Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 292 Old Love

Chapter 292 Old Love
Ju Min knew all about these situations, and advised the couple more than once to decisively close the store and find another way out, but the couple was not decisive enough to do things, looking forward and backward, staying side by side day by day, still wanting to wait for a miracle to appear.

I probably knew that talking too much would not work, so Ju Min stopped talking later, and only told the couple when they were chatting that if they were not used to staying in the south, they would come back and they could sell drinks for her.

What she said was euphemistic enough, what is used to it or not, she just wanted to say that if you can't get along there, you can come back and make friends, and Ju Min will definitely pull them out.

She is willing to pull, but Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife don't want to hold back their friends.

The couple felt that it was not easy for Ju Minyi, a divorced woman, to do anything, and it was fine if they couldn't help her, so how dare they ask her to help.

Ju Minguang was thinking about gossip, forgetting that the restaurant was relatively busy at noon, the phone rang for a long time before he was picked up, Wang Xiuhong went to work without saying a word, Ju Min had to suppress his curiosity and call at night.

After nine o'clock in the evening, Ju Min finally knew the details of the gossip.

Lin Dezhi remarried to the female worker in the factory.

The woman gave birth to a son for Lin Dezhi, and Lin Dezhi got his wish, but he was not happy.

When a woman was pregnant, Lin Dezhi didn't think about taking the woman to check up several times, so that they didn't know that there was a problem with the fetus, and it was only after the birth that they discovered that the child was congenitally stupid, that is, Down's syndrome.

Many people don't know the full name, but they all know that Lin Dezhi and his wife gave birth to a silly son.

There are so many children in the Lin family, and not all of them are sensible. When the door is closed, the adults say something and when the door is opened, the children come out and yell. Lin Dezhi heard a lot of ugly words from his nephew and niece, and he couldn't bear it. Had a big fight with my siblings.

This time the fight was quite fierce, the eldest brother of the Lin family gave him the strength to quarrel with his brothers and sisters, so why not go home and do more serious things so that his wife can conceive another one.

Originally, I thought it would be over if I got angry, but I didn't want Lin Dezhi to hear the children say that he would give birth to stupid children even if he was born again!

Where do children understand these things, adults must have said it.

Lin De angrily picked up a child who ran too slowly and beat him up. Of course, the child's parents were not happy, so another big conflict broke out within the Lin family.

Lin Dezhi was so angry that he said that he would not come to work in his elder brother's factory, and his sister-in-law also pulled her neck and said: "If you want to come back, you will not be a man."

For the sake of dignity and face, Lin Dezhi secretly made up his mind that not only would he not come back, but he would be better than his brothers and sisters, and he would also have a few more children, so that they could be raised to envy others.

But obviously, Lin Dezhi is not a tough person.

In the first two days of breaking up with my brother, I went out to look for work as if it was a matter of fact. After hitting a wall a few times, I began to drink to relieve my worries.

It costs money to raise a child, and money is needed for the daughter-in-law's family to have an accident. There is money everywhere. If Lin Dezhi can't make serious money, he starts thinking about what is not serious, and he starts frequenting the small alley for gambling.

Since ancient times, no one has made a fortune from gambling, and Lin Dezhi is certainly no exception.

There were more and more debts outside, and relatives and friends began to borrow high-interest loans without having to borrow. The snowball got bigger and bigger, and now he has no ability to get out of it.

"He came to our restaurant once before, ordered two dishes and drank some wine, and sat there until after ten o'clock in the evening. We want to close the door and persuade him to leave, but he refuses to leave, you Xiaofeng I just chatted with him for a while, what do you think he is doing here?" Wang Xiuhong asked with disgust and helplessness.

Ju Min guessed: "Borrowing money from you? If he asks you to borrow money, then there is really no way out."

Wang Xiuhong clapped her hands twice and said, "No, I didn't borrow money from us, but came to inquire about you. Tell me how thick-skinned this person is, and he dares to inquire about you. I'm asking Brother Xiaofeng to ask you phone number, and I don’t know what he wants to do.”

When Ju Min came back, he changed his cell phone number and cut off contact with Lin Dezhi. Lin Dezhi was embarrassed to call Ju's landline, and it seemed that the only way to contact Ju Min was through Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife.

However, the crux of the problem was not that he asked Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife for contact information, but why did he want Ju Min's contact information? !

Ju Min sneered: "Don't bother with him, don't care if he wants to talk about old relationships or borrow money. I'm not interested at all. I live a good life without him, but I don't want to have any more contact with this person."

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife repeatedly stated that they would not disclose her contact information, and their old friends talked a lot on the phone. Knowing that Ju Min's business is booming, Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife are really happy for her.

Before going to bed at night, Ju Min chatted with Ju Ling, and Ju Min taught the little girl her experience in relationships, she said: "Little boy, you have to keep your eyes open when looking for a partner in the future, don't feel that you have to be him when someone treats you well, love others Never love yourself more than yourself. If you don’t get along with someone or your husband, you will get them, and if they don’t treat you well, you will kick them out, but don’t be hesitant. You must remember that if your life is not good, our whole family will worry about it.”

Ju Ling was absent-minded when I said so many things before, until Ju Min said the last sentence, Ju Ling responded very solemnly, and sighed: "I know. I must be fine. Keep your eyes open, and you won't be easily deceived by the brat. I won’t let you and your parents worry about it in the future.”

Qiao Jue, the stinky kid lying on the sofa and tossing and turning:
The eldest sister of the Ju family is really powerful, and she started to vaccinate Ju Ling at this time.

Regardless of whether the vaccination was aimed at Qiao Jue or not, Qiao Jue had to admit that what Ju Min said made sense.

It's not easy for a woman, you must love yourself more.

Even if one day he is really with Ju Ling, he also hopes that Ju Ling will love herself more than him.

Just like his mother, many people think she is willful and irresponsible, and found that no one outside her husband has considered such a straightforward divorce for her son, but Qiao Jue thinks that his mother's choice is very correct for the child who is ignored in the eyes of others .

He wants the girl he loves to be independent, strong, and brave.

He can give her anything she wants, but only if she wants it from him.If she wants to get something by her own efforts, he only needs to silently accompany her and support her.

There were no low voices coming from the bedroom, and Qiao Jue still didn't feel sleepy at all.

Tossing and falling asleep in the middle of the night directly caused him to wake up late in the morning.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there were two big faces and four eyes in front of him. He was so frightened that he almost died without taking a breath.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Jue asked cautiously after calming down.

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(End of this chapter)

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