Chapter 41
In the evening, Ju Wenqi and the others all fell asleep, and Ju Ling threw her pillow aside, leaned over to share a pillow with Ju Jing, and whispered almost into her ear, "Second Sister, where did you get your money from?"

Ju Jing knew that she couldn't fool this little girl who looked dull but was actually very smart.

She sighed leisurely, and said an amazing thing in a flat tone.

"I didn't study cosmetology!" she said.

Ju Ling almost sat up from the kang in shock, thanks to Ju Jing's quick reaction and holding her down.

"Calm down, your parents, aunt, and grandma are still sleeping." Ju Jing warned, "If you start arguing with them, we won't have to pass this year."

Ju Ling stabilized her mind and said incredulously: "Second sister, why are you so bold! No wonder you call home every time and never let us call you, no wonder you didn't bring any beauty-related things when you came back, No wonder your complexion is so bad. Second sister, what have you been doing outside? Are you very tired and hard? "

Looking at Ju Jing's current appearance, she can tell that she is not doing well outside.

Ju Jing knew that Xiao BuDian felt sorry for her, so she gently held her hand as she did to comfort her when she was a child, and said briskly, "I didn't go to learn cosmetology, but I learned something else, which I find very interesting."

"What?" Ju Ling turned sideways and looked at Ju Jingyin's blurred silhouette in the darkness and asked.

Ju Jing smiled and replied: "Computer. I found a computer school in Binjiang City to study there. I studied there for three months. In fact, I still want to learn more, but I can't understand things that are too deep. The teaching in other schools is not good, and the most important point is that I have no money, so I can only come out to find a job. I am now selling computers in a shopping mall during the day and working as a network administrator at an Internet cafe at night. Guess how much I can earn in a month?"

Nowadays, computers are not a particularly new thing in the city. Middle schools in the town have computer classes, and there are many people who go to and from Internet cafes every day, but they are still very rare in rural areas. I haven't seen many.

With the vision of Ju Wenqi's generation in the village, sending children out to learn a beauty salon is already a bit of a vision and a vision.Send your kids out to learn computers?No one thought of this at all.

Ju Jing grew up in such a big environment, and she can think that going out to learn computer is really not easy, and she is also very bold, because not everyone has the courage to try something completely unfamiliar to them.

Ju Ling didn't want to guess how much Ju Jing earned a month, she just said worriedly: "Don't you sleep? You work day and night, no wonder you look so ugly."

"Sleep, you can sleep when you don't have work, it's not as hard as you think," Ju Jinghun said nonchalantly, "I can earn 1000 yuan a month, excluding food and lodging, I can save at least 700 yuan."

She is quite proud.

One person works two jobs day and night to earn 1000 yuan of hard-earned money, and board and lodging only costs 300 yuan a month, or a maximum of [-] yuan. How does she survive this day?

Ju Ling asked her doubts, and Ju Jing explained in detail: "I work in an Internet cafe at night, so I don't rent a house outside. I can also wash my clothes in the Internet cafe, so I just go to the bathhouse to take a bath on weekends. The money is mainly spent on For food, I can spend up to ten yuan a day, and the food is pretty good. In fact, I can earn more, it’s all because I’m too young, and many places don’t want me, and the places that want me don’t pay high wages.”

What can you get for ten dollars?Of course, it is not enough to order fish and meat dishes in restaurants. A bowl of noodles or a boxed lunch can only cost a few dollars, and you can really not feel hungry if you eat for ten dollars a day.

"Second Sister, if you can't do this, your body will collapse." Ju Ling said distressedly: "You can never make enough money. Let's earn it slowly. Don't lose your body just for the money."

"I know. I have a little money now, and I will go to Binjiang City to find a better job after the next year, and I won't be so busy." Ju Jing said excitedly: "Little boy, you should also learn computer science , go online, the outside world is very interesting, don’t be trapped in books and become a nerd.”

"Brother Xiaojue said that playing on the computer will delay my studies, so tell me not to play." Ju Ling said sullenly: "I have to study hard, and I can't play on the computer."

Ju Jing stretched out her hand and poked her on the forehead lightly, and sighed: "Are you stupid? You believe everything he says. He must be lying to you. He is afraid that you will post a lot of things online. Friends don't play with him anymore, he will deceive you with his little thoughts, I can see clearly."

Ju Ling wanted to argue for Qiao Jue, but she opened her mouth and didn't know what to argue, so she still didn't say anything.

The more the two sisters talked, the more energetic they became. Neither of them wanted to sleep, and they chatted a lot here and there.

While chatting, the topic turned to the matter of Ju Lingdu's junior high school.

Ju Ling said that she didn't want to go to study outside, but her parents had high expectations for her. They estimated that even if she failed to pass the entrance examination, the junior high school would spend the borrowing fee to send her to the second or third middle school, and asked Ju Jing to help her out. Make an idea to find a way to dispel the idea of ​​​​the parents.

"I think my parents are right. If you study well, you should go to study outside." This time, Ju Jing is on the same side as her parents: "I have studied in the junior high school in our town for two years. What kind of middle school is there? Only one of them was admitted to high school at the beginning of the year. It was also at the bottom of the exam, and it took a lot of effort to get into college. Don’t worry about the money, you don’t want your parents to spend money for you, don’t you have me, I will pay for it You are in junior high school."

"No, I won't spend the money you earn with your life," Ju Ling said sullenly.

Ju Jing knew what her little sister was thinking, and said with a light smile, "Do you think I'm offering it to you for nothing? It's a good idea. I'll take a small notebook and write down all the money I spent on you, so that you will make money in the future Not only the principal but also the interest must be paid back.”

Keeping accounts with a small notebook is something that Ju Jing can do.She really has a notebook, on which she remembers who has bullied her and the Ju family in the past, and it is very detailed.

She told Ju Ling a long time ago that when she is capable and capable in the future, she must let those who have bullied them feel the feeling of being bullied. She really didn't just talk.

"That's all right, you have memorized it carefully, and I will definitely return it to you with interest in the future," Ju Ling finally laughed.

On New Year's Eve, Ju Min called home, and Ju Jing told her about Ju Ling's study.

Ju Min also expressed her opinion: "It's a pity that the little one studies so well in the middle school in our township. It's good to go to the county to study. I can take care of the expenses. You tell the little one not to worry about it, and she just studies hard."

The two sisters almost quarreled on the phone about spending money for the younger sister's education.Of course, it's not that they don't want to spend money to push things out, but they all want to spend money to make the other person easier.

The two of them hadn't come to a conclusion yet, Zhang Yongli, who was resting on the kang, suddenly yelled, which scared the whole family.

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(End of this chapter)

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