a temper and didn't care about face or shame, and they really dared to do anything.

After Ju Jing finished speaking, Zhao Fen knelt outside for another three to five minutes, then got up and staggered back home.

Seeing that both Ju Wenqi and his wife breathed a sigh of relief, Ju Min sneered and said, "It's not over yet. Her trick of selling miserably has to be used in the uncle's house and the old aunt's house. Our family doesn't want to talk about Ju Changqing's scandal, the two of them The family doesn't necessarily shake their hands."

Ju Wenlin's family has a good face, but their eldest daughter-in-law Bai Guirong has a very big mouth, and she will definitely speak out in less than two days.Not to mention Ju Ying, when something good happens, she will be a girl from the Ju family, and when something bad happens, she will say that she is a married woman and has nothing to do with the Ju family, she doesn't care so much.

Sure enough, Zhao Fen went home to borrow money from Ju Wenlin's house after going home to rest for a while.It's still the trick of crying and selling miserably, kneeling when it doesn't work, kneeling in the inner room after kneeling in the outer room, and kneeling in the yard after kneeling in the outer room. In order to borrow money for her son, she really gave up her old face.

Parents probably think differently from young people. When Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei talked about Zhao Fen, they obviously hated Zhao Fen but didn't express much emotion.

In Zhang Yongmei's words: "It's all for the sake of the children. If she had to deal with something herself, she would definitely not be so risky, but for the sake of the children, she would not care about anything. All parents in the world are like this."

"Your ideas are too dangerous," Ju Ling said, "Parents still have to do something for their children, and they can't take care of everything for their children. If the child kills someone, the parents can still help." Do you want to dispose of the corpse to cover up your crime? My second elder brother is so crooked because my second uncle and second aunt got used to it, and parents in the world don’t always spoil their children like this.”

Zhao Fen spoiled her own child, others would not spoil her with her.

Ju Wenlin knew why she came to borrow money, and then she had the same attitude with Ju's family, no money, no loan.

Frustrated at Ju Wenlin's house, he went to find Ju Ying again, but the result was the same, and he didn't borrow any money.

Zhao Fen went back and told Ju Changqing and Jiang Xiaofei that they hadn't borrowed any money, and the couple complained that Zhao Fen was dishonest and that she never wanted to lend them any money.

Zhao Fen's left and right sides were splinted, and she felt very uncomfortable. Her son and daughter-in-law went back to Yunhe in despair, and she tied a rope to the beam of the house and hung herself on the back.

Fortunately, the children of the old Sun's family were slipping on the ice poured by a piece of well water in front of the house and saw her hanging from the beam, so they went home and called the adults, and then rescued Zhao Fen.

Zhao Fen is pitiful and hateful. After the news about her son spread in the village, many people sympathized with her, and even more people gossiped behind her back.

Of course, no matter what others say, it has nothing to do with Ju Laosan's family.

Ju Wenqi and his wife opened a restaurant and held banquets as usual. Ju Jing and the others still spent half a day going up the mountain to cut trees. When they came back at noon, they brought back all the trees cut in the morning. Put the ones aside, and saw the unusable ones directly into firewood.

In the blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the Ju's restaurant was unbelievably bustling.

Nowadays, many big villages have Yangko teams organized by people who love Zhangluo. It is also good for those who celebrate Chinese New Year to do Yangko at home.Xiaofuqiang also wanted the whole Yangko team to come, but there were too few capable people, not many people who could twist, and no one knew how to beat gongs and drums, so they had to give up.

But it's okay if you can't twist yourself, just watch others twist.

As soon as the gongs and drums of the three fat men next door rang, the people in the village could just go and see, it wasn't too far anyway.

It was a good activity at first, but it has changed a bit this year.

The Yangko teams from various villages wandered on the main road in a non-decent manner, and began to go to each other's houses, wandering around the door of other people's houses without paying money, which was very annoying.

The Yangko team had never been in Xiaofuqiang Village before, but on the [-]th day of the first lunar month this year, some evil wind was blown by the Yangko teams from other villages.

A group of dozens of people in red and green waving fans turned east from the west end of the village, and the whole village came out to watch the excitement.

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(End of this chapter)

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