Chapter 124 Qiao Family Anxia (8)

Speaking of this, An Xia's eyes softened a little, and the smile on her face became wider, and she continued: "From the day she rescued me, I have always had a good relationship with her, even my She was also the first to know about finding her family.

And I was there when she and her brother met, that is, when a rare colored diamond in the world was auctioned in France.I remember at that time my brother wanted to buy this pink diamond with 120% of the auction price, but she did not agree, and of course I would not agree to her selling it to my brother, after all, she never saw this diamond before. I fell in love with it when I was young, and this pink diamond is still a token of love between her and her boyfriend! "Of course it is impossible for An Xia to tell Mrs. Qiao not only not to sell the diamond, but also to humiliate Qiao Hanwan.

Mrs. Qiao tilted her head and thought about it. There was indeed such a thing, but Qiao Hanwan refused to say what happened, and Qiao Junting also kept silent. This made Mrs. Qiao puzzled for a long time, and then she gradually forgot.Now that I heard An Xia talking about it, I remembered it again, and then said: "Yes, I still remember that when Hanwan came back, she lost her temper a lot, and Junting bought a lot of jewelry and came back to coax her before she gave her to you." Make me happy."

An Xia nuzui, this is Qiao Hanwan's style. "There was another time in the Middle East, but these two times it was just a lighting. How could my brother fall in love with her? She is two years younger than me. My brother really is the first She was only 13 years old when we met for the first time, and her figure is like a bean sprouts, although she is really good-looking." An Xia was puzzled, although Baby Lan did look very loli , but after all, he is still young, if my brother still takes a fancy to him, maybe he is a pedophile!

This An Xia's mind just can't think in a good way. If she didn't have too much contact with Ye Wei, how could her thinking be comparable to Ye Wei's illiterate?

Could it be that it was infected through Ye Kelan? !
Mrs. Qiao didn't think as much as An Xia thought, she just felt that her silly son was finally tempted. Although she was only a 13-year-old girl, she was pretty good.

"I remember that pink diamond happened three years ago, right? Now that little girl is only 16 years old, and she already has a boyfriend before she reaches adulthood?" Mrs. Qiao's thinking is still a little backward. From her point of view, if a girl wants to fall in love, she must be full. How can she fall in love at the age of 16 when she is still innocent?

An Xia waved her hands indifferently, and asked with a smile on her face: "Mom, although she has been in love since she was only 16, there are also people younger than her who are in love. For example, her daddy!"

Mrs. Qiao became interested, and looked at An Xia with a look of curiosity.

An Xia didn't give a shit anymore, cleared her throat and began to say: "Her daddy was only seven years old when he fell in love with her mommy. At that time, even her grandparents thought that such a young child might only be a three-minute thing. When she grows up, she will fall in love with others. But the fact is not like this. In that year, her mommy disappeared, and the disappearance lasted for 3 years.

In these 13 years, her daddy has never given up, and at that time her mommy had a twin sister, and that twin sister also liked her daddy very much, but her daddy gave her mommy all of his heart and soul. I swear that if I can't find her mother in this life, I will never marry her for life.Fortunately, by the grace of God, her father and mother met again and got together again. Now they have two sons and a daughter, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very good. "

"If only I could have such a Prince Charming." An Xia said with special longing, her eyes were full of envy, but not jealousy.

Mrs. Qiao nodded resentfully. With such a dedicated father, it is not much different to be a daughter. Alas, it is my son who does not have this blessing. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a daughter-in-law who treats her son wholeheartedly. Very good.

"Xia Xia, what about her family's conditions?" Perhaps it was because An Xia's words were a little miraculous, which made Mrs. Qiao feel that it would be a little comforting if their family was not very good.

Speaking of the family, An Xia looked forward to it even more, "If you say that their family is really rich, rich! You should know Anning International? It belongs to their family, although the current president of Anning International is her second uncle , but their family relationship is also very good. A few years ago, I heard that Uncle Ye had retired, and Second Uncle Ye wanted Uncle Ye to work in Anning International, but Uncle Ye refused."

Before Mrs. Qiao could speak, An Xia sighed and then said adoringly: "Actually, I think the reason why Uncle Ye didn't go to work in Anning International is because he already has more money than the entire Anning International, and his pension is enough. There is no need to work hard anymore. That's right, Uncle Ye is very valuable, and in Uncle Ye's eyes, An Ning International is just for children to play with, so he won't intervene."

An Xia's words are full of admiration. If Ye Ningyuan is in front of her now, she probably has to stare at Ye Ningyuan with a face of admiration. I will do it right away.

Mrs. Qiao is still thinking secretly, she has heard of Anning International, not to mention how prominent it is in City A, it is also a top-ranking large company in the whole country!Although Qiao's Group occupies half of the country in S City, it is far behind Anning International.

It's no wonder that her son's family's daughter doesn't like it.

In fact, it's not because people don't like it. The main reason is that they don't have fate. If there is fate, Ye Kelan will still be with Qiao Junting, and it has nothing to do with the family.Otherwise, the men of the Ye family would not marry women who are many streets worse than themselves.

Of course, Cheng Anya, a disabled person who can kill a boa constrictor in a second and escape completely, is a match for the promise that she will be the top international anti-terrorism inspector at a young age, and that she is as skilled as Ye Ningyuan. Very well, as for other women, there is no need to mention it, because there is no comparison at all.

Of course, Mrs. Qiao was just hearsay about these things, but Mrs. Qiao would definitely not know about Ye Ningyuan's skills, and An Xia also consciously wouldn't tell Mrs. Qiao.

"From what you say, you seem to admire your Uncle Ye?" Mrs. Qiao asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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