Chapter 321
It was Ju Jing who called, and there was still a hint of anger in her voice.

"Ju Changfu's family is all bastards!" First, she made a statement, and then she said the whole story: "There is news from Xishantun that Li Fengjiao works in the cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School. What's going on? Ju Changfu is a bastard. The calf ran away to my parents and told my parents that you abducted their daughter-in-law and told them to hand over their daughter-in-law. I let the dog out and scared them away. They dare not look for their parents again. I just took the car to Yunhe, and I guess it will be there in a while, so be careful."

Ju Min was upset when she heard her talking about bastards and bastards, and reminded: "Whether you want to admit that our surname is Ju, don't scold them and bring us up, okay? Let's scold them with another word. Our side Don't worry, Xiaobudian and I can't stand it, and there is Xiaojing, he is amazing."

Jing Chengxi, who was being called, came over and shouted into the microphone: "Sister Jing, don't worry, I will definitely protect the elder sister and younger sister."

"Don't take it lightly. I heard that not only Ju Changfu, Ju Tangcheng and the others have gone, but Li Fengjiao's natal family has also gone a lot. If you really want to do it, you will suffer. If it doesn't work, you should call the police. Don't be brave." , Ju Jing exhorted quite worriedly.

Ju Min responded and asked Ju Jing not to worry, even if she didn't think about herself, she would not take risks for the little one.

After hanging up the phone, the three of them lost their appetite for a table of good dishes.

Ju Min looked at his watch and sighed: "According to what Jing Jing said, they will arrive at about seven or eight o'clock. If they know where we live, it will be troublesome, and it may take a while at night. If they don't know where we live Fortunately, let them block me at No. [-] Middle School, they will definitely not dare to make too much trouble at school."

Ju Ling picked up the chopsticks first, and said with a light smile, "Elder Sister, Brother Jing, let's eat quickly, and cut them off when we are full."

It was less than seven o'clock after dinner, and the three of them sat side by side on the lower bunk to digest food and chat.

"Isn't that Li Fengjiao's trustworthy person? How could the news spread back to the village? They are too unreliable in their work!" Jing Chengxi said with disgust.

He mainly disliked that the proprietress, who was serving rice, was not loyal enough and did not keep Li Fengjiao's secret.

Ju Min shook her head and said, "It may not be the proprietress who revealed the news, maybe Li Fengjiao said it herself."

No matter who said it, it is immoral.

If you don't speak clearly, you pass the word on and off, and in the end it becomes Ju Min who abducts someone.They spread it happily, and it is not easy to explain it clearly. Even if they make it clear, Ju Changfu and Ju Tangcheng may not be willing to listen. Even if they know that the matter has nothing to do with her, they will definitely not admit to continuing to flirt with her. Do yourself a favor by doing this.

Ju Min thinks clearly about their thoughts, and it is precisely because she knows how shameless and greedy they are that Ju Min is open-minded and fearless.

If you rape me even more, if you are strong, I will be stronger, if you are a rogue, I will be even more rogue, if you commit a crime, I will call the police
To deal with villains with evil tactics, it is best if they can be suppressed, and if they cannot be suppressed, they will be made worse. There are laws to teach them to be human.

After sitting for a while, Ju Ling was sent back to study by Ju Min, Jing Chengxi went to play computer, and Ju Min was left alone to play the small games on the mobile phone.

Before the end of a game, Peng Yan's phone call came in.

As soon as the connection was made, Peng Yan said worriedly: "Ju Jing just sent me a message saying that you might be in some trouble over there, how about it, do you need me to go over there?"

Ju Min was quite helpless, thinking that her second sister was really too, why did she bother Peng Yan, she didn't believe it when she said it was fine.

"No big deal, we can."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was an extremely unusual "bang bang bang" knock on the door, even Peng Yan on the other end of the phone heard it.

"Who is knocking on the door? Don't open the door easily, I'll go right away." After saying this, Peng Yan hung up the phone without giving Ju Min a chance to speak.

The knocking on the door became louder and louder, and there was a loud curse coming in. If I heard correctly, it was Ju Tangcheng who cursed.

"They're pretty fast!" Jing Chengxi walked up to Ju Min, and said in a deep voice, "I'm just wondering, how do they know where we live! These grandsons!"

How did Li Fengjiao know? Ju Min couldn't guess, but Ju Changfu and the others could still find out if they wanted to know.

Earlier, Ju Min asked Ma Jiaming, who knew Ju Changqing and Ju Changjie, to drive her back in a tricycle. Ju Min usually took a tricycle when he went out, and Ju Changjie drove a tricycle. La Sanlun can find out where she lives just by asking.

If Ju Changfu calls Ju Changjie or Ju Changqing, will they not tell?of course not.

Of course, this is just Ju Min's conjecture, and whether this is the case remains to be verified.

Now is not the time to prove these things, the most urgent thing is to get rid of these mad dogs outside the door.

Ju Min was going to the door, but Jing Chengxi held her back and refused to let her approach the door.

"Elder sister, you can go into the house to accompany the little one, I will take care of it," Jing Chengxi said with arrogance.

After speaking, he went to the kitchen to touch a kitchen knife.

It seemed he was serious about it.

Don't forget, the former Xiao Jing was also the number one person in the vocational high school. Who doesn't call him Brother Jing?

Afraid that something might happen to him, Ju Min couldn't let him deal with it alone, so he also went into the kitchen and touched a rolling pin and a pair of scissors.

Jing Chengxi stood by the door without opening the door and asked what the people outside were doing, Ju Tangcheng asked them to hand over Li Fengjiao, and if they didn't hand over, they would knock on the door.

Ju Min told them that she was not here and that Li Fengjiao's matter had nothing to do with them, and asked them to find someone else.

Of course Ju Tangcheng and the others couldn't listen, and they yelled louder one by one.

In just a short while, all the neighbors upstairs, downstairs and on the same floor came out. Seeing Ju Tangcheng and the others, they didn't dare to ask what was going on, but only dared to find a safe place to watch the excitement.

Jing Chengxi still talked to them patiently, but the people outside were more excited, even if the people inside shouted by their necks, they might not be able to hear them.

Ju Tangcheng really dared to hit the door.

The door of this old house is just like this house, you can't help tossing and shaking, it trembles a few times and it's scary, and if you try harder, they might really be able to knock it open.

"Open the door, I'll tell them." Ju Min grabbed Jing Chengxi and snatched the kitchen knife from Jing Chengxi's hand.

What Jing Chengxi wanted to say, Ju Ling who was in the room suddenly said: "Open the door, it's almost time."

Jing Chengxi didn't know why, but Ju Min smiled slightly, and suddenly opened the door.

Ju Tangcheng, who was raising his foot to kick the door, suddenly kicked in the air, and the man whose body was as stiff as a popsicle made a solid fork, "click" and "squeak" sounded at the same time, the former was hard The sound of breaking bones, the latter is the sound of tearing the crotch!
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(End of this chapter)

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