Chapter 370

In fact, when the English teacher said this, the students didn't feel much in their hearts, because their place was not in the earthquake zone, and they had never experienced an earthquake when they grew up, so they couldn't imagine how big an earthquake was.

The English teacher talked too much and even some students felt annoying, feeling that the teacher was delaying their study, and the courageous students asked the teacher to stop talking, and they had to study quietly by themselves if they didn’t talk about the papers.

The teacher sat on the podium with red eyes, and Ju Ling was relatively close to her, and quietly handed her some tissues.

Ju Ling had just lost a family member. Although she was not quite the same as the teacher's uneasy mood, there was a slight similarity in it, so she didn't feel annoyed like some classmates.

Next night, he walked out of class for self-study and met Qiao Jue who came to pick him up from school.Under the bright light, one can see his brows furrowed deeply, and his lips tightly pursed, which is a sad look rarely seen in Ju Ling.

Ju Ling asked him what was wrong, and he talked about the earthquake.

At this time, Ju Ling realized that this disaster may be very terrible.

In the next period of time, the most frequently discussed topic among the students during class breaks was earthquakes.The TV in the cafeteria, which was basically not turned on in the past, is now turned on almost all day, so that all teachers and students who are concerned about the situation in the earthquake area can understand the situation.

Ju Ling ate lunch for several days with slightly salty tears. Life is marked by numbers, and life becomes a story told by others. Ju Ling is a bystander and a witness.

The school organized donations, and the teacher did not set a minimum donation amount. The students reached a consensus to donate a minimum of [-]. Ju Ling was the whole class. No, it was the only special case in the whole school to be precise. She didn't donate a dime.

For this reason, students and teachers often talk about her behind her back.

Saying that she has good grades but no qualities, she may become a scourge when she enters society in the future; saying that she is rich but has nothing, this kind of person will suffer retribution sooner or later.

It is obviously a voluntary donation activity, but in the eyes of many people, it has become a standard to measure a person's character and morality. If you do not abide by their rules, you are not worthy of being a human being, and it is garbage.

Ju Ling felt very sad and wronged, but she didn't explain anything.

It was her decision not to donate through the school after discussing with Qiao Jue and Ju Min.

Qiao Jue is quite familiar with the ways of making donations. If you donate 100 yuan, less than half of the money will actually go to the victims!It’s not that someone in the middle did what with the money, but that each charitable organization will charge a certain fee, and deduct these layer by layer, and there is really not much left.

So they decided not to go through these charities, but to directly purchase supplies and deliver them to the quake zone.

The three sisters, their boyfriend and Jing Chengxi, seven of them, invested a total of [-] yuan to buy supplies. Peng Yan contacted a friend in the logistics business to help deliver the supplies. When others pointed at Ju Ling for not donating, Ju Ling and their supplies have been sent to the disaster area.

Doing this kind of thing is to make her own peace of mind, so after thinking about it, Ju Ling doesn't care what others say or think, anyway, she has a clear conscience.

Out of the 10 yuan, she paid the least. The biggest leader was Yin Kaixuan, followed by Qiao Jue and Peng Yan, then Ju Min and Ju Jing, and finally Jing Chengxi and her.

This kind of thing doesn't need to be swollen to look fat, it can be done according to her ability, she is still a student, and the money she can spend is really limited.

The family is in distress and the country is in mourning. This May is extremely long and difficult.

Entering June, the students in the third year of high school were not as nervous as before, and Ju Ling tried to relax herself as much as possible. Qiao Jue appropriately changed Ju Ling's study plan to give her more time to relax.

During breaks and lunch breaks, Ju Ling would walk out of the classroom for a walk, and several times met Zhang Yang with a girl.Their behavior is ambiguous, and everyone can see what kind of relationship they have.

In the freshman year of high school, she competed with her, and said that the little boy who liked her and wanted to chase her had a girlfriend. Ju Ling was not disappointed, but felt that the feelings of young people were too fickle, and he was still a mature man like Qiao Jue. Relatively reliable.

High school life is about to come to an end, and there are quite a few students who are rushing to fall in love so as not to leave regrets in their high school life.

In addition to Zhang Yang, Ju Ling also saw that Ran Yuqing was dating a boy.

Other people's affairs have nothing to do with her, but occasionally she will feel a lot of emotion when she thinks that her high school life is coming to an end.

When I was in junior high school, I would write classmate records, but in high school, no one did it. Everyone left QQ and asked for a phone number. As long as they wanted to, there was always a way to contact them.

On the afternoon of June 6th, I will clean up. After cleaning, I will leave school with all my belongings. On the 5th, I will rest at home for a whole day, and on the 6th, I will go to my examination room to take the exam.

From junior high school to high school, Ju Ling stayed in No. [-] Middle School for six years, and has a deeper affection for this school than many people.

She sent the things back to the rental house in advance and asked Qiao Jue to come over and take pictures of her.She also wants to make a graphic record like the second sister, recording the footprints she left in No. [-] Middle School.

On the 6th, Ju Jing came from home to accompany her younger sister in the college entrance examination.

In fact, Ju Ling doesn't need anyone to accompany her at all. She feels that she is in a good state now, but the people around her are getting flustered one by one.

The most flustered ones were not the eldest and second sisters of the Ju family, but Qiao Jue.

When he was studying, he never worried about exams, and even after he graduated, he would have to worry about his girlfriend's exams, which is ridiculous when he thinks about it.

It's boring to stay at home all day. Ju Min suggested that everyone go to the pedestrian street together. If you are tired, you can go to the stalls in the square to eat some barbecue sorbet or something.

Others ate and drank, but Ju Ling didn't dare to eat casually, she was afraid that eating bad food would make her stomach upset and affect the exam.

Staring at others eating is torture, so she sits there and spends most of her time looking around to divert her attention.

Unexpectedly, the attention was finally shifted to an acquaintance.

Jiang Xiaofei was also in the small square, eating ice cream at an ice cream stand not far away.

Ju Ling saw her, she also saw Ju Ling, everyone turned their eyes away and pretended not to see that Xiangan was fine, but this Jiang Xiaofei did not take the usual way, came over to say hello to them, and cared about Ju Ling The exam is coming tomorrow.

She is the invigilator, and she wants to know which high school Ju Ling is taking the exam in. Maybe they can still be in the same school, and she can take care of Ju Ling if there is anything.

No need, Ju Ling refused in his heart.

Her examination room is in No. [-] Middle School, so there is no need to bother.Coincidentally, Jiang Xiaofei is also invigilating the exam at No. [-] Middle School, maybe they can really meet each other.

When she was about to leave after saying hello, Jiang Xiaofei said something extra, she said: "You have to be more careful in the exam, read the papers carefully, every year in the college entrance examination there are students who write wrong answer sheets sloppily, don't make mistakes like this A low-level mistake."

I don't know if it's Jiang Xiaofei's crow's mouth or Ju Ling's really careless, but Ju Ling really made a low-level mistake in the math test that she is best at and most confident in!

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(End of this chapter)

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