Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 384 Salary

Chapter 384 Salary
"Think about it, staying in the country is indeed quite free, but there are also many inconveniences. For example, the Internet, Yunhe has a fast network speed, and you can play games and do anything. The network speed here is not good, and watching videos has to be cached for half a day. There are also your personal problems. Staying in the country and Huiyunhe may be two social circles, and you will face different candidates when you are looking for a partner. She analyzed earnestly like a sister.

What she said was very real.

Most of the young people in the village have gone out to work, Jing Chengxi has no chance to meet more girls of the same age, let alone find a partner, it is not easy to find someone who is about the same age and can give it a try.

Now you can still say that you are not young enough to play enough, what about in the future?You can't just let it be like this for the rest of your life.

Jing Chengxi sat upright, and asked with a flattering smile: "Sister Jing, my brother will settle the accounts, let's settle the accounts first. How much salary will you pay me for working for you? You always say let me Think about it, you will need money no matter where you are in the future, so don't expect me to do your work for nothing!"

If he didn't mention Ju Jing, he would have forgotten about it!

Really, I forgot all about it.

Ju Jing calculated carefully, she is considered a boss now, including Brother Long, she has five employees under her command.

However, among these five people, she only remembered to pay salaries for three people, and she forgot about Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi.

Whether Yin Kaixuan is not short of money and whether he wants to get a salary are two different things, and the relationship with them is also two different things, so the salary issue must be implemented.

Turning around, Ju Jing called Yin Kaixuan over, and began to discuss salary with the two of them.

Give more and give less, as long as her boss can bear it and two employees can also accept it.

Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi discussed it seriously, and the result of the discussion was within Ju Jing's acceptance range.

Yin Kaixuan wanted 300 yuan a month, and Jing Chengxi wanted 1000 yuan.

The difference of three hundred is because Yin Kaixuan is a veterinarian and Jing Chengxi can only do hard work.

This salary is actually not low. After all, Boss Ju includes food and housing, and the work is not every day. There are more when they are free. They will also cover all the shopping expenses during the holidays. The money they earn can be saved. Come down, really not low.

Ju Jing feels that she is a conscientious boss, and Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi also feel that they are conscientious employees.

After the salary was fixed, Jing Chengxi hid out with great insight, leaving room for Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan.

Everyone went out, Ju Jing slapped her thigh and said angrily: "Why did he get in here! Originally, I wanted to tell him about my future plans. If I don't want to talk about it, I can just say it. It's such a big circle."

Yin Kaixuan patted her thigh, then lay down skillfully to pillow on her lap, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, I think Xiaojing has his own ideas, he must have his own plan for the future. "

"I always feel that he has something to hide from us. I have known him for so many years. On the face of it, he has a lot of friends and loves to make friends wherever he goes. In fact, there is really no one who is close to him. In recent years, it is even more so. Apart from getting along with our family, I have never had any contact with outsiders, and I am really worried about him if he continues like this." Ju Jing frowned and said very worriedly.

Yin Kaixuan sighed, took out a bank card from his trousers pocket, shook it in front of her, and changed the subject: "In the future, I will transfer my salary to this card, and you can save this card for me. If I have no money to spend, I will ask you for it.”

He has no money to spend?

Are you kidding? This is not it.

He is the richest person among all the people, and the rent of a property for one day is the salary of others for a few months. If he wants to hand over the salary card to Ju Jing, he will just say it, and he will talk in circles.

Ju Jing gave him a white look, confiscated his card, and said, "Even if you give me your rent-collecting card, I don't want it. I'm not a safe, so why should I keep things for you?"

Yin Kaixuan didn't feel disappointed when the card was not sent out, so he happily put the card away, and then chatted with Ju Jing about the chicken coop.

The first batch of free-range chickens are gradually maturing, and they have to think about their way out.

This Ju Jing also had an idea long ago, and she buried the thread in her previous blog. She believes that as long as she releases the news that she will sell free-range chickens, many people will definitely buy them through the Internet.

Coincidentally, she opened an online store on Taobao a long time ago, and it is more convenient to place orders through the online store.

The key is the transportation issue.

If this problem cannot be solved, then selling chickens online will not work, and we can only find other outlets.

After Ju Jing finished talking about her thoughts, she didn't wait for Yin Kaixuan to speak for a long time. She lowered her head to look at him. Yin Kaixuan actually looked serious thinking, which is rare.

"If you have something to say, just say it, don't talk about anything else with me," Ju Jing urged.

Yin Kaixuan raised his hand and patted her arm, and said as tactfully as possible: "Actually, I think online sales can be opened later. After all, we have to do things step by step. It is more practical for us to find offline sales first. Online should be online. It’s a supplement that shouldn’t be the main sales channel, at least for now, don’t you think?”

Ju Jing frowned.

From the beginning of her orchard chicken coop, she wanted to follow this line, and she has been working hard in this direction for the past few years.To be honest, there are gains, but not much.

She knows that there are many limitations online, and she thought about changing her strategy at the most difficult time, but she was not reconciled.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Yin Kaixuan smiled and comforted him: "Your idea is very good, I believe that it will be realized one by one in the future, but in terms of the current situation, your idea is still too advanced, we can't let ourselves The hard-picked fruits and raised chickens are thrown into the hands, and the most important thing is to sell them for money."

To put it bluntly, Yin Kaixuan just wanted her to recognize the reality, don't keep thinking about things a few years later, think about the present first.

Ju Jing is not a person who can't listen to words. After careful consideration of Yin Kaixuan's words, she nodded solemnly and sighed: "It's my problem. Fortunately, it's not too late. I will post a revelation on the Internet tomorrow to seek cooperation."

Yin Kaixuan let out a chuckle: "I thought you were going to go out to market yourself, but I didn't expect you to go through the Internet. You just trust the Internet so much."

"If I don't believe that the Internet can have you today!" Yin Kaixuan was speechless with Ju Jing's words.

Her boyfriends are all met online, so of course the Internet is credible to her.

What Ju Jing didn't expect was that as soon as she released the news, she received more than a dozen calls seeking cooperation that day, and they were all from well-known big companies.

The cooperation they are looking for is a long-term cooperation, that is, Ju Jing regularly provides them with a certain amount of free-range chickens, and the price they give is quite reasonable.

Of course, it's not Ju Jing's chicken itself that's in the picture, but the momentum that Ju Jing created for her chicken on the Internet in the early days!
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(End of this chapter)

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