Chapter 333
When they arrived in Binjiang, they called Ju Min. Ju Min went to Yunhe to pick them up, first settled Wang Xiuhong in a rental house, and then returned to the village with Ruan Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiuhong's status was rather embarrassing, and it was inappropriate to go back to the village with Ruan Xiaofeng. Maybe Ruan Xiaofeng's mother was so angry when she saw her.

After returning to the village with Ruan Xiaofeng, Ju Min separated from him and let him go home and face everything by himself.

It was a big event for Ruan Xiaofeng to come back to the village. In less than an hour, almost everyone in the village knew about it, and everyone who could come out to watch the excitement came to watch the excitement. The gate of Ruan's house, which had been deserted for several years, seemed to be a big fair.

The Ruan family was much tougher than many people thought. They kicked Ruan Xiaofeng out to prevent him from seeing his mother, and Ruan Xiaofeng forced his way inside and was beaten.

If the hard ones can't be soft, Ruan Xiaofeng knelt at the door and begged to see his mother.

In the winter, the ground is either stepping on hard snow or ice, kneeling for a while is enough, and he knelt for a full day.

Not seen, still not seen.

This was his mother's attitude, as well as the Ruan family's attitude.

Ju Min, who didn't intend to intervene, really couldn't stand it anymore, and used to persuade Ruan Xiaofeng to leave first. Kneeling down like this is really not an option, and if he kneels out again, only Wang Xiuhong loves him.

Ruan Xiaofeng was a tough guy, and kowtowed several times at the door of Ruan's house, his forehead was red.Before leaving, Ruan Xiaofeng took out all the cash on his body and put it at the door, pressing it under the stone.

That's not a small sum of money, it's several thousand dollars.Not all of his and Wang Xiuhong's savings, but it was a lot of money for them.

Ju Min took Ruan Xiaofeng back to his home, and he didn't bother to greet the Ju family, he just sat there alone in a daze.

He stayed at Ju's house for dinner. After dinner, he was in a better mood. He was able to drink tea and chat with Ju Wenqi. He smiled and talked about his experiences in the past few years, and asked about the situation of the Ju family in the past few years.

When the atmosphere was just right, Zhang Yongmei ran home from the hotel in a panic and told Ruan Xiaofeng that his mother was gone.

The restaurant is the most well-informed place in the village, and Zhang Yongmei came back immediately after hearing the news, so when Ruan Xiaofeng rushed to Ruan's house, his mother left within half an hour.

He didn't let Ruan Xiaofeng take a look at him when he left, and he still didn't let him in. He even gave him the money he had left earlier, and told him clearly that he was no longer from the Ruan family, and the Ruan family would not want him. stinky money.

Many people persuaded the Ruan family not to do this. Whether they recognize him or not is the same thing. You have to get the money you deserve.

But the Ruan family didn't listen to this at all, and they wanted to draw a clear line with Ruan Xiaofeng, not to have anything to do with it.

Because Ruan Xiaofeng was close to Ju Laosan's family, the Ruan family didn't book a banquet with Ju's restaurant, so the white banquet in this village was held in other villages.

Ruan Xiaofeng was sad and guilty, he really didn't want to hurt the Ju family.

The Ju family didn't care much, it was just a banquet, without the Ruan family, there would be other families, and there would always be money to be made.

Ruan Xiaofeng fell into grief for several days, and he didn't even want to answer Wang Xiuhong's phone calls. He just hid in a corner in a daze or secretly cried.

Ju Min persuaded him several times but it didn't work. In the end, Ju Jing, who spoke the most straightforwardly, woke him up with a word.

Ju Jing said to him: "Your mother has been ill since the beginning of winter. The doctor said that she stayed there for two months in a few days. Why do you think it is? She just wants to wait for you to come back. You come back, She feels relieved. Maybe it's for your own good that she doesn't want to see you, so as to save you from continuing to entangle with the Ruan family endlessly, it's better to break up like this now. "

Ju Jing's analysis is very reasonable.

Ruan Xiaofeng's mother didn't want to leave for a long time, she hung her last breath and had to wait for Ruan Xiaofeng to come back before closing her eyes, most likely she was waiting for him.

She didn't need to look at her with her own eyes, and she didn't need to say anything touching. As long as she knew that he was back and he was fine, she could let go of her heart and leave with peace of mind.

Ruan Xiaofeng finally cheered up after another day of depression. When his mother was buried, he followed him from a distance, and he went over to kowtow a few times after everyone else had left.

There was no need to stay in the village anymore, Ruan Xiaofeng bid farewell to the Ju family, he wanted to go to Yunhe to find Wang Xiuhong first, the two lived in Ju Min's rental house for a while, and thought about what they could do.

After Ruan Xiaofeng left, the Ju family got together to chat about their family affairs, and Ju Jing couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if the Ju family could just break up like the Ruan family."

People are different after all, not to say how nice the Ruan family is, but just to say that Ju Wenlin and Ju Ying's behavior of leaning forward after smelling the fragrance is too cheap.

Every time Ju Wenqi talked about these two families, he remained silent, and the three sisters stopped talking when they saw him like that, which made Ju Wenqi feel uncomfortable.

All the tossing and tossing stopped, and the Spring Festival was not far away, and the Ju family began to get busy for the Spring Festival again.

The three sisters have a clear division of labor. Ju Ling makes money to attend classes and study, and Ju Jing runs on both sides of the hillside at home to ensure that the fruit trees survive the winter smoothly. The most difficult task of preparing new year's goods naturally falls on Ju Min's shoulders.

It is also okay to buy New Year's goods at Daji, but some items are of inferior quality. Anyway, Ju Min is not short of that little money, so she just went to the town to buy New Year's goods.

Jing Chengxi and Ma Yuran followed Ju Jing out all day long. No one helped Ju Min, so she had to go shopping by herself.

She went alone, she was not alone when shopping, she met Peng Yan!
People who are destined can always meet even if they don't discuss well.

Although there are only two people in Peng Yan's family, the necessary atmosphere must be created, and new year's goods must be bought.

He went to the market in the town to buy cooked food, and happened to meet Ju Min who was picking out dried shrimps.

If you want to buy new year's goods, then just take a company. Two people who are very good at bargaining together can definitely save a lot of money after shopping together.

By noon they had already bought a lot of things, Peng Yan took Ju Min to a friend's store to store the purchased things there, and then took her to lunch.

Talking about the current situation while eating and chatting, the shoe store has nothing to say, business has always been good, but Ju Min has a lot to talk about.

Hearing Ju Min said that the family wanted to hire a cook but couldn't find a suitable one, Peng Yan said, "If you don't have any special requirements, I can help you find them."

The fact that he can say that proves that he already has a suitable candidate in his heart, but he hasn't finalized it yet, so he won't say it to death.

Ju Min heard his overtones, and asked directly who the person he was looking for came from without deviating from it.

Seeing her yelling anxiously, Peng Yan smiled and said, "Eat first, and I'll take you to have a look after dinner. He's quite a nice person, but he has experienced too many bad things, so don't feel bad when you see him. So surprised."

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(End of this chapter)

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