Chapter 375

When everyone got together in the evening, Ju Jing started the conversation and asked: "Earlier, you said that you would go to Kyoto to watch the Olympic Games. Do you still have this plan now? If so, I will take care of the orchard and the chicken coop earlier. If I don’t go, I’ll let the netizens come and play.”

Whether to go or not, it all depends on Ju Ling.

If she is going, both Ju Min and Ju Jing will definitely go, if she does not go, then what is the point of Ju Min and Ju Jing going.

The Olympic Games will start on August [-]th, and most of the competitions will start after August [-]th. However, before the opening, some competitions that require multiple rounds of preliminaries have already started, so you can watch the competitions in advance.

At that time, Ju Ling was looking forward to the Olympic Games and wanted to feel the charm of the Olympic Games. Now that the opening day of the Olympic Games is getting closer, she has no such thoughts.

If she went to the Olympics, she would have to leave home in August, and she would have to wait until the final exam was over before returning home. It would take several months, and she would definitely feel homesick.

When I was young, I didn't know the pain of parting, and I always felt that the control of my parents was a burden, and I wanted to escape far away, but when I really understood the love of my parents, it would not be so easy to be with my parents.

Growing up in such a family, Ju Ling understood the love of parents and brotherhood from a very young age, so she was unwilling to leave home.Even if she had to leave, she would definitely go home whenever she had the chance, and spend more time with her parents.

Now that her parents are old and not in good health, no matter how unwilling she is, she can't escape the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death, just like grandma.

After thinking about it, Ju Ling decided not to go anywhere this summer, but to stay at home.

Ju Min and Ju Jing themselves don't have much interest in the Olympics. They just like to join in the fun and find it more interesting to play together, so it's the same at home.

But Qiao Jue is different. When he was in college, he was still running around the world. This year’s Olympics is just outside his house. If he doesn’t go, he will definitely regret it. So Ju Ling made an agreement with Qiao Jue in advance that he would go back early if he wanted to watch the Olympics. , she will definitely not be unhappy.

Everyone thought that Qiao Jue would stay in Xiaofuqiangtun for a summer vacation because of Ju Ling. Unexpectedly, in mid-July, after Ju Ling received the admission letter from the university, he packed his luggage and returned to Kyoto.

He was afraid that Ju Ling would be upset, and before he left, he explained that he didn't go back to watch the Olympics, but wanted to clean up the house.

When Ju Ling starts school, he will definitely live on campus during his freshman year, but he can live at his house on weekends and holidays. He doesn't care what he does, but he doesn't want to wrong Ju Ling, so he has to prepare well.

As soon as he left, Yin Kaixuan came over with his luggage and his cat, and Ju Jing's eight netizens also arrived together the next day.

The first big meal to welcome Yin Kaixuan and the eight netizens was Ju Ling's school entrance banquet.

The three sisters all felt that it would be more appropriate to hold a school entrance banquet even before the start of school in mid-to-late August. It is too early to do it now, but Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei really can't wait. Wait until August.

It's rare for parents to be so happy. The three sisters naturally don't want to disappoint them, so they can do whatever they want.

Before tossing this school entrance feast, Ju Wenqi turned his legs and went to the Ju family cemetery to set off a string of firecrackers.

Thousands of firecrackers rang for a long time, not only Xiao Fuqiang can hear it, but also San Fatzi next door.

Ju Wenqi went alone and stayed in the cemetery for a long time. When he came back, the knees of his trousers were dirty and his eyes were red. He obviously knelt in front of the cemetery and cried for a long time.

The hanging of firecrackers aroused the curiosity of many people in the village, and they came to ask Ju Wenqi's family if there was any happy event.

As for Ju Wenqi, he immediately cheerfully showed Ju Ling's admission letter to others, saying that his girl was admitted to B University, and asked him to come to a banquet on a certain day.

In the past, no matter what happened to the Ju family, there were people who were bitter, but now that Ju Ling has been admitted to such a good university, there are not many people who are bitter, and more people are saying that Ju Wenqi is embarrassing.

They said that Miss Ju Wenqi was so good at being admitted to university, and she had to jump high in the future if she had a better future.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were not only not angry when they heard this, but they laughed even brighter.

Of course you have to jump high, whose child is so promising and doesn't jump high.

On the day of the banquet, Peng Yan also rushed over.

He already knew that Ju Min had told his family about them, so he came here to give presents to the future father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law openly and aboveboard.

Ju Min and Peng Yan no longer shy away from it in front of outsiders, anyone who is not blind can see what is going on with them.

There were quite a few people who came to the banquet to feel sour, but now knowing that not only the third girl in the Ju family has a happy event, but also the eldest girl has a good fortune, they feel even more sour.

The most sour ones are of course Ju Wenlin and Ju Ying.

Over the years, Ju's Restaurant has hosted so many banquets for others, but only hosted two for itself. The first one was a funeral banquet where no gifts were accepted and no foreign guests were accepted, and the second one was this entrance-to-study banquet that everyone is welcome to. .

There is no gift at the funeral banquet, but a gift money is required at the entrance examination banquet!

The two families of Ju Wenlin and Ju Ying were not very happy to spend money on banquets, but all the families in the village came, and it was really unreasonable for them not to come.No matter what kind of trouble they have, they have to go in the form that should be taken.

The one who hurt the most was Ju Wenlin's family. Just Ju Wenlin gave a gift of 100 yuan, and the whole family had eight sons, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law!
Ju Tangcheng and Huang Zhaodi also came. They did not attend the ceremony alone with Ju Wenlin and the others, and chose other tables for dinner.

Ju Min arranged Ju Wenlin's family and Ju Ying's couple at the same table, and let them rush to grab food, which was fun too.

Sitting there drinking and eating food, listening to the people at the next table boasting about the future of the girl from the Ju family and the blessings of the youngest Ju and his wife, the people at the Ju family's heart were bubbling with sourness, and they couldn't help but say a few sour words.

It was rare for the two families to talk together, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious at first.Later, when the hard dishes started to be served, the atmosphere became a little strange.

Ju’s restaurant’s banquet dishes are not small, and the number of dishes is not small. It is enough to eat normally, but now the banquets in Silibaxiang not only eat but also take. Putting them in the plastic bag they brought, no matter how big the dish is, it's not enough for them to take it.

A whole chicken was served, and after the chicken legs were dragged away, both Ju Ying and Bai Guirong wanted to put the rest in their bags, and no one would let the other.

There are whole fish, elbows and other hard dishes in the back, each of which has to be fought, and the two families almost fought because of this cheapness.

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(End of this chapter)

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