Farmer's Struggle

331 Unbalanced

331 Unbalanced

Qiao Jue will come here to celebrate the New Year!

I thought I couldn't come, because there is still a lot of work to do in the lab, and he is also preparing to graduate, but the professor who leads the lab doesn't want everyone to be too impatient, so he decided to give everyone a holiday during the Chinese New Year, so Qiao Jue has more Much free time at your disposal.

The time he can control is not the whole winter vacation, not that long. After thinking about it for several days, he decided to come all the way to celebrate the New Year.

What are you doing here?

Of course it's not as simple as spending the New Year with Ju Ling, he wants to make up lessons for Ju Ling!
During the time when Ju Ling injured her leg and asked for leave, he was the one who gave her lessons. Not only did Ju Ling's grades not drop but increased a lot, so he felt that Ju Ling liked his teaching methods, so he came to make up lessons for her when he had time , so that her college entrance examination results can also be raised.

Even if, even if he can't get into his university, he must try other universities in Kyoto.

He didn't tell Ju Ling about these small thoughts, but Ju Ling was very happy when he heard that Qiao Jue was coming here to celebrate the New Year.

Of course, she was not only happy because Qiao Jue was coming to spend the New Year with her, but because
"It's just right, my second sister said that there is a lot of work to do to keep fruit trees warm in winter, and you are here to help her with the work. My second sister must be very happy." Ju Ling said happily and heartlessly.

Qiao Jue: .
dizziness, vertigo, vomiting blood
However, I was not particularly happy to hear that Qiao Jue was coming to see her second sister, because her second sister's boyfriend, Yin Kaixuan, who had promised to go to school and return after finishing the internship report, would not come over during the winter vacation.

He has to go home.

Father Yin fainted at a party. Mother Yin called Yin Wanrou, and Yin Wanrou called Yin Kaixuan. The director did not explain what happened to Father Yin several times. Yin Kaixuan was in a hurry and went home by car. up.

Father Yin didn't pretend to be sick to trick him into going home, he was really sick.It's not a serious acute illness, but it's a problem caused by working day and night for a long time and irregular work and rest. When I was young, I didn't feel like it. When I got old, I couldn't hold on. The doctor suggested that he take a good rest for a period of time.

It's not so easy for him to take a break as a big business man. He manages the hundreds of mouths below, and his pace doesn't stop just by stopping.

What if I can't stop?My son is on top.

So this winter vacation, Yin Kaixuan was forced to work and had to handle many business matters on behalf of his father.

Regardless of the fact that he did not study at the Four or Sixth University and had nothing to do with business, he is quite reliable when he does things seriously. I dare not say how big his father's career has developed, at least he will not let the people below Hundreds of people lost their jobs.

Ju Jing said to let him do a good job and not let his parents worry about it, but he was actually a little bit uneasy in his heart.

If Yin Kaixuan completely takes over his father's career, then they may have no future.

But Ju Jing didn't worry for a long time, she was broad-minded and quickly figured it out.Everyone has their own way to go, if the way Yin Kaixuan wants to go is not in the same direction as hers, then what's the use of being pessimistic and sad, the one who suffers is herself, it's better to be happy every day, it's so unstoppable You can also say "Everyone is well" generously and unrestrainedly.

A few days after the three of Ju Min returned home, the Ju family welcomed the first group of guests—Ma Yuqiu and the younger generation of the Ma family.

Among the juniors, apart from Ma Yuran who had already been here once, there were also a few cousins ​​who came over.They didn't come to celebrate the New Year, they mainly sent Ma Yuqiu here.

Of course, the big living people have nothing to give away, the main thing is to give things.Ma Yuqiu brought too many things, and he and Ma Yuran couldn't carry them, so they asked a few juniors to help him bring them over.

This battle in the Ma family is not like being a guest to give gifts, but rather like moving here.

Large and small boxes, large and small bags, and the loading space of the bus are all taken up by their belongings.

So many people and so many things entered the village, which shocked almost the whole village.

Everyone in the cold weather came out to watch the excitement, so Ju Ying and Ju Wenlin also came out to watch.

Those who have something to say make fun of the two families, saying that the Ma family is also their relatives, why don't they send them so many things.

Ju Ying and Ju Wenlin were also very unbalanced. They were right, they were all from the Ju family, and they were all relatives of the Ma family. Why should they only bring things to Ju Lao San and not them.

Look at that big cardboard box, there must be some good things inside, all of which are cheap for Ju Laosan's family, it's really annoying.

Hey, don't say it, it really made them angry, Ma Yuqiu did bring a lot of good things, expensive and good ones.

Come with a set of rice cooker and induction cooker.It is convenient to cook and stir-fry. Anyone in the family can go to the hour when they are hungry. There is no need to endure hunger and eat with the big guys because of the trouble of cooking.

Here comes a soybean milk machine.I don’t make tofu every day at home, so it’s quite difficult to drink soy milk once. I have a soy milk machine that I can drink whenever I want, which is convenient and trouble-free.

One electric kettle.The earliest Ju family used a pot to boil water and put it in a thermos, and it was troublesome to boil it once.Later, I used it to boil water very quickly. That thing boils water very quickly, but it is also quite dangerous. After four or five explosions, Ma Yuqiu saw with his own eyes that it almost exploded once and almost scalded his sister. His heart has been hanging.

The electric kettle is safe and fast, and can be boiled whenever you want to drink. It is very friendly for those who love tea.

In addition to cooking and boiling water, he also bought a blood pressure monitor and a set of cupping devices, mainly for the convenience of checking his sister's health and dealing with some minor ailments.

Aside from the blood pressure monitor, the cupping device is quite useful in the Ju family.

Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi usually like to pull out a pot by themselves if they have back pain, arm and leg pain, or headache and brain fever.They all use glass jars for cupping. Take a piece of paper and throw it into the jar. When it is almost burnt, it will be buckled on the body. If it is not cured, it will be burned.

That night Ju Wenqi used the cupping device to pull out his own leg while chatting with the Ma family.

In addition to the big ones, Ma Yuqiu also bought some health products such as calcium tablets for his sister. Buy, I hope his sister's body can continue to be healthy.

The Ju family didn't publicize it to the outside world. Within two days, many people in the village knew that the Ma family had brought something good. Ju Lao San and the others wondered who passed it on.

Ma Yuqiu spent thousands of dollars on this trip, and Ju Ying and Ju Wenlin were very angry when they found out.

They haven't given up on being nice to Ma Yuqiu yet, thinking of benefiting from Ma Yuqiu, but they haven't found a chance.

The younger generations of the Ma family except Ma Yuran only lived in Ju Laosan's house for two days, and left together on the third day.Originally, Ma Yuran wanted to go back, but after hearing that Qiao Jue would come here for the New Year in a few days, he changed his mind, and told Ma Yuqiu that he stayed with him because he was worried about him.

Let's not talk about what the little girl is thinking, but only say that after the juniors have left, Ma Yuqiu also likes to wander around the village in his free time, which gives Ju Ying and Ju Wenlin a chance to catch up with him.

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(End of this chapter)

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