Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 341 boil over

Chapter 341 boil over

Ju Min's arrangement for them was naturally not bad, and the couple felt both happy and embarrassed.

Wang Xiuhong said: "From Da Nan Bian to Yun He, you have been the one who dragged us away. You said you called us brother and sister-in-law, but we didn't take care of you and asked you to take care of us. We really are. "

The more she talked, the more uncomfortable she became, and Wang Xiuhong's eyes turned red.

Ju Min hurriedly interrupted her, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you can't say that. I didn't pull you away, but we supported each other. I said that when I was in the south, if I didn't meet you, what would happen to me later? It's hard to say. It's the same now. Isn't it convenient for me to help you find a job? Let me tell you that working in the school cafeteria is not easy, and it takes a few hours to stop there. It's not what you want good job."

No one believed her when she said it wasn't a good job, but with her words, Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife really didn't feel so uncomfortable.

As soon as school starts, the beverage store will hold a big event, buy one and get one free for drinks in the store.Of course, it’s not about buying something and getting something free, but buying a cup of milk tea and getting a free soda drink.

Ju Min and Jing Chengxi were in charge of making milk tea, while Wang Xiuhong served soda.Three people are indeed more efficient than two people, and they sold a lot of milk tea in one noon.

After a busy day, I was very tired, but when I thought about the money in the account, everyone felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Wang Xiuhong was also very emotional.

"Big sister, Xiaofeng and I used to think that only big business can make money, but after following you we know that business has no size, as long as it is done well, even a small business can still make big money," Wang Xiuhong said enviously.

Ju Min actually didn't quite agree with Wang Xiuhong's words.

Of course, business has its size. From the beginning to now, Ju Min has been doing small business, and the so-called big money she earns is also the big money in small business. Putting it in front of other people's big business, the money she makes is really not enough.

But there is no need to tell Wang Xiuhong about these things, everyone has different ideas, so there is no need to let others have the same ideas as hers.

The couple adapted quickly in the cafeteria, and within a week they got to know everyone in the cafeteria No. [-], and everyone took good care of them.

I heard that the couple lived together with Ju Min and the others, and the uncle in the main dining area introduced them to a renter. On weekends, Ju Min accompanied the couple to look at the house.

The house is not far from No. [-] Middle School, and it is also an old house. Except for a little poor lighting, there is nothing else to say, and the rent is also very cheap. The couple should even negotiate with the landlord to rent the house.

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife were very happy to finally have their own place to live. They wanted to cook and entertain everyone to eat at home.

When they all gathered at Ruan Xiaofeng's place, Ju Min received a call from Peng Yan.Peng Yan wanted to ask Ju Min to go out for dinner, and talk about the latest batch of goods by the way.

Anyway, it was all about eating, so Ju Min called Peng Yan over, and let him meet Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife.

After dinner, Ju Ling and the others were called to the living room to eat fruit, and Ju Min and Peng Yan went to the balcony to chat about new products.

Peng Yan also contacted several manufacturers of small items, and they would sell the small items thrown out of the factories to Peng Yan at a price equivalent to free gifts.

Because there were so many small items that could not be digested as small gifts, Peng Yan wanted to ask Ju Min if he had any good ideas. If he had no ideas, he could only reluctantly buy some small items.

"Why don't you open a one-yuan and two-yuan store?" Ju Min suggested.

Peng Yan shook his head and said sincerely: "I still want to sell shoes, and I will open another shoe store if I want to. I don't think about other stores for the time being."

Peng Yan can't do it himself, but I think Ju Min can consider it.

"Why don't you open a one-yuan and two-yuan store in school?" After speaking, Peng Yan felt that something was wrong: "No, stationery and other things are better sold in school, and most of the factories I contacted recently produce daily necessities. "

Daily necessities?

It's really hard to sell in school.

However, it should be very marketable in the country.

Ju Min and Peng Yan thought of this almost at the same time, and said in unison tacitly: "The restaurant!"

That's right, the goods can be delivered to the Ju's restaurant. Anyway, the restaurant is big enough, and it would be nice to set aside a small space to sell these things.

There is a two-dollar store in Yunhe, and people from the village below love to visit Yunhe when they come to play.

You get what you pay for, and the things in the two-dollar store are cheap. If you want to say how good the quality is, it’s really bragging. It can only be said that it is very cost-effective compared to the price.

When selling it, it is said that the goods may have defects, but they will definitely not affect the use. Everyone will definitely buy them because they are cheap.

The goods are not worth the money, and the shipping costs are not cheap.

This is what Ju Min is more worried about. She is afraid that she won't be able to make a lot of money after all the hard work, so it's better not to bother her parents and let them just stop and run the restaurant.

Regarding the freight, Peng Yan also has a solution.

He said: "You don't have to worry about the freight. I know a friend who is engaged in logistics. His company will give us a discount if the goods are shipped. We can save a lot of money on the freight alone."

Even if you ask a friend to do something, it is also a debt of favor. Since it is owed, there will always be a time to pay it back. To be honest, Ju Min already owes enough and doesn't want to owe more.

Seemingly seeing Ju Min's careful thinking, Peng Yan said to her again: "During the Chinese New Year, I gave that friend a tea tray made by my third uncle, and he liked it very much, so he was willing to give me a discount. , the favors have already been filled in, so you can rest assured."

That being the case, what is there to hesitate about?

That night Ju Min called home to talk about the matter. Ju Wenqi didn't dare to make the decision himself, so he asked Zhang Yongmei to make a decision.

Zhang Yongmei only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

In the past, Ju Wenqi thought about opening a small shop in a restaurant, so that people would come to play and sell things along the way, how nice it would be.But at that time, Zhang Yongmei was too busy and didn't agree. Now the situation is a little different. With Brother Long's help, he will hire extra work for the banquet. Zhang Yongmei is not as tired as before, so she is fine. It also seems to be a good time to sell things.

Ju Jing was also on the side to help them out, saying that it is possible to install a monitor or something, and let the shoppers choose by themselves, and they can just sit in front of the monitor and watch. They are not afraid of others stealing things, and it is quite easy for themselves.

Zhang Yongmei also thought that Ju Jing wasted money, and told her not to think about these useless things, and first opened the one-yuan and two-yuan store before talking about other things.

If it all depends on Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi, the old couple will be exhausted to open this store, so Ju Min still thinks that Ju Jing's idea is more reliable, and she will discuss some follow-up matters with Ju Jing.

Ju Jing is quite busy these days, hillside, blogging, publishing books, and now she has to help her parents open a store. She wishes to work as two people alone. Tired is very tired, but Ju Jing feels very at ease. Very satisfied.

The second girl of the Ju family is finally going to make it through.

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(End of this chapter)

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