Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 286 Double Happiness

Chapter 286 Double Happiness
Miracles will happen under pressure.

Ju Ling and her four classmates were anxious to go back to class, and had to force themselves to finish writing the essay.

As a result, the five people finished writing the nearly [-]-word essay in only one morning, and helped each other revise it.

Mrs. Zhao, a math teacher, was not interested in the essay solicitation at all. She didn't even read it. She asked five students to use the noon time to copy the essay, and then hand it in according to the format of the essay. In the afternoon, she handed it directly to the school. The Youth League Committee went.

From beginning to end, from top to bottom, from teacher to student, they all had a very coping attitude, which made the school year director very angry, saying that Teacher Zhao disregarded the school's honor and connived at the students' misbehavior.

Teacher Zhao is usually very strict with the students. When she closes the door, she wished she could poke the heads of the students with her big teaching triangle to make all the students who don't like learning love learning, and poke all the ignorant students who are sensible. myself.But when she opened the door to outsiders, Teacher Zhao was very defensive. She could say that the students in her class were not good, but outsiders couldn't say that, and neither could the school year director.

Teacher Zhao pissed off the school year director in a fit of anger!

At that time, the two were standing at the door of Class [-] talking. The door of the class was closed, but there were two small windows on the wall in the corridor that were still open. The conversation between the two was transmitted into the class, and all the students in the class heard it.

Usually the most mischievous children listened very carefully.When Teacher Zhao came back, everyone was busy studying. In Ju Ling's impression, the students in Class [-] never seemed to love studying so much.

The influence of a teacher on a person is really too great.A good teacher will not only teach people knowledge, but also teach students many things other than textbooks in ordinary teaching and life, and even affect students' personality.

Teacher Zhao's motivation for students to study continues until the mid-term exam.

In the first semester of senior high school, the overall results of the 16th class in the exam were astonishing. The average score ranked third among the [-] classes in the school year. A total of [-] people entered the top [-] of the school year, and five of them entered the top [-] of the school year.

Ju Ling is one of the fifth, and this time she passed the 21st grade.

Recently, Ju Ling has been very lucky. Apart from doing well in the midterm exam, her manuscript fee has also arrived.In addition, the nonsense essay that participated in the competition actually won a prize!

In addition to the first, second and third awards and the excellence award, the high school group also has a special award, and only one person can win the award.

Ju Ling is that person.

The news spread to No. [-] Middle School and to Class [-]. The whole class was boiling. Boys and girls patted the table and shouted to celebrate Ju Ling's award. Ju Ling, who won the award, became the most shy one, sitting in her seat at a loss. I don't know what to do.

Teacher Zhao was also very happy, gesturing to make the whole class calm down, and said: "I have been the class teacher for so many years, and this is the first time a student has won the highest prize in the city-level essay competition. It is worth celebrating."

"Please, please, please." The students shouted in unison, led by the monitor.

Ju Ling won the award, no matter what, she should come to treat her.

She stood up and was about to speak, when Teacher Zhao gestured her to sit down again, and said with a smile, "You guys did well in the midterm exam this time, and Ju Ling won another award. It's double happiness. I invite you. what do you want?"

The students also spent 10 minutes having a small class meeting for the head teacher, and finally decided to ask the head teacher to buy drinks.

The squad leader recorded what everyone wanted to drink, and went to the head teacher to ask for money. The head teacher happily gave the money, and the squad leader called the beverage store to place an order.

Ju Ling, who had never had a chance to show her attitude, finally found a chance and told the class monitor that she could get a discount when ordering milk tea, which could save the class teacher some money.

Of course, Ju Min would save face for her younger sister, giving a price equivalent to [-]% off, and also gave many small gifts. The classmates and teachers were very happy.

The next day, the homeroom teacher informed Ju Ling that the award would be presented three days later, and she had to go to receive the award in person. There would be many leaders present, and there would be a video from the city TV station, which might be broadcast on the local news.

Ju Ling didn't take it as a big deal, but Ju Min was very concerned.

She even planned to take Ju Ling out to buy clothes and buy a decent outfit.

"Go to receive the award on Monday, and it happens that you don't have classes on Saturday and Sunday, so I'll take you out for a walk. You're going to be on TV. It's such a big deal, you can't deal with it casually," Ju Min thought.

"Sister, I don't think it's necessary. It's safest to wear the school uniform to accept the award, and you can't go wrong," Ju Ling said.

Ju Min deliberately opened the cabinet to look at Ju Ling's school uniform, and she couldn't help but dislike it: "Your school uniforms for the second and third year of high school are all pretty good-looking, why did you change to the color of a mouse in your current year? It's too ugly."

No wonder Ju Min said that, the school uniforms of this year's freshman class are really ugly, the colors are neither dusty nor gray, and the style is also really ugly, it's really not as good-looking as the blue and white or red and white sportswear in the past.

"Ugly is ugly, mainly because the school name is printed on the school uniform, and the school specifies that I want me to wear the school uniform," Ju Ling insisted.

Ju Min doesn't care if she insists or not, anyway, she is very determined to spend money for her little sister.

Ju Ling really couldn't hold her back, so she had to go shopping with her elder sister.

Ju Min not only bought a lot of clothes for Ju Ling, but also bought several for Ju Jing.Is she the eldest sister? The two younger sisters are very painful.

After shopping, go to eat.

There is a new shop for Guoqiao rice noodles in the back street of Yunhe Pedestrian Street. Let alone eat it, Ju Lingting had never heard of Guoqiao rice noodles before, so Ju Min took her to try something new.

There are quite a few people who have the same idea as them. The newly opened store is doing well. The seats on the first floor are full, so they can only go to the second floor.

Generally, guests don't want to go to the second floor, because the ceiling on the second floor is relatively low and stuffy.

When walking upstairs, Ju Ling also frowned and said: "The stairs going upstairs are too narrow, and they are still made of wood. If it catches fire, I will definitely not be able to escape, so I can only jump out along the window."

Ju Min disliked her crow's mouth, rolled her eyes and said: "You can stop talking a few words, what kind of fire is on fire. You see, the second floor of the restaurant here is basically like this, and I haven't seen anyone on fire. Don't scare yourself by thinking about it."

As soon as the words were finished, they heard someone calling their names in surprise. Looking at the reputation, it turned out to be Peng Yan.

Peng Yan was not eating rice noodles by himself, but a man in his 30s was sitting with him.

Since they are not alone, it is not easy to sit at the same table. After saying hello, Ju Min and Ju Ling found a table not far away from them and sat down.

It was about time for lunch, and the empty seats on the upper floor were filled up in a short time. The crowd made the second floor even more stuffy. Ju Ling and Ju Min took off their coats when they ate rice noodles.

While eating, Ju Ling sniffed, raised her head and frowned and asked her elder sister: "Eldest sister, do you smell something strange?"

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(End of this chapter)

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