Chapter 44
The next day Ju Ling asked Zhou Fang to go to school together, and Zhou Fang took her to Zhou Yan's house to wait for him.

They were beaten in public yesterday, but today, Wednesday's daughter-in-law let them in with a smile like a normal person, and asked them if they wanted to have breakfast with them.

After Zhou Yan had finished breakfast, they went to school together. In the morning, they were fine. In the afternoon, the news about Zhou Yan’s family spread in the class through a few loud-mouthed classmates. An overt joke.

Children are actually quite scary.

They do a lot of things without thinking about the consequences. It may just be fun for a while, or they just participate in it when others do it. They don't think about how much harm they do to others.

Ju Ling has experienced such a thing herself, so she sympathizes with Zhou Yan very much. She wants to do something for Zhou Yan but finds that she can't do anything.

Talking about this matter with Qiao Jue on the phone, Qiao Jue only said to her indifferently: "You can't stop other people's mouths, and you can't change their minds, so you can't help them. Don't worry about other people's affairs. , Study hard, and I will be rewarded for doing well in the entrance examination.”

Ju Ling was not interested in rewards, but in order not to disappoint Qiao Jue, she still pretended to be pleasantly surprised and urged Qiao Jue to tell her what rewards there were.

Qiao Jue pretended to be mysterious and refused to speak, and the two chatted lively for a while before hanging up the phone.

After all, other people's troubles belong to others. Only when I am free will I sigh for others. When I am also busy, I have no time to take care of others.

Spring planting began, and the Ju family was very busy planting the land of the two families, so Ju Ling naturally wanted to help.

She actually wanted to ask for a few days off work to help the family plant the land, but Ju Wenqi and his wife were unwilling to live or die, so she could only carry her schoolbag and go to the field to work directly after school every day.

There is a lot of rain this spring, and it is said that spring rain is as expensive as oil, but today the oil can’t stand it, and if the time for planting is delayed, the seeds will not be able to go to the ground, and it will be easy to fail to harvest in autumn.

It rained for two consecutive days, and the weather finally cleared up and it was the weekend. Ju Ling didn’t have to go to school to help the family with more work. Unexpectedly, there were visitors at home, and they were rare visitors. Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei must stay at home to entertain Visitors, only Zhang Yongli took Ju Ling to work.

It was Ju Wenxin's second son, Ju Changqing, who came.

Ju Changqing is very good at speaking and is very good at speaking, and Ju Wenqi, who is called by his third uncle, is in full bloom.

First asked about the family situation, then asked about the situation of Chungeng, and then asked about the situation of the three cousins. Purpose.

He's here to sell insurance!
What they sell is still the kind of pension insurance that has to pay a lot of money every month. Once the payment is over ten years, I use the calculator to calculate how much I pay now and how much I can get after paying enough years for Ju Wenqi and his wife. money.

In Ju Changqing's words, this is a business that is guaranteed to make money without losing money. Anyone who does not buy this insurance is a fool. If it is not a serious relative, he will not come here. Such a good thing must be recommended to his family. It must not be cheap. outsider.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei didn't understand this, and they were very moved by what he said.But the heart is useless, they have no money to buy insurance.

After Ju Wenqi expressed regret that he still owed a huge debt and could not afford insurance, Ju Changqing suddenly changed the subject and talked about Ju Lingdu's junior high school.

Even if Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei don't think too much, they now understand what Ju Changqing means!

During the Chinese New Year, when Ju Wenqi called Ju Wenxin for New Year's greetings, he casually asked about the situation of the middle school in the county. Jiang Xiaofei happened to be next to her. She told Ju Wenqi a lot, and finally asked him if he wanted to send his daughter to study in the county.

Ju Changqing probably felt that his third uncle begged them for his children's education, and he would be embarrassed not to buy insurance when he came to sell insurance.

My warm heart suddenly cooled down.

Ju Changqing didn't ask Ju Wenqi to express his opinion immediately, so he went to Ju Wenlin's house after he finished talking.

When it was getting dark, Ju Ling and Zhang Yongli came back and found that the couple was not in the right state. Zhang Yongli asked them what happened.

Ju Wenqi didn't want Ju Ling to know about these deaths. He took Ju Lingzhi to the hotel before telling Zhang Yongli the specific situation.

Ju Ling is not stupid, guessing that her parents' emotions are wrong has something to do with her.

If she couldn't find out from her parents, she asked her aunt.When I got the chance, I asked Zhang Yongli, but Zhang Yongli couldn't beat her, so I finally told the truth.

After knowing the whole story, Ju Ling was very angry, and even felt wronged for her parents.

She took the initiative to talk to them and asked them to reject Ju Changqing directly.

"If you don't get into the junior middle school of the No. [-] middle school, your mother and I still want to send you to the No. [-] or No. [-] middle school. It's good to have relatives there to take care of you, and your mother and I can rest assured," Ju Wenqi wrapped Smoke, said in a low voice.

Hearing what he meant, he really planned to buy an insurance policy and exchange favors with Ju Changqing.

Ju Ling immediately said: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely be admitted to the junior high school of No. [-] Middle School, and I will be in the top [-]! At that time, even if I don't have relatives to help me go to No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School, I don't need to pay the tuition fee. I will study hard If I get good grades, the teacher will naturally like me, and there is no need for anyone to take special care of me."

"That's what you say, yes"

"Dad, why do I have to ask others for things I can do well by myself?" Ju Ling interrupted Ju Wenqi, unconsciously raising her voice twice because of her anger: "How many times have our family suffered such losses before? You and my mother Why don’t you have a long memory? Favor debts are the hardest to repay. If you owe someone a favor, you may have to pay it back in a low voice for the rest of your life.

Ju Wenqi didn't speak, but he had already listened to Ju Ling's words.

After thinking about it all night, he called Ju Changqing early the next morning and made it clear that he would not buy insurance, and said that his girl could get into high school and college wherever she was good at studying.

Ju Changqing kept smiling and didn't express his dissatisfaction. Before hanging up the phone, he smiled and said to Ju Wenqi: "Uncle San, my insurance is really good. You should think about it carefully and call me if you want to buy it."

Does he really think this insurance is suitable for Ju Wenqi?Not!He expected that Ju Ling would not pass the No. [-] Middle School and would end up begging his wife. He threw down the bait first and waited for Ju Wenqi to come and beg him.

This incident greatly stimulated Ju Ling's enthusiasm for the junior high school entrance examination. She wanted to let those who look down on her and her parents know that there are some things that they can do without humbly begging for help. It can be done, and it can be done!

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(End of this chapter)

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