Chapter 185 I'm Back
Another point is the most important point, with the change of Ye Ningyuan's attitude, Ye Tianyu can clearly feel that Ye Kelan is really back, even though he held Ye Kelan's warm hand just now, But there is always some uneasiness in my heart.

But now he can completely rest assured, firstly, he has verified it, and secondly, Daddy knows Ke Lan well, so naturally there will be no mistakes.Ye Tianyu scratched the back of his head stupidly, looked at Ye Ningyuan apologetically and said, "Don't worry, Daddy, I'm just a little worried. I always want to confirm it earlier and be more at ease in my heart. Could it be that Daddy Do you really have no intention of distinguishing the authenticity after reading it?"

Regarding what Ye Tianyu said, Ye Ningyuan just gave him a blank look, "Since you're back, go and make breakfast, don't use jet lag as an excuse, I know you don't have that luxury!" Turning around to open the door of the room, before closing the door, Ye Ningyuan poked his head out and added: "Don't tell me that you didn't sleep on the plane so you are tired now, I don't like you, go make breakfast quickly. Hold on, make more food that your sister loves and nourishes and warms the body." After saying this, Ye Ningyuan closed the door without hesitation.

Ye Tianyu looked at the tightly guarded room door, dumbfounded, shook his head helplessly and sighed, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, it's still the same sentence, daughters are treasures, sons are grass! Sigh~ such a big burden on your shoulders I don’t have anyone caring to share it with me, and I’ve been on a flight for more than ten hours and rushed home without even taking a sip of water, yet I have to make breakfast for the whole family, I’m so miserable!”

That's what Ye Tianyu said, but Ye Tianyu can also see that he disturbed Her Royal Highness's sweet dreams, and let Her Royal Highness's father bump into her, and her heart ached. Only he who is called the prince but is actually a servant is tired.

After Ye Tianyu's breakfast was ready, Ye Chen, Cheng Anya, Ye Ningyuan, Xu Nuo and Ye Tiancheng all came down to have breakfast, only Ye Kelan hadn't moved a little bit, Ye Tianyu felt that it was not good to stay in bed Yes, so I was planning to go upstairs to call Ye Kelan, but before he moved, Ye Ningyuan stopped him one step earlier like a prophet.

It was also because of Ye Ningyuan's stop that Ye Kelan slept until 10:30, during which time he was sleepy and dreamless.

When Ye Kelan woke up, her wrist was already bruised, and she also knew that if Ye Ningyuan saw the injury, she would definitely have to practice Ye Tianyu a lot.

Although she also felt that Ye Tianyu should be taught a lesson when he pinched her own bruises, but she also knew that Ye Tianyu had resisted all the big and small things of the No. [-] terrorist organization in Nuoda in recent years. It was indeed very hard work, so I intentionally kept this matter a secret for Ye Tianyu.Fortunately, the bruised wrist is her left hand, and Ye Kelan can wear a wide bracelet to cover it up. As for how to repay the favor, she has to think carefully about it.

Although Ye Kelan hasn't been out of the house for four years, she still runs for two hours every day, and the speed of washing has always been deliberately maintained. She is a 24-year-old sister, so naturally she wants to help her brother clean the house together. The burden of the first terrorist organization was overcome.

Ten minutes later, Ye Kelan tidied herself up and put on a large but not fancy bracelet at all, taking advantage of her fairer skin, because it was already 10:[-] when she finished washing. Ten,? But fortunately, they were all at home. As soon as Ye Tianyu saw Ye Kelan come down, he hurriedly brought out the warm food for Ye Kelan.

After greeting her family one by one, Ye Kelan walked directly to the dining table, seeing that the food in front of her was all her favorite food, and Ye Kelan also knew that it was extremely nourishing to her current body, So I tried my best to finish them all without saying a word, and after I was done, I burped contentedly.

Ye Tianyu naturally knows Ye Kelan's food intake, but he doesn't know if it has changed over the years, but no matter what it is, he has added 20.00% of Ye Kelan's previous food intake, but looking at it now Ye Kelan had already eaten everything, and he had no reason not to suspect that it was because of the delicious food he cooked, that's why Ye Kelan ate all of it. He never thought that it was just because Ye Kelan was more than ten Haven't eaten for an hour.

However, it was only when Ye Tianyu went to clean up the dishes that he noticed that Ye Kelan was wearing a wide bracelet on his left hand. Ye Tianyu did not forget how strong he was holding Ye Kelan's wrist this morning. Ye Kelan's rough skin and thick flesh will be fine, but who would have thought that it would be really bruised.

In order to see exactly how much Ye Kelan's hand was injured by him, Ye Tianyu still took advantage of Ye Chen and Ye Ningyuan's inattention, gently took Ye Kelan's hand, and lifted the bracelet on her hand up. After stroking, as expected, Ye Kelan saw a bruise about two fingers wide on Ye Kelan's hand.

At that time, Ye Tianyu was a little annoyed by his reckless menstruation in the morning, why was he gentle even when he was not sure of his identity?Now that it hurts her, the one who hurts him is his sister, how does this make him face Ye Kelan?
Ye Tianyu looked at Ye Kelan apologetically, and slowly sat on the chair beside Ye Kelan. Although they had been separated for four years, Ye Tianyu still knew Ye Kelan's temper.Now that she doesn't say anything, there must be some conditions, and this matter was originally his fault, so now she can only whisper in Ye Kelan's ear, "I'm sorry sister, brother is wrong. , if you have any conditions, you can just mention them, if my brother can do it, he will definitely do it."

Ye Kelan arranged the position of the bracelet on her own, then looked at Ye Tianyu with a smile and said, "Brother, just remember it for the time being. If you need my help at that time, my baby will definitely not be polite." After finishing speaking, the eyes that were still smiling at Ye Tianyu's expressionless face narrowed, and then he bounced away and threw himself into Ye Ningyuan's arms.

At this time, An Xia, who was far away in the desert, didn't know that Ye Kelan had returned. She only knew that the Ye family had something to do, so she hurriedly called Ye Tianyu home, because she had been the number one terrorist organization since four years ago. So in the past four years, her life has become very busy and fulfilling. Basically, it is only during the Spring Festival that she will have a week or so to go back to S City for a visit.

(End of this chapter)

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