Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 359 Hail

Chapter 359 Hail
October is the busy season for the autumn harvest, and the villagers in Xiaofuqiangtun are busy with the harvest.

Not all trees were planted on Ju Jing's hillside, and there was still a piece of soybean planted at the foot of the hill, which she planned to use for making miso.

Not a lot, and they were all collected in less than half a day.Ju Jing and Zhao Laohan Dachun piled the harvested soybeans in the field to dry, planning to dry the beans directly and pack them into bags and transport them home.

The soybeans in the field hadn't dried yet, and a hailstorm came unexpectedly.

At that time, Ju Jing was feeding her grandma at home, and the sky darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ju Jing felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't control things like the weather, so she could only wait and see.

Sure enough, after a short while, the strong wind carried hail the size of pigeon eggs and fell from the sky, crackling and crackling, the sound was terrifying.

Ju Jing was so anxious that she kept chanting "quickly stop", it doesn't matter if soybeans are smashed, but fruit trees are a big deal!
She had just planted [-] fruit trees before harvesting soybeans, and autumn planting was already difficult. It was uncertain what the hailstorm would look like, and Ju Jing felt distressed when she thought about it.

I feel sorry for the labor I and Zhao Laohan have put in, and I also feel sorry for the money and time spent.

The hailstorm lasted more than ten minutes before it stopped. Several pieces of glass in Ju’s house and the restaurant were smashed, Ju Jing’s agricultural vehicle parked in the yard was smashed, and the shed in the front yard of the hotel was knocked down.
The restaurant at home was in a mess, but Ju Jing didn't have time to clean it up. She went to the restaurant and called Zhang Yongmei back to accompany her grandma. She went to the hillside to check the situation first.

When she was walking into the field, she ran into several people from the village, and two of them were injured by the hailstorm, and blood was gurgling from the wound, which looked serious.

Ju Jing was even more worried. Zhao Laohan and Dachun were real people. Don't run out for soybeans or fruit trees regardless of the hail. No matter how important fruit trees and crops are, no one is important.

Her worries were not superfluous, Zhao Laohan and the other two were really stupid people.

Both of them were really injured.

Dachun's hands and face showed signs of being smashed, and Zhao Laohan's head was smashed, bleeding a lot.He didn't deal with it properly, so he just took a towel and wrapped his head, which looked funny and distressed.

When the dark clouds rolled in, they realized that something was wrong, and they pulled the plastic sheet to cover the soybean stack, but before they could finish covering, the hailstones came crashing down.

They didn't stay idle after covering the soybeans, and went to check the fruit trees again.

There is nothing that can prevent the fruit trees from being damaged by the hail. They walked around the fruit forest and saw that the branches of the fruit trees were broken, and even some small fruit trees were directly smashed. There is no other way but to worry.

In the end, they did nothing but hurt themselves. When they saw Ju Jing, they only felt guilty. Zhao Laohan even turned red-eyed, saying that they were sorry for Ju Jing, and did not guard the tree properly.

No one can do anything about natural disasters, and Ju Jing doesn't blame them at all.

She asked Zhao and Laohan to go back to the village to treat the wound first, and then come to help after all the treatment is done.

After they left, Ju Jing went to check the fruit trees alone, seeing the broken branches and fallen leaves on the ground, her nose was sore and she couldn't control her tears.

These are all her painstaking efforts.

She worked hard for more than two years, and a hailstorm of ten minutes almost destroyed everything.

Everything is not going well, God seems to be targeting her deliberately, making it extremely difficult for her to advance every step of the way, both in career and in love.

It's not fair, it's really not fair.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and the tears became more and more uncontrollable. In the end, she just squatted on the ground and hugged her knees and cried bitterly.

She had never cried like this since she was a child.

Grievance, resentment, distress.
All kinds of emotions were mixed together, if she cried unhappily, she would be destined to be driven crazy.

I don't know how long I cried, my legs were already numb, and the sky was sunny after the dark clouds cleared, as if the hailstorm just now had never fallen at all.

Ju Jing also slowly adjusted her emotions, wiped away her tears, and stood up carefully from the ground.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I have cried and cried, life must go on, and we still have to find ways to minimize losses.

Walking around the orchard, she found that the situation was not as bad as she thought.

There are not many small trees that were broken, only a dozen or so, and the remaining small trees can still be rescued.The newly planted fruit trees this spring and the ones planted last year are only damaged on their branches and leaves, and the main trunks are still in good condition, so the impact is not too big.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called Wang Yalei to ask him to send another batch of young trees. It's not too late to replant them.

When she was picking up the broken branches, Zhao Laohan and Dachun came back, and the injured places had been treated. Zhang Yongmei was afraid that they would not care, so she packed them a pack of medicine and brought them here. If you have a cold, fever, or bump, you can use it. use.

They helped Ju Jing to work together, and it didn't take long for the orchard to be tidied up, and they just waited for the new trees to come and plant them.

The one who came out was too anxious to bring a camera, so Ju Jing ran home and took a lot of photos with the camera. After all, there are still fruit trees claimed by netizens in the orchard. Let them know that the fruit trees have been hit by hail, so they can save them later. Seeing that the fruit trees are not as strong as before, it is hard to explain.

The damage caused by the hail this time was very heavy, and Ju Jing’s side was still doing well. Several soybeans in the village that were not harvested in time were photographed in the field, and the beans were scattered all over the ground, making it difficult to pick them up.The rice was also knocked down and damaged, making harvesting more difficult.Of all the crops, probably only corn lost a little bit less.

In addition to crops, many houses and other things were also damaged. Niuer's cowshed was knocked down, and a calf was killed. The loss was huge.Glasses were smashed in almost every house, and there were a few broken glass that hurt people, and the blood was screaming.

Zhao Fen was injured by broken glass.

At that time, she was standing by the window looking at the situation outside. The glass shattered and a piece of glass shattered and pierced her cheek. The wound was deep and long, and she went to the village clinic for several stitches.

People, always have to look in the direction of the good, and can't always think about the bad, then life really can't go on.

Ju Jing compared herself with these people, and found that she was not miserable, so there was nothing to be sad about.

The broken glass at home and in the restaurant was replaced with new ones, the collapsed shed was erected again, Wang Yalei’s small tree was sent to be replanted, and the agricultural vehicles were also sent to the agricultural machinery repair station for repairs. Everything is on the right track. It's approaching November.

The weather is getting colder every day, and Ju Jing should get busy for the winter of the fruit trees. On the other side of the Yunhe, the elder sister of the Ju family has also started to prepare for the winter.

It's still early to wear down jackets and big padded shoes, but it's time to get ready. You can't wait until you really want to wear them before buying them, so you won't be in a hurry.

Ju Ling was reluctant to spend money on her elder sister, so she didn't want new clothes and pants if they could be worn, but she had to buy the cotton shoes, last year's ones were no longer warm.

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(End of this chapter)

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