Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 7 Building a House

Chapter 7 Building a House
Zhang Yongmei's calculation was quite right.There is only so much money, it is not enough to buy cattle and build a house.

Ju Wenqi sighed, and said firmly: "If you can save it, save it. If you can get it yourself, you won't buy it. If you can do it yourself, you won't find someone else. If you can't build a big one, let's build a small one."

In order to save money to build a new house, Ju Wenqi and his wife were not idle during the Chinese New Year. They went out in the wind and snow all day to collect materials for building the house.

It was too cold to pull rocks and soil, so they pushed the carts to pick up unwanted wood, broken bricks and tiles near the timber and brick factories in the village.

It takes them more than an hour to go to the light path, and it takes longer to pull things back, and they can go twice a day at most. If so, they come and go, and they still know the uncles who opened the doors of the two factories. up.

Ju Wenqi is not dead-headed, and every time he goes back, he either brings cigarettes or alcohol, which are not expensive things but can make people happy.

The person who opened the door did not have a high status in the factory, but he could do a lot of things. With a raise of his hand, Ju Wenqi and his wife could take away good-quality wood and complete bricks and tiles.

Returning to her natal home on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Ju Wenqi bought a cow under the introduction of his brother-in-law and second brother-in-law, and it would save a lot of trouble to pull bricks, tiles and wood.

After the spring planting, the Ju family officially broke ground and dug the foundation.

The movement of Ju Wenqi and his wife was not small. Everyone in the village knew that they were going to build a house from the very beginning when they went to pull broken bricks and tiles. Except for the neighbors in the back room, no one asked them if they wanted to help.

If people can ask a question, it is affection, and there is nothing wrong with not asking.But some people just have a bad mouth in their hearts, and they have to say something unpleasant to make people unhappy.

No one talks nonsense in front of adults, but some people think that children are ignorant and talk nonsense to Sister Ju Min.

That day Ju Min carried Ju Ling on his back and led Ju Jing out to play, and after a while he came back sullenly, squatting next to the half-dug foundation to play with the soil.

Zhang Yongmei was careful, and could tell at a glance that the girls were unhappy, so she asked them what was wrong.

Ju Min refused to speak, but Ju Jing couldn't hold back her words. She said aggrievedly: "Aunt Xu at the west end of the village said that our family is just tossing around, and we don't have a son to build a house, and we are still building tile houses, so we are full. Support."

That's not bad, but the group of people who eat salty carrots and worry about it behind their backs must have said something worse.

The couple looked at each other and sighed in a tacit understanding.They knew that there were no good things to say outside, but they really didn't expect that someone would say such things in front of their children.

Zhang Yongmei smiled at the girls, and said gently: "Don't talk to them, your dad and I are enough to have you three. You are all well, and your dad and I still expect you to build a bigger house for us to live in in the future. "

Ju Jing pouted, and Bei Er nodded seriously: "I want to build a house bigger than the school for my parents and grandma. When I grow up, I will beat anyone who dares to speak ill of our family!"

After coaxing the girl, Zhang Yongmei lowered her head and started to work again, not paying attention to Ju Jing's childish words at all, but she didn't know that the little girl held a grudge against her, and she would always remember what she said today.

The materials for building the house were almost ready. Although there were only two people working on it, they worked from dawn to dusk, and the speed of building the house was very fast.

In a blink of an eye, it's time to go to the beams, which is a big deal.

According to the customs here, cannons have to be set off on the beams of the upper house, and wine is also served in the more particular houses.

Anyway, the husband and wife were busy with their work, they didn't even think about setting up wine, they thought about setting off a cannon and going on the beam.

Unexpectedly, before the cannon was fired, Ju Wenlin brought his eldest son, Ju Changfu, his second son, Ju Changlong, and son-in-law Ma Jiabao, and he opened his mouth to help.

Going up the beam is an auspicious thing, and it is a good thing for someone to take the initiative to help, and people cannot be turned away. Ju Wenqi and his wife can only thank them with a smile.

After that, Ju Ying and her husband Zhu Yunping also came to help, with their own relatives taking the lead, and many people from the village who had been watching came one after another.

Zhang Yongmei cooks in the kitchen, Ju Ying helps, Ju Min and Ju Jing coax Ju Ling and help peel the onion and garlic.

"Sister-in-law three, what does elder brother mean?" Ju Ying asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yongmei pursed her lips and shook her head, feeling very puzzled in her heart.

Ju Wenlin has never been very kind to them, and if it's not bad, it's not bad, so he came here to help so kindly?No matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was wrong, but as for what was wrong, she really couldn't think of it.

Soon, Zhang Yongmei knew what Ju Wenlin was up to.

He brought his son and son-in-law here to make trouble!
There are some people who didn't recruit him or provoke him, but they just can't get used to other people's kindness, so they have to dig out flowers to toss.

It takes more than half a day for anyone to build a house and put up the beams. Even a house as big as a school can be completed in less than a day, but the newly built house of the Ju family has not been completed until dusk!
Ju Wenlin's family is not helping. They are working in the front and they are demolishing in the back. If the work is finished, there will be ghosts.

That's not counting, the sun is still quite high, so Ju Wenlin yelled to eat.He was the oldest among the workers, and he was Ju Wenqi's elder brother, so it was hard for others to say anything, and Ju Wenqi was afraid of this elder brother, so he called off work early for dinner.

He doesn't stop eating, and he still hates this and that even though his mouth is full of oil, and he still has to drink good wine.They still have to take it after eating, saying that it is leftovers to take home to feed the dog, and they also take a few unopened bottles of liquor.

Talking about it at night, Zhang Yongmei was so angry that she shed tears.

"Are there any relatives like them? It's too bullying!" Zhang Yongmei said angrily.

Ju Wenqi sat on the top of the kang and smoked several cigarettes, sighed and said: "Tomorrow I will talk to my elder brother, I can't write two Ju characters in one stroke, even for the sake of my father, I can't do things too badly." .”

However, Ju Wenqi really overestimated his big brother, he didn't care about brothers or not, as long as he was happy in his heart and could get benefits along the way.

After the chat, Ju Wenlin did not change his style of conduct, and took his son and son-in-law to help for two days.

The family didn't have much money in the first place, and the people who took care of them had already spent almost all of their food for the past few days. If they come to mess around tomorrow, they really can't even take care of the food.

There is no way to go on like this, and it will be difficult to live a life of letting others bully my family.

After much deliberation, Zhang Yongmei came up with a good solution.

When Ju Wenlin and the others came back the next day, they suddenly found that the crazy grandmother was sitting at the gate with a sledge, and the three sisters Ju Min were also there, blocking the entrance and exit.

When Ju Wenlin wanted to come in, the crazy grandma drove them away with a sledge.They yelled and cursed, and the three Ju Min sisters cried at the top of their lungs. Outsiders looked like three old men bullying three little girls.

Even though Ju Wenlin's face turned black, he didn't want to be pointed at and made irresponsible remarks in person, so he had to curse and lead his son and son-in-law away.

There were no villains to disturb, and the finishing work was done very quickly.

As soon as July came, the family happily moved into their new house.

The new house has only one big kang, and Ju Wenqi made a sliding door in the middle. When he pulls it at night when he sleeps, one house becomes two houses. The three children and the crazy grandma share one house, and the husband and wife share one house, which saves firewood and firewood. Convenience.

It's just that Ju Laosan's family didn't expect that their new house hadn't been warmed up yet, and something happened again, and it was still a big deal!
 Thank you for your support, thank you for collecting and voting, thank you.The beginning of the new book is relatively slow, please read it patiently, the next part will be more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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