When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 223 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 223 Don't die, don't die!
"Okay!" An Xia yelled at Qiao Junting, then took a breath and looked at Qiao's mother standing in front of her, and said with a smile: "Mom, I really just worked abroad all these years It's just that she didn't sell her body and dignity to get everything she wanted, as Qiao Hanwan said." After all, with her current status, status, financial resources, and power, it will never be possible for someone who wants to sell her body and dignity will be hers.

"Mom, the company I work for is under the name of my adoptive father. Although my adoptive father has already retired seven years ago and lived a life of having three children and waiting to die. But taking over his job The person in question is his own son, who is also my brother in name, we have always had a good relationship, and he also regards me as his sister, so it is inevitable that he will treat me better than others."

Speaking of this, An Xia glanced at Ye Kelan uncomfortably, and continued: "Besides, my status in the company is not low now, and I have a lot of contacts, so I will naturally earn more. It’s okay, I can also help someone invest in him when he starts a business, and introduce him to a few big deals with high profits, so that it is not too difficult for him to become a multi-billionaire in just four years things."

"But mom and dad don't worry, even if he wants to betray me in the future, it doesn't matter. I am now the largest shareholder in his company other than him. If he dares to betray me, I will withdraw the capital at worst, and then take ownership of his company." All my business has been terminated."

"Although there are not many people like him, there are still capable people in this world. I really know a lot of people who are more capable than him. Although I haven't met some people, at least I know the people around her. Yes. For example, when he was five years old, he already played around with the leaders of the world's largest gangster. Although he is now an internationally wanted criminal, the group of drunks and rich people can't help him at all; there is another one that is also particularly magical, but She didn't do anything illegal, but the lotus bloomed overnight on the day she was born, and she was just seven days old, a gifted baby who could talk very smoothly; and her younger brother , the real younger brother, a younger brother who has been clamoring to dissect his own sister since he was a child, but I guess even his own sister will be dissected, he should not be born in their family, most likely because of a wrong hug." After finishing speaking, she nodded in agreement, and said, "So..." It's really not surprising that Nangong Yi has become a billionaire in four years.

After hearing what An Xia said, Qiao's mother would be in trouble. She didn't care what happened to him, but An Xia was her daughter, and she couldn't do these illegal things.

Although the foundation of the Qiao family is not that glorious, they have never done anything illegal, so as a mother who loves her daughter, Qiao's mother is naturally very worried and educates: "Xia Xia, I don't care about your money. How did you come here, but my mother has only one condition, that is, not to do anything illegal. If it is less serious, it will be shot. If you break the law, even if your parents do everything they can, they will not be able to save you! Therefore, no matter what you are doing now, you should not do it. A company as big as your family can still support you, ah, Listen to your mother, okay, go home!"

At the beginning, what An Xia said was nothing, but the more I listened to it, the more strange it became. What does it mean that a child who is only five years old has already played around with a group of people in the Communist Party and the international anti-terrorism organization?What does it mean to be able to speak only seven days after birth?What is it that an unfilial younger brother clamors all day long to kill his own older sister?Although these are all facts, if you want to say it, you can’t say it in front of her, a 24-year-old girl who is five years old and plays around with a group of **** heads. Do you know that there are some things that cannot be said, although This is to praise her father's ability and ability.

"Xia Xia, what were you talking about just now? Who can speak just seven days after birth?" Although this is all true, after all, the matter about her aunt is indeed too mysterious and extraordinary. .

Ye Kelan looked at An Xia with a smile on her face, her smile was as bright as a flower.But Ye Kelan's smile made An Xia's back feel cold, and then she realized what she said just now. Unfortunately, one of the people she mentioned just now was Ye Kelan's father, and the other It is Ye Kelan's aunt who has been missing for 22 years, and the other is Ye Kelan's young and mature second uncle. She talks about her father, aunt, and second uncle in front of this and her protectors. She was dissected?
But now Ye Kelan will not turn into a beast in front of her parents and her brother, An Xia looked at Ye Kelan with some fear and laughed dryly, gave Ye Kelan a look without any trace, and then smiled He flattered him and said: "Isn't this a matter of haste? Besides, you told me all these things yourself. Since you have already told me at the beginning, you should know that I will say it one day. Hehe, I'm just a messenger, ah~ help..." Before she finished speaking, she saw Ye Kelan rushing towards her, and she was about to make a move. Naturally, An Xia couldn't be in the presence of her parents and brother. It was too cowardly in front of me, so I could only yell and run away.

Ye Kelan didn't intend to do anything at first, but just wanted to have a good chat with her. Who knew that he gave her a look, obviously wanting to talk to her alone or escape from here, so She lazily walked towards An Xia, but she had only taken a step when she saw An Xia yelling "Ah" when she saw her coming, as if seeing a plague god, which almost deafened her ears. Not to mention, when she was finished, she shamelessly yelled 'Help' and ran out quickly, leaving Ye Kelan looking at the sky speechlessly: Is she that scary?

But since An Xia ran out, she felt a little uncomfortable staying here alone, and they were bound to ask her something, she didn't want to say it anyway, so she could only shout: "Stop! "Then he ran out without looking back, leaving Father Qiao, Mother Qiao and Qiao Junting standing there staring speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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