Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 483 grand

Chapter 483 grand
All the procedures that should be done here have been completed, and Ju Min finally picked up someone and got into the wedding car.

There were eight cars when they came, but there were more than 30 cars when they left. Peng Yan's friends who could drive all drove over to help fill the scene.

More than 30 small cars drove into the village in a mighty manner. The scale of the battle really shocked the villagers, and everyone came out to watch the excitement.

Ju Ling and Ju Jing are also in the car, and they still have tasks on them.After entering the village, the car drove very slowly, so the two of them threw wedding candies out of the car window, and adults and children all followed suit, which was very lively.

The wedding car stopped for a long time along the road in the village, and the wedding car of Ju Min and Peng Yan happened to be parked in front of the hotel.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei had been waiting at the door in their new clothes, and Peng Yan came over to call them "Mom and Dad" as soon as he got off the car.

Ju Laosan and his wife were so happy that they couldn't stop talking from ear to ear, they took out the red envelope and stuffed it into Peng Yan's hand.

A large awning was set up in the courtyard of the hotel, and the messy little ceremonies of the wedding were held in the courtyard.

There couldn't be so many people standing in the yard, so many people leaned on the wall to watch the fun. Ju Ling and Ju Jing sprinkled sugar every once in a while, so there was no silence at the scene.

Jing Chengxi is the emcee of this wedding.

He designed a lot of small games, which he hadn't disclosed to the three sisters before. Playing them was a lot of fun for the new couple and entertained the onlookers.

When the fun is over, it's time to have a banquet.

The first group entertained the relatives of the bride and groom and friends from afar, and the second group was people who were acquainted in and out of the village.

Qiao Jue's handwriting was also good, so the task of writing the gift account fell on his shoulders, and Ju Ling was responsible for collecting the gift money.

The more Ju Ling received, the more frightened she became.

There are so many!
Peng Yan's group of friends are really generous. When everyone else is paying 51, these people are paying [-] or even more!

They are the ones who give more gift money, and it is this group of people who make the most trouble when toasting.

They knew how to measure, if they didn't make trouble with Ju Min, they would make trouble with Peng Yan, and Peng Yan's feet were a little fluttering before the two tables were toasted.

Jing Chengxi helped them serve wine, and during the period, he replaced the wine with water while everyone was not paying attention, trying to fool them.It's a pity that these friends of Peng Yan are old fried dough sticks, and they can tell at a glance whether there is wine or water in the glass, so Peng Yan was punished for drinking two more glasses.

All the tables in the first set of seats were respected, Peng Yan couldn't walk by himself, and had to rely on others to support him to walk two steps.

Jing Chengxi and Yin Kaixuan helped him to the room to rest, and if the newcomers needed to come forward, Ju Min would come out to solve the problem, which didn't affect anything.

The second set of seats are mainly people from the village and outside the village. Most of them can’t say how good the relationship is, but it’s not good if the folks from the village don’t come.

In addition, there are family members of the workers who work in the factory. They probably think that their children work in Ju Min's factory, and it is not good for them not to come when Ju Min gets married. They are afraid that Ju Min will give their children small shoes to wear.

This time, there is no need to toast at the table, Ju Min stood in the middle of several tables and said a few open words, and everyone had a drink together, and then it was over.

The filming team this time is very professional. They used to travel across the country to shoot documentaries. If it weren't for Zhan Yi and Qian's face, they would not have come here.

They are also quite knowledgeable, no matter what kind of food is on the table, there are not many serious eaters, and basically all of them are packed in plastic bags.To be honest, it's not pretty at all.

It is mainly the second group of customers from outside the village who do this. The first group of relatives and friends know that they are cheap, and no one does such a thing of price drop.

Probably because the Ju family's banquet this time was very good. Among them was a new dish, which was newly learned by Brother Long.

Two people from the village even got into an argument over robbing this dish. They first scolded each other, then threw their chopsticks when they were not satisfied with the scolding, and finally got into a fight.

No one would look good if such a thing happened on a happy day, Jing Chengxi and Yin Kaixuan rushed to start a fight, but they didn't give the fightner a good look after pulling them away, and directly kicked him out.

A small episode does not affect the overall festive excitement of the wedding.

However, the three sisters of the Ju family still silently recorded the fightrs in their notebooks.On such an important day, who dares to behave wildly in the Ju family's territory, who is used to their stink, will definitely settle accounts with them when they find an opportunity in the future!

In the evening, the drunken people broke up, and Yin Kaixuan and Zhan Yi, who hadn't been drinking, drove Zhang Yongmei's natal relatives home one by one.Peng Yan's friends were all drunk and unable to drive, so Ju Min asked them to stay here overnight and leave tomorrow.

There are too many people, no matter how you allocate them, you can't live there.These people are also interesting, clamoring that there is no need to arrange a place for them to live in. They eat barbecue and sing in the yard at night.

Peng Yan finally woke up before seven o'clock in the evening. His head still hurt and his body was weak, but he still managed to get up and entertain his friends.

They really didn't go back to the house to sleep that night, they had a barbecue, sang and chatted. The next morning when Ju Ling and Ju Jing came to help Brother Long make breakfast, they found that these people were still chatting together energetically.

Ju Ling leaned over and listened, good guy, we are talking about how to make money.

Sure enough, things gather like birds and people are divided into groups. Although Peng Yan doesn't have much ambition, he is definitely capable of making money. He also makes friends who are very good at making money, and he can't do without money in a chat.

I admire you.

After breakfast, these people left one after another, and Peng Yan, who drank so much and didn't have a good rest, could finally sleep well.

Ma Yuqiu especially likes the quiet farm. After packing up his things, he wants to move there, and no one can stop him.

It happened that Ju Jing and the others were also going to work, so they took Ma Yuqiu there together.

The students still stayed in the village to paint, didn't eat three meals a day at home, and didn't come back to take a nap, so the restaurant was suddenly deserted.

Ju Ling, Qiao Jue and Zhan Yi helped Ju Wenqi and his wife clean up the restaurant.Ju Min's banquet was too big, many places were messed up and had to be cleaned up again.

After working until the afternoon, Peng Yan finally woke up, and after lunch, he and Ju Min counted the gifts together.

They really collected a lot, much more than Ju Ling and Qiao Jue.

After counting, Peng Yan pushed all the gift money to Ju Min, not asking her to keep it, but asking her to give the money to her parents.

From the beginning to the end, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive for parents to arrange, and the money should be given to them.

Ju Min also meant the same thing, but she would definitely not ask for it if she went to give it to her parents, and her son-in-law should do it.

Peng Yan went to find Ju Wenqi with a bag containing money. When Weng and his son-in-law were pushing back and forth to reject the bag, Zhan Yi, who had gone out to take out the trash, brought back big news.

"Third Uncle, I heard people outside say that Mrs. Ju is gone, and I don't know if it's true or not!" Zhan Yi said.

Cai Meiyu is gone?
After hearing the news, Zhang Yongmei came in from the back kitchen, clasped her hands together and recited "Amitabha", then sighed and said, "At least it didn't happen to our family's happy event."

Ju Wenqi also breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he became melancholy again.

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(End of this chapter)

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