When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 234 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 234 Don't die, don't die!
Hearing this, Ye Kelan stopped pretending to be crying, instead she stood up, approached Nangong Yi with a faint smile on her face, and patted Nangong Yi on the shoulder. Looking at the appearance of a junior, he said earnestly: "Young man, if you have this awareness, you are considered smart and have vision. You must know that if you can marry An Xia, it will be like marrying a living God of Wealth! We I have told her fortune, she has a very strong fortune, I guess if you really marry An Xia, your worth will be multiplied at least several times, you have to cherish An Xia well. If you If you dare to betray An Xia, I think you will really have a hard time for the rest of your life, because An Xia has the life of Wangfu, do you think when did you start to make a fortune? It must be the time when you met An Xia! You Think about it, if you lose An Xia, you will have nothing. Even if you have a lot of money now, as long as An Xia is no longer yours, then even if you have gold and silver, you will give it to me. Defeat. Even if you lose all, I will make you nothing. What I said is the truth, you must remember it well, or don’t blame me for not reminding you when the time comes! "Finally, Ye Kelan's face was full of seriousness, and he no longer looked like I was a half-immortal just now.

An Xia was left speechless by Ye Kelan's nonsense. Although the fortune-telling was all done by Ye Kelan, An Xia also knew what Ye Kelan said if Nangong Yi did not have An Xia. He will have nothing, because she can give Nangong Yi all these things, and in the same way, Ye Kelan can also ask for all of them back, even the ones with interest. Not possible.

I just don't know what Nangong Yi will think after hearing An Xia's words?How to say?How will you do it?An Xia didn't help Nangong Yi to speak as before, but looked at Nangong Yi nervously, looking forward to his next answer.

Nangong Yi just looked at the corner of Ye Kelan's mouth and smiled slightly. His eyes were full of sincerity, and he said seriously: "I love An Xia wholeheartedly, and I can prove it with everything I have. As long as An Xia is willing to be with me forever, I will never let An Xia shed a single tear. If you don't believe me, I can ask the lawyer to draw up an agreement immediately. If one day in the future I let An Xia If you shed tears, then all the movable and immovable properties under my name will belong to you, and I will have no complaints!" His voice was not loud, but every sentence was resounding.

An Xia's eyes were red when she heard Nangong Yi's affectionate confession, and shed tears on the spot. She also thought about Nangong Yi and said, "No need, you don't need to be so troublesome, as long as I know about it myself Yes. If you really betray me or don't love me anymore, you must tell me, I will leave by myself, and I will take everything that belongs to me, except you!"

Nangong Yi looked at An Xia and smiled slightly. Although he was smiling, his eyes were serious, and he said without joking at all: "This day will never happen, it will never happen It happened on this day, Xia Xia, you believe me!" Looking at Ye Kelan again, put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Ke Lan, right? I know you are Xia Xia's good friend, and I know you too What I said just now is for Xia Xia's good, but let me tell you, Xia Xia is mine, and I will always be good to Xia Xia, you can rest assured about this."

Ye Kelan nodded, smiled and said: "I'm not worried, but I hope you can remember what I just said, because if you really make Xia Xia sad, I will definitely leave you with nothing Yes, no matter who it is, you can’t change my decision! If you want to regret it in the future, it’s best to take advantage of Xiaxia’s troubles now, otherwise it will be a lifetime. One day you suddenly regretted it, and I also like that you can lie to Xia Xia for a lifetime, so that she will never know that you have regretted everything you said today, okay?"

"I know." Nangong Yi said: "If I want to lie, I will definitely lie to Xia Xia for the rest of my life, so that she will never know the truth."

The words were finished by Ye Kelan and Nangong Yi. An Xia, the heroine, didn't know what to say. After looking at Ye Kelan and Nangong Yi, she finally found something to say: " You have said so much, you should be thirsty and hungry, right? A lot of delicious food and drinks were served just now, you should also sit down and eat and drink a little!"

Ye Kelan turned her head and glanced at An Xia, and then at the food on the table which was obviously much richer than the ones the servants brought her just now. She felt as if she was hungry again, even though she had eaten enough just now. , but she felt that she was still young and needed to grow her body, so she had to eat more, so she returned to her original position and sat down without hesitation, and continued to eat silently.

Nangong Yi got up very early in the morning, and started his day's work before he had time to eat breakfast. He often had a meal without a meal, and his stomach would naturally get worse after a long time.But today, because An Xia came, it looked like he didn't have breakfast, and the breakfast was already on the table, An Xia still looked at him with piercing eyes, even if he didn't want to eat breakfast, he had to follow An Xia's wishes He obediently walked over to eat the breakfast he hadn't eaten for a long time. ?
After breakfast, Nangong Yi, the host, will naturally take Ye Kelan and An Xia, the future hostess, to visit his and An Xia's homes. He won't suffer for An Xia, and he can still live in a big house; the second is to let An Xia see if there is anything she doesn't like, so that he can make changes before An Xia gets married. Try to be what An Xia likes.

In fact, An Xia is the kind who just needs to close her eyes. As for the style, it really doesn't matter much. What's more important is that she knows that Nangong Yi is solely responsible for the layout of the house. At that time, she already liked it very much. After all, Nangong Yi is usually so busy, and she is willing to spare time to do these, just to make her like it in the future. As a woman, as a woman who is immersed in love, An Xia said that she was really moved, and at the same time decided to treat Nangong Yi better, and never let him feel sad for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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