Chapter 120 Qiao Family Anxia (4)

But An Xia talked endlessly to Qiao's parents, Qiao's mother, and Qiao Junting. Except for some things that could not be said, she would tell them everything when they asked her, and there was never any bored expression on her face. This is why An Xia is so indifferent to Qiao Hanwan, the reason why Qiao's family members don't have any opinion on An Xia, they just think that An Xia was hurt by Qiao Hanwan's words when she just came back I was worried, so I didn't want to talk to Qiao Hanwan, so I ignored it.

Father Qiao and Qiao Junting went to wash their hands and sat at the dining table to prepare to eat, but Father Qiao hadn't started to eat yet, so he just glanced at the food on the table and asked Mrs. Qiao with a smile, "Qing Lin, what are you doing?" Did you cook for yourself today?"

Qinglin is Mrs. Qiao's name, and only Qiao's father can call Mrs. Qiao that way in Qiao's family.

Mrs. Qiao nodded, and said with a smile: "I only made a few simple dishes, I think you can tell them without me telling them. As for the other dishes, Xia Xia made them by herself. Try it first and see how it tastes?"

Father Qiao and Mrs. Qiao have a very good relationship, so as long as it is a dish made by Mrs. Qiao, he can tell it at a glance, so when Mrs. Qiao said that the other dishes on the table were all made by An Xia Obviously surprised, she looked at An Xia and asked in surprise, "Xia Xia, your mother said you cooked all these dishes?"

An Xia nodded with a smile, "I don't know what flavor you like, so I made a few random dishes. You should try it first. If there is anything that doesn't suit your taste, just tell me, and I will definitely change it next time."

Qiao Junting waved his hand and said to An Xia: "No need, as long as my sister cooks dishes my father likes to eat, there will be nothing that doesn't suit my taste." Then he turned his head to Qiao's father with a playful smile and asked, "Is it? Dad! "

Father Qiao glanced back at his son appreciatively, then turned back to look at An Xia with a smile on his face and said, "Your brother is right, Dad loves Xia Xia's cooking, and I will definitely eat an extra bowl of rice tonight .”

Father Qiao's voice raised a lot. It could be seen that he was very excited and happy. After saying this, he directly picked up the chopsticks and reached for An Xia's cooking. After tasting this dish, Father Qiao's expression didn't know why. Suddenly feeling a little sad, he put down the chopsticks in his hand and stretched out a hand to gently pat An Xia's hand on the table, with a hint of sadness in his voice: "There are cooks at home, so don't cook by yourself anymore. .”

An Xia naturally knew why, but she didn't say anything. She just pursed her lips and looked at Qiao's father and nodded obediently with a smile. Then she glanced at Mrs. Qiao and saw her smiling at her before picking up her chopsticks and eating Qiao. Madam's cooking is the taste of her mother. She has been away from her mother for more than ten years, and it is really delicious.

Qiao Junting is indeed the son of Qiao's father, so he frowned slightly after taking a bite of An Xia's cooking, and after swallowing, he said to An Xia: "Sister, in the future, just tell the servants what you want to eat." Now, you really don’t need to cook it yourself, if you cook it yourself, why spend money on it?”

An Xia nodded, and said with a waxy smile: "I know, brother. But except for some special occasions when I cook myself, I don't know how to cook at other times."

Qiao Junting smiled slightly, "Sister, don't worry too much, we just don't want you to tire yourself out, and if you cook, then we won't give those chefs such generous salaries for nothing."

An Xia nodded obediently, and the smile on the corner of her mouth never drooped because Father Qiao and Qiao Junting disapproved of her cooking. Instead, she felt very happy.

? Qiao Hanwan looked at the dishes on the table, and based on what Qiao's father and Qiao Junting said just now, he guessed that these dishes must not be delicious, although they looked good.

But she felt that father of Qiao and Qiao Junting said that in the final analysis because it was not delicious, so they all refused to let An Xia cook. How could she, as an 'understanding' sister, do it on this occasion? Why don't you comfort her so-called younger sister?
The corner of Qiao Hanwan's mouth curled up, and she smiled brightly. From the smile on the corner of her mouth, it could be seen that she was happy in her heart and harbored bad intentions towards An Xia.

"Sister, Dad and brother also said that you are not allowed to cook because you are afraid that you will be tired, not because the food you cook is not delicious, so don't be sad!" Qiao Hanwan's voice carried It was an obvious attempt to sow discord, a kind of vulgar pleasure of looking forward to seeing An Xia lose face.

An Xia knew that Qiao Hanwan was the type who would feel uncomfortable if she didn't find something for herself, and she wasn't angry with her, and she didn't have the shameless feeling of finding a crack to get in as she expected. Looking at Qiao Hanwan with a smile, he said lightly: "I have never said how delicious my cooking is, but if you want to comment, you have to taste my cooking before talking. Otherwise, I will make a mistake at that time, and I don’t know who the embarrassing person is?"?
Qiao Hanwan doesn't believe in evil. She really didn't think that what Father Qiao and Qiao Junting said was because An Xia's cooking was not delicious. She couldn't think of other aspects at all. Now An Xia asked her to taste these dishes first before making a comment. Qiao Hanwan thought it was An Xia who had nothing to say, and after a disdainful look, she still reluctantly picked up a piece of shrimp and chewed it carefully in her mouth.

Although Qiao Hanwan doesn't like An Xia very much, she has to admit that the dishes made by An Xia are really delicious, and they are slightly better than the dishes made by the chef at home. No wonder Father Qiao and Qiao Junting refused to let him An Xia is cooking.

At this time, Qiao Junting was feeding a piece of braised pork into his mouth. The meat melted in his mouth, and it was not greasy at all. Xia said: "This dish is really delicious. I think it's even more delicious than those star chefs hired by our family. If you are not at home in the future, who do I want to cook? I said Really, you should not do it in the future, lest I let you cook every day in the future, if you are tired, I guess my parents will not let me go home. "

An Xia smiled, "It's okay, if brother likes to eat, I'll cook it for you when I'm at home. It's just three meals a day, so you won't be tired." She said provocatively and glanced at Qiao Hanwan , and said with a smile: "As long as my brother and parents don't think that my cooking is not delicious."

Mrs. Qiao was sipping the chicken soup elegantly, and suddenly heard An Xia tell Qiao Junting that it would be good if parents didn't dislike her, so she quickly put down the spoon, held An Xia's hand excitedly, and raised her voice, and asked: " Xia Xia, what did you just say? Did I hear you calling my mother just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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