When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 202 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 202 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Nangong Yi lay motionless on An Xia's body. On the one hand, he wanted to prevent An Xia from being pressed down, and on the other hand, he wanted to firmly restrain An Xia so that she would not move. An Xia felt a little powerless lying down. Plus, men in the early morning are the easiest to turn into beasts, she doesn't want to be eaten by beasts for no reason.

So the two of them kept this action all the time, neither of them spoke first, probably they wanted to wait for the other to speak first.

Although An Xia only slept for five hours last night, fortunately she also slept for several hours yesterday afternoon, so now she did not fall asleep while remaining motionless.

And the reason why Nangong Yi didn't fall asleep was because he didn't dare to sleep. Although he also slept last night, he didn't even sleep half of An Xia's time. He was always worried that An Xia would disappear suddenly, so he always It was not long after falling asleep that he was startled again.She didn't want to be eaten by animals for no reason.

So the two of them kept this action all the time, neither of them spoke first, probably they wanted to wait for the other to speak first.

Although An Xia only slept for five hours last night, fortunately she also slept for several hours yesterday afternoon, so now she did not fall asleep while remaining motionless.

And the reason why Nangong Yi didn't fall asleep was because he didn't dare to sleep. Although he also slept last night, he didn't even sleep half of An Xia's time. He was always worried that An Xia would disappear suddenly, so he always It was not long after falling asleep that he was startled again.So much so that he is still very tired and wants to sleep, but in order to see if An Xia is still in his arms, even though he is tired and sleepy, he still opens his eyes and looks at An Xia, making sure that she is still in his arms. In his arms, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep for a while, and it went on and on until An Xia woke up.

Now that Nangong Yi is lying on An Xia's body, he really wants to sleep soundly. What he breathes is the fragrance of An Xia's body, and what he holds in his arms is An Xia's warm body. Tired and tired, isn't this a good place to sleep comfortably?So much so that he is still very tired and wants to sleep, but in order to see if An Xia is still in his arms, even though he is very tired and sleepy, he still opens his eyes and looks at An Xia, making sure that she is in her arms. In his arms, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep for a while, and it went on and on until An Xia woke up.

Now that Nangong Yi is lying on An Xia's body, he really wants to sleep soundly. What he breathes is the fragrance of An Xia's body, and what he holds in his arms is An Xia's warm body. Tired and tired, isn't this a good place to sleep comfortably?

In fact, Nangong Yi really closed his eyes and went to sleep, because he felt that his whole body was now on An Xia's body. Even if An Xia wanted to leave, he would have to push him off her body. Such a big move No matter how deeply he slept, he would still feel it. With this guarantee, Nangong Yi went to sleep with confidence.

An Xia waited for a long time, but Nangong Yi didn't speak. Instead, he heard the sound of even and long breathing. It took An Xia a long time to realize the sound. Did Nangong Yi fall asleep?Just fell asleep in such a strange posture, and slept soundly,
In fact, Nangong Yi really closed his eyes and went to sleep, because he felt that his whole body was now on An Xia's body. Even if An Xia wanted to leave, he would have to push him off her body. Such a big move No matter how deeply he slept, he would still feel it. With this guarantee, Nangong Yi went to sleep with confidence.

An Xia waited for a long time, but Nangong Yi didn't speak. Instead, he heard the sound of even and long breathing. It took An Xia a long time to realize the sound. Did Nangong Yi fall asleep?Just fell asleep in such a weird position, and slept soundly, An Xia was speechless when she heard the news that made her feel pain.

She reached out and patted Nangong Yi's shoulder, but there was no reaction at all. An Xia curled her lips, thinking that maybe Nangong Yi fell asleep because she was too tired, so her heart softened again. Let Nangong Yi continue to sleep for a while after softening.

It's really boring for An Xia to be alone and unable to move even a moment. In addition, even if Nangong Yi is on top of him, he consciously didn't suppress An Xia, so An Xia can still breathe very well. Smoothly, An Xia was speechless when he heard the news that made people feel pain.

She reached out and patted Nangong Yi's shoulder, but there was no reaction at all. An Xia curled her lips, thinking that maybe Nangong Yi fell asleep because she was too tired, so her heart softened again. Let Nangong Yi continue to sleep for a while after softening.

It's really boring for An Xia to be alone and unable to move even a moment. In addition, even if Nangong Yi is on top of him, he consciously didn't suppress An Xia, so An Xia can still breathe very well. Smooth, maybe because of smooth breathing, An Xia slowly fell asleep again, maybe it was because of smooth breathing, and also because of boredom, so An Xia slowly fell asleep again.

This sleep lasted until the sun was shining brightly, and it was Nangong Yi who woke up first. This sleep was the best one that Nangong Yi had fallen asleep naturally in the past four years. It was dawn, but it was only after taking sleeping pills that he could sleep so well.

Nangong Yi supported his body with his palms, and looked straight at An Xia under him, even reluctant to blink his eyes, because he was afraid that if he blinked, An Xia would disappear.But when Nangong Yi recalled that he was able to sleep safely and boldly just now, and when An Xia was still in his arms after waking up, Nangong Yi knew that An Xia was really by his side.

So what if it's just being by his side? If it wasn't for An Xia's willingness to stay by his side for the rest of his life, then if he was just by his side for a while, Nangong Yi still wanted to look at An Xia, and he couldn't bear to blink, because he was afraid of himself Because the moment he blinked, he lost even a minute and a second of An Xia's time.

Nangong Yi loves An Xia, even if he can't bear to blink his eyes when he looks at An Xia; Even if he and An Xia just met once before, it doesn't matter if they don't know each other well, even if he lost his life because of An Xia's identity, he is still willing!
Counting it all, this should be the third time he and An Xia met. In four years, he only saw his beloved three times. He is really the saddest person among all the crushes! ?
But it doesn't matter, he will make up what he owed before.

(End of this chapter)

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