Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 368 Death

Chapter 368 Death
Qiao Jue has the experience of studying abroad. The level of foreign language is not very high, and there is absolutely no problem in normal communication. Therefore, the school appointed him to participate in a language training activity for Olympic volunteers. He spends one to two hours every day teaching foreign languages ​​​​to volunteers. .

Because of being busy, Qiao Jue and Ju Ling's calls became shorter and less frequent. They used to be able to make one call a week, but now they only have one call every ten days and a half months.

Ju Ling doesn't think this kind of love is bitter, and it feels good to do everything to go to the other party. She hopes that when she looks back on this period of time in the future, she will feel proud and fulfilled.

Like Ju Ling, there is Ju Jing who talks about a love that others feel bitter but only herself does not feel bitter.

She and Yin Kaixuan separated for more than half a year, and she never received a reply to the messages she sent. She has always learned about Yin Kaixuan through Qiao Jue and Peng Yan.

She can probably understand why Yin Kaixuan didn't reply to her message, and if she thinks about it in another way, she might not reply to his message either.In the most difficult time, they are each other's weakness. Hearing each other's voice may lose any fighting spirit, and they just want to snuggle together to keep each other warm.

In this case, they will be strong in their respective lives and welcome the dawn together.

The publication details of the second book have already been negotiated, and the next step is to revise and proofread, and there is no need for Ju Jing to do anything.

This year is the third year of planting the first batch of fruit trees, and they will bloom and bear fruit, but don't expect as many flowers and fruits as they can. The yield will definitely not be high, and it will mainly depend on next year.

Even so, Ju Jing and her netizens are still very excited and apprehensive. Ju Jing even updates the growth of the fruit trees twice a week. She will describe every little change and share it with her friends.

Ju Jing not only cared about fruit trees, she also began to surround the mountains and prepare to raise chickens in the mountains.

Ma Yuqiu is an expert in breeding. Ju Jing will call him to ask relevant questions when she has nothing to do. Ma Yuqiu will answer them carefully and carefully. He will also help her contact seedling and feed manufacturers so that she can buy cheap and safe ones. Chicks and feed.

Nearly April, Ma Yuqiu even came to Xiaofuqiang Village with a luggage bag.

He doesn't have much to do in the provincial capital, so he can not only help Ju Jing in mountain farming, but also spend more time with Ma Yushan.

Ma Yushan's condition has not been very good since the beginning of winter last year. She is lethargic all day long, doesn't like to eat and sleep well, and has lost a lot of weight.

Years later, Ju Jing took her grandma to have a check-up, but nothing was wrong. The doctor said that it might be due to getting older, and there was no other way.

Probably there is a telepathic connection between the siblings, Ma Yuqiu has always been very uneasy, and he is really not at ease if he is not by his sister's side.

With him by his side, Ma Yushan's condition has indeed improved. After eating a little more food, she will respond a little bit when talking to her.

The Ju family breathed a sigh of relief, and when they got together to chat and laugh, they even said that grandma missed her younger brother, and that she would not eat well or sleep well if she wanted to be with her mother's family.

However, this was not the case. A few days later, grandma's condition suddenly became worse. She didn't eat or talk, and it was very strenuous to get up while lying on the kang.

The Ju family didn't dare to delay, so Ma Liu sent him to Yunhe Hospital, but nothing was found, and then went to Binjiang Hospital, but still no serious problems were found, and finally had to go to the hospital in the provincial capital.

After staying in the hospital for four days, my grandma's condition fluctuated from good to bad. The doctor suggested that she should be discharged from the hospital and go home to take good care of her. Maybe after a while, grandma will get better by herself.

In other words, the hospital in the provincial capital didn't find out any serious problems with grandma's body, so they could only prescribe medicine according to some of the symptoms grandma was showing now.

If you don’t eat, you will be prescribed medicines for invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, if you can’t sleep well, you will be prescribed medicines to help you sleep, and if you are not energetic, you will take some vitamin health care products. The money is spent, and the place is not less tossed. In the end, I still have to go back to Xiaofuqiang Village to recuperate. .

In fact, Ma Yuqiu hoped that Ma Yushan would stay in the provincial capital, because it would be convenient to see a doctor if something happened, but Ma Yushan didn't adapt to the environment there, and his mood was very unstable.

Back home, at least Grandma is emotionally stable, which is vital for her body.

Anyone who understands has a guess in their hearts, but no one dares to say it.

Grandma has been insane for so many years. She has suffered and suffered poverty with her. She has been wronged, bullied and beaten. She suffers more than anyone in the Ju family. No one in the family thinks she is a burden, and they all want her to be able to Longevity and health.

It is a very good wish to live a long life, but after all, there are very few people who live a hundred years.

Grandma couldn't wait for that day.

In early May, one month before Ju Ling's college entrance examination, grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep.

Ju Ling knew about her grandma's physical condition and that her family took her to the provincial capital to see a doctor, but she didn't know that her grandma passed away suddenly.

The family was full of grief. While dealing with grandma's funeral, they also had to consider whether to tell Ju Ling the bad news.

At such a critical time, telling her might affect her exam, which is a big exam that affects her future. Even if she wants to come to grandma, she doesn't want to delay her granddaughter's future.

It's not so easy to hide it, because Ju Min and Ju Ling live together.

Ju Min knows everything, but she can't show it in front of her little sister, it's really hard.

There are problems whether to tell or not, and we must choose the one that hurts relatively less.

Finally, they decided to tell Ju Ling the news.

Ju Ling is a strong and independent girl. Even if she failed the college entrance examination this year because of her grandma, she can fight for another year. But if she hides this matter from her and makes her miss the chance to send grandma for the last time, she may regret it for the rest of her life. .

For a year and a lifetime, the Ju family chooses the latter.

They hope that Ju Ling will not cry when she thinks of grandma in the future because she did not attend grandma's funeral.

The weather is no longer cool, we must arrange grandma's burial as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Ju Ling caught up.

The day she came home was the day grandma was buried.

The Ju family didn't make a big fuss, and they didn't get things done in a hurry. They had all the necessary links, and even arranged a funeral banquet after the burial.

The funeral banquet of Ju Lao San's family does not accept gifts, nor is it a public banquet, only relatives and friends of the family are entertained.

Several families who are very close to each other in the village have come. Ju Wenlin and Ju Ying's family can all come, Ju Changqing and Ju Changjie also come, and the family of Ju's daughter-in-law and the people from Ma's side all come together. People are not young or old.

As the main family, Ju Laosan's family doesn't even have time to be sad, and they have to take care of these people well.

Finally, it was my family's turn to rest and eat, and everyone had no appetite, and they didn't even have the strength to speak.

Ju Ling couldn't stand the atmosphere and got up to leave.

When she came home, there were traces of grandma everywhere, memories of grandma everywhere, and even the unique smell of grandma wafting in the air, which was not good, but it was nostalgic.

I had already cried a lot during the funeral, but now I couldn't help it anymore, tears fell down.

Unable to stay any longer, Ju Ling turned around and walked out, squatting under the eaves of the backyard, hugging her knees and crying silently.

I don't know how long I cried, a pair of hot and generous hands suddenly fell on her shoulders, she raised her tear-stained face to look at the blurred face of the visitor, all the emotions burst out at once, and she threw herself into the embrace of the visitor, She poured all her tears into his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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