When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 211 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 211 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

An hour later, Ye Kelan and An Xia finally chose their favorite jewelry and came out after paying the bill. I have to say whether the two of them really have a tacit understanding or the adaptability they have trained for many years. Looking in a more secretive direction, looking back at each other, smiling evilly, you can already see the evil in the other's eyes without saying a word.

After they walked away talking and laughing, Qiao Hanwan came out from the dark place, stared fiercely at the backs of Ye Kelan and An Xia, and then walked into the room just now without hesitation. That jewelry store returned the jewelry I just bought to the merchant, but the staff refused to return it for reasons other than the jewelry itself, but it is acceptable to buy it back at a price that is 20.00% lower than the original market price. That's the price. It is because the jewelry was sold not long ago, and the brooch was recovered at 80.00% of the price when both the shape and the gloss of the jewelry were intact.

It's just that the staff is not stupid, the jewelry is still in good condition, and the packaging is intact, and the staff can directly earn a difference of 6 yuan after changing hands, even if everyone in their shop is present If everyone wants a share of the pie, they can also get 8000 yuan.In addition, the person who gave them the money was taken care of by others. Since they have already been sold, why not let these hard-working migrant workers share some of it?After all, they also asked for money to watch the show and greet them with smiles!

It is true to say so, but it is inevitable to sneer at Qiao Hanwan with a decent smile. Although Qiao Hanwan is very angry now, she needs money urgently, and she can't offend the staff. If they don't give her What should I do if I withdraw?
So she could only grit her teeth tightly, and blamed Ye Kelan and An Xia for all the grievances and anger she had received from the staff. If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be so ashamed.She is now living such a useless and despised life because of them. If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely let them know that anyone who offends her, Qiao Hanwan, will die badly. They knelt in front of her and begged herself bitterly to vent her anger.

Although Qiao Hanwan doesn't know when this scene will appear, but even if it appears one day in the future, the person kneeling on the ground begging will only be her, Qiao Hanwan. After all, Qiao Hanwan is at best a victim It's just a useless young lady spoiled by her family, how can she compare to the well-trained Ye Kelan and An Xia?
If even a little girl like Qiao Hanwan can't win, then how can they have the ability to calculate the Counter-Strike Elite and the big gangsters?Haven't you been shot into a hornet's nest and thrown into the sea to feed the fish?
As Qiao Hanwan walked out of the jewelry store, she was crooked at the tragic situation when she abused Ye Kelan and An Xia, but what really happened now was that she had just walked out of the jewelry store and just turned around when she met Ye Kelan who turned back. Ke Lan and An Xia are gone.

Qiao Hanwan, who has always been domineering, obviously lacked confidence when she saw them, because she no longer had the bag of jewelry in her hand, and even Qiao Hanwan herself could know why she picked up jewelry without thinking about it. Walked out of the store empty-handed.

So although Ye Kelan and An Xia are not the kind of troublemakers, but now the object is the annoying Qiao Hanwan, even if they don't have the habit of beating people like this, Ye Kelan and An Xia will not hesitate He walked up to face to face, and stood in front of Qiao Hanwan with a big smile on his face.

Ye Kelan and An Xia really only had decent smiles on their faces, and they didn't mean to mock at all, but Qiao Hanwan obviously didn't think so, she felt that Ye Kelan and An Xia were mocking nakedly she.

Although she does have the capital to laugh at her, and these plagiarisms are all done by herself to provoke others, so now she returns her body as her own, if it were someone else, she would have already done so Tucking her tail to be a human being, but Qiao Hanwan is different, even if she doesn't have the capital to fight back, she will still be quick with her tongue.

"Get out of the way!" Qiao Hanwan said coldly, if it weren't for the crumpled clothes on her body, she might be called noble and glamorous, but because of the clothes, So this noble and glamorous style is greatly discounted, and it has become low and flamboyant, and it is obvious that it lacks confidence.

Ye Kelan cast a glance at Qiao Hanwan's empty hands, the corners of her mouth curved into a beautiful arc, and asked in a moderate voice: "Where's that brooch you bought just now? Could it be because you know you spent it all?" I spent a month’s allowance, afraid that there would be no money to spend in the remaining 29 days, so I waited impatiently for us to return the brooch when we left, so that we could buy some decent clothes for ourselves! "

Qiao Hanwan just glared at Ye Kelan coldly, and planned to bypass them without saying a word, but An Xia obviously wouldn't let her go, so she strode in front of Qiao Hanwan, mockingly He smiled and said, "I told you a long time ago not to mess with me. You came here to seek death. You deserve it now! Although you have left Qiao's house now, I still want to tell you, You have to use your brain before doing things, don't provoke everyone, some people you can provoke, some people you can't afford, when the time comes, if others become ruthless, you will still have to lose in the end."

After finishing speaking, she didn't move her place, she just stood in front of Qiao Hanwan and looked down at Qiao Hanwan. Although An Xia didn't like Qiao Hanwan, after all, Qiao Hanwan still acted for her at Qiao's house She has fulfilled her filial piety in front of her parents, so even if Qiao Hanwan makes a mistake in the future, no one will say that she has a father and no mother to teach her, An Xia has to teach her how to behave in the future.

Qiao Hanwan bit her back molars hard, as if she was biting An Xia's flesh and blood. Her hands were also clenched into fists. She likes to have long nails, and now her nails are pinching the tender flesh of her palms. , there were blood marks coming from pinching, but she seemed to be in a hurry.Also, the two people I hated the most in my life stood in front of me and mocked me condescendingly when I was at my worst. It was too late for her to hate, so how could she feel the pain in her body?

Turning to Ye Kelan and An Xia with resentment, he squeezed out a few words from the back molars: "Have you guys finished? If you finish, let me leave. I don't want to see your annoying faces. Mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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