Chapter 173 I'm Back
The moment Ye Ningyuan tore off the mask on Ye Kelan's face and saw her real face, he had a strong desire to teach Ye Kelan the person she is now, because of Ye Kelan's complexion It looked really pale.

You must know that even Ye Kelan's skin is very white, but it is healthy white, or rosy white, not unhealthy white like now, just like the skin of European vampire nobles, which makes Ye Ningyuan simply I can't stand it.

And when he held Ye Kelan just now, he clearly felt that Ye Kelan was much thinner than before, and he could feel that her bones were hurting when he held her in his arms. What happened to Ye Kelan, Ye Ningyuan was very distressed, and once again, Ye Kelan hugged him in his arms.

"Baby, if Daddy knew that one day you would spend four full years with us, I would not have let you go to the No. [-] terrorist organization. Even if Daddy raised you at home, it would be better than separating you from us." It's been so long." Ye Ningyuan's voice was choked with sobs, but in fact his heart was bleeding from pain.

Ye Kelan shook her head gently in Ye Ningyuan's embrace, pretending to be relaxed and said: "It's none of Daddy's business, it's all about my darling..." I loved and believed in the wrong person, "But darling Now I have come back completely. Although my skin is a little white, as long as I get more exposure to the sun, I will be as healthy as before. Although my baby has lost a lot of weight, but I believe that Daddy will do a lot for my baby. It's delicious, it makes the baby fat, doesn't it?"

Ye Ningyuan let go of his embrace, stretched out his hand to gently hold Ye Kelan's face, nodded and said: "Yes, Daddy will definitely feed the baby until it becomes white and fat."

Ye Kelan hummed cheerfully, then smiled a little embarrassedly, covered her stomach with both hands, pouted and said pitifully: "Daddy, my baby is hungry, Daddy will go home now and feed you." Baby cooks something delicious, okay?"

"Okay, of course." After finishing speaking, he walked towards the direction of the car with Ye Kelan in his arms, and talked to Ye Kelan while walking: "Daddy knew that my baby was back, so I went to the car early in the morning." I bought a lot of food that my baby likes to eat, and I can cook it directly when I go back, and my baby can also eat some fruits, cakes, etc. in the car to fill my belly."

The sound got farther and farther away, until it was inaudible, but from their backs, it could be seen that they were really happy, and even the sound had a lot of color.

Ye Ningyuan's driving skills are top-notch, so it took Ye Ningyuan only seven to ten minutes to speed up the usual one-and-a-half hour drive.Because he knew that although he saw his daughter, he finally let go of his hanging heart, but the relatives at home didn't know the good news yet, so he had to hurry up to make them as happy as himself.

It is for this reason that Ye Ningyuan's speed is obviously much faster, and he is obviously speeding, but Ye Ningyuan's car is not dared to be stopped by the traffic police. After all, if he is not in a hurry, he will generally not speed. Yes, and the Ye family is rich and powerful, they don't want to be humiliated by these rich sons again like the last time they stopped the second young master Ye.

But people humiliate with money, even if they are extremely unwilling, but they are powerless to refute, but fortunately the Ye family only use money to humiliate, unlike other aristocrats who beat people, compared to their Ye family is considered better, So I can only willingly let them humiliate me.

When Ye Kelan stood in front of the home she had left for four years, her heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of her chest.

There is also a very strange feeling that she is afraid to take a step while standing at the door of her own house. I don't know if it is because of the proximity to the hometown.But no matter if it was the reason or not, when Ye Ningyuan hugged her behind her, she was not afraid of anything, as if no matter what happened, she had her dear daddy behind her as her strong backing.

Ye Kelan looked back at Ye Ningyuan with a smile, nodded at him, watched Ye Ningyuan hand him a silver key, and took it.

When I turned around, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, opened my eyes again, and slowly approached the door, holding the key in my hand, gently inserted it into the hole of the key, and slowly twisted the key In the past, Ye Kelan made a very brisk movement, but it made Ye Kelan feel as if he was worth a lot of money. ?
She closed her eyes, trying to suppress the ecstasy and excitement in her heart, and then slowly opened the door, and only opened her eyes the moment the door was opened.

A door, when it was closed, separated her and all her relatives, but now that it is opened, then she and her family are still there and there is no barrier, then they can be together forever.

The moment Ye Kelan pushed open the door, the first thing that caught her eye was Xu Nuo, her mommy in a sea blue dress.

Ye Kelan has always known that although her mother usually treats her daughter with sarcastic remarks, she really loves her daughter. Ye Kelan knew that it was not because she was her only daughter, but because she was her daughter, that's all.

Ye Kelan's eyes dimmed instantly when she saw Xu Nuo. Before she could make any movement, Xu Nuo had already stepped forward and hugged her daughter tightly in her arms. For the first time ever, the eye sockets were moist.

Ye Ningyuan, who was standing behind Ye Kelan, watched his two most beloved women embrace each other. Although neither his wife nor daughter made a sound, Ye Ningyuan saw the tears in the corners of his wife's eyes. He believed that his daughter was too. So even if he couldn't bear it anymore, he never stepped forward to embrace the two most important women in his life.

Because he knew that now was the time exclusively for their mother and daughter.

It was really the first time that Xu Nuo showed such a weak appearance in front of Ye Kelan, and it was the first time she shed tears in front of Ye Kelan. There is joy beyond words.

Ye Kelan raised his hand to gently wipe away the tears on Xu Nuo's face, and said with a smile: "Mommy, baby is back, so don't cry anymore, okay, baby's heart is about to pick up when you see it!" .”

Xu Nuo glared at Ye Kelan warmly and angrily, and reprimanded: "Since you're fine, don't you know to tell the family? Do you know how sad we were when we knew you didn't have one?"

(End of this chapter)

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