Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 277 There are tricks

Chapter 277 There are tricks
Jing Chengxi didn't understand, isn't doing activities also a kind of price reduction, and the price reduction is more than that of changing prices, so why do activities?
Ju Min smiled and asked Jing Chengxi: "Have you ever bought anything online?"

Jing Chengxi replied honestly: "I see that sister Jing bought it."

"Similar things, one directly gives the price, and the other advertises the original price as much as the current price, which one do you want to buy after seeing it?" Ju Min asked him.

Ju Min is talking about similar things, not exactly the same things, if they are exactly the same, there is no need for comparison.But if it is the same type of things, of course the discounted things are more attractive, giving people a feeling that buying is earning.

The quality of the two items may be similar, and the cost may not differ much, but these two sales models will give people different feelings, and more people will buy the latter.

Ju Min wanted to do that.

There are a lot of thick paper shells behind the beverage store. She picked a few clean and thick pieces and spliced ​​them into a large board that is more than one meter wide and one person high. She copied the drink list of the beverage store, wrote the original price on the back Draw a stroke hard on it, and then write the activity price.

The price of the activity is very ingenious. Some are more expensive than the original price of a canteen and beverage store, and some are cheaper than the original price of others. In short, a balance is reached in the end without making people feel very deliberate.

Of course, the name of the beverage shop should be written on the cardboard, and it should be placed directly outside the cafeteria building. Even students who just pass by the cafeteria can see the cardboard, not to mention those students who come to eat in the cafeteria.

"Let's deal with this board first. I'll print some leaflets tomorrow. You can go out and distribute them, and post a few on the school notice board," Ju Min said to Jing Chengxi when he was busy.

Jing Chengxi gave Ju Min a thumbs up, sincerely praised: "Sister, you still know how to do business, I can't even think of these tricks to kill me."

It is said that hard work is more important than talent, but sometimes, the results of a little effort by a talented person are better than those of a person without talent who put in [-]% of their efforts.There is nothing unfair, after all, talent is something one is born with!
It has to be said that Ju Min, who has never studied professionally and relied on his own groping, is indeed talented in doing business.She is smart, courageous enough, good at drawing inferences from one example, and will continue to reflect on herself. As long as she sticks to her original intention and bottom line, success will come sooner or later.

This wave of activities was in full swing, and the business of the No. [-] Beverage Shop got better and better.It's not wood that sells milk tea in a cafeteria, so they will definitely think of countermeasures.

The No. [-] Beverage Shop held activities, and a cafeteria also held activities, and the activities were more vigorous than Ju Min and the others.

Ju Min was not in a hurry. She found time to go to a copy shop near the school to print out a lot of event leaflets, and even ordered a few advertising boards for the event.This advertisement board is not a one-off, it only prints out the general information, and the key information such as activity intensity and date are left blank, fill it in when doing the activity, wipe it away after the activity is finished, and replace it with new information when you do the activity next time , can be reused, very energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

She was not in a hurry, but Jing Chengxi was very anxious, and kept asking Ju Min if he had any countermeasures.

Ju Min asked Jing Chengxi: "Have you carefully compared our store with the one in a cafeteria? Did you find any differences between the two stores?"

They all sell drinks, and the only difference is the type of drinks they sell.

When Jing Chengxi gave the answer, Ju Min smiled appreciatively: "You're right, but the types are different. We have milk tea and juice and the store in Yicantang, but they don't have carbonated drinks!"

Although Zhuangyuan Beverage Store has carbonated drinks, to be honest, they don't sell well.The main reason is that small shops sell bottled carbonated drinks, and the price is cheaper than their cups.Many students bought a bottle of carbonated drink, and used that bottle to drink water from the water dispenser in the class after drinking it. They reused it very thoroughly.

"You also make carbonated drinks. Tell me, what is the cost of a cup of carbonated drinks?" Ju Min asked again.

This, Jing Chengxi can't give an accurate answer, because he always makes big barrels of tunes, and he never pays attention to how many cups a big barrel can hold.

"It's only a few cents," Ju Min said with a smile, "Not only is it cheap, but it's also very easy to get. So, we can make a fuss about carbonated drinks."

Ju Min's move is really perfect.

After the first wave of activities ended, she organized another buy one get one free event!
Buy any cup of milk tea or juice and get a free carbonated drink!If you buy a large cup of milk tea or juice, you will get a large carbonated drink, and if you buy a small cup, you will get a small cup. Anyway, as long as you buy Ju Min, you will be free.

They gave some, but the milk tea shop in the canteen didn't give away carbonated drinks, so this round of competition was still Ju Min's victory.

However, she is not complacent. There are sequelae of such a large-scale activity, that is, after the activity is over, there will be customers who will not come to buy drinks because of the psychological gap, so there must be a last resort.

Just when Ju Min was thinking about making another move, Peng Yan called.He just came back from the south, and if he has time, he wants to ask Ju Min to meet him.

Ju Min accepted the appointment calmly, everyone was a real person and didn't deal with those fake ones, so they saved food and tea, and met directly at Peng Yan's shoe stall.

When Ju Min was looking for them with two tea trays and odds and ends, Peng Yan and his employee Xiao Lian were cleaning the shelves.

There were still quite a few customers picking out shoes in front of the shoe stall, but it wasn't too noisy. Peng Yan and Xiao Lian could easily handle both jobs by themselves.

Seeing that he was busy, Ju Min thought about putting down his things and leaving without saying a word, but Peng Yan said, "This time I went to the south to bring a few pairs of shoes to my third uncle and grandma. You can go with me to the warehouse to get them."

The shoes had already been brought back, and they were still given to parents and grandma. Ju Min couldn't refuse, so he went to the warehouse with him.

This time Peng Yan brought back a lot of goods, and the part of the warehouse that belonged to him was so messy and full of things that even Peng Yan himself didn't know where to start.

He explained embarrassingly: "I went over to have a look at first, and didn't want to bring the goods back by myself, but the goods from this factory that my friend helped me find are really good. I was afraid that the goods would be gone if I bought them later, so I had to Pull the goods back with the car by yourself."

While talking, he inadvertently kicked over a big box next to his feet, and a lot of odds and ends fell out. Ju Min was so surprised.

"You don't sell shoes, why do you have to issue so many cards?" Ju Min asked.

There are colorful plastic hairpins, some are individually packaged and some are not, but in general they all look good.

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(End of this chapter)

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