When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 240 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 240 Don't die, don't die!
Turning her head to see Qiao's father and Qiao's mother shaking their heads in despair, Qiao Hanwan seemed to have remembered something funny, and said with a distorted smile: "There is one more thing I almost forgot, I really don't remember well Okay. But fortunately, I have already remembered. I don’t know if you still remember that the group of people who kidnapped you four years ago was specially arranged for you? Do you know? I want them to destroy your Innocent, but your life must be spared, because I want you to live and suffer. I don’t know if you have had nightmares in the past four years? Have you recalled the memory of that day four years ago anytime, anywhere? Don't thank me too much, this is what you deserve."

An Xia smiled slightly, while shaking her head, looked at Qiao Hanwan as if she was watching a joke, and said quietly: "In that case, I might as well tell you now, my four years ago Nothing happened, and I have been safe and sound all this time. The reason why I want to leave S City is because I am really busy, busy with work, busy with killing people! As for the guy you found four years ago When people saw me for the first time, they were reluctant to hurt me, and they still protected me everywhere. I'm really sorry to let you down!"

Putting away the expression on his face, Van said with this face: "Qiao Hanwan, I have given you many opportunities, but you don't know how to cherish the opportunities I give you every time, and you come again and again Challenge my patience. I think I have let you off many times for the sake of your parents, but you still don’t know how to repent at all, and even hate your parents who have cared for you. Are you still human after all? ? Do you know that you are kidnapping not only my parents, but also your adoptive parents, but you actually use them to threaten me, I think you really have had enough!"

"So what if I'm crazy? I just want you to know the fate of those who offended me. What are they? Since you want to adopt me, you should completely forget about your own daughter. I wanted to find you, why did you come back and snatch everything that belongs to me?"

Qiao Hanwan's mentality is completely distorted now, and she doesn't distinguish good from bad at all. After scolding An Xia, she still felt that it was not enough, so she opened her mouth to curse at Qiao's father and Qiao's mother: "Since you haven't forgotten your Why did my own daughter adopt me? Let me tell you, it is because of you that I became like this. I will let you and your beloved daughter go to hell together, and then use your corpse to destroy the entire Qiao Group. In other words, when the time comes, your family will be completely ruined! Hahaha..."

It seemed that it was not so pleasant to speak quickly, or that she was annoyed by the whining voices of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, so she raised the whip in her hand without mercy, and slapped Qiao Father and Mother Qiao flung them away.

It hurts to beat someone with a whip. Although Qiao Hanwan's strength is not strong, it is summer after all, and it hurts to be whipped.Although Qiao's father can still bear it, but Qiao's mother can't bear it any longer, and she also knows that Qiao Hanwan is heartless, so she doesn't expect Qiao Hanwan to find out in good conscience and not beat them. Seeing the whip fall on their body, it is better to close their eyes and wait quietly for the whip to fall on their body, but they heard the sound of the whip hitting the flesh, but felt no pain.

Opening his eyes, he realized that before the whip fell on them, An Xia, who ran up to them at some point, had already grabbed the whip, so he temporarily forgot the pain and discomfort on his body, and opened his eyes. Looking at An Xia's cold side face with eyes closed in surprise, they couldn't believe their eyes, what did they see?Their daughter was able to come in front of them so fast and block Qiao Hanwan's whip for them!
Qiao Hanwan was also very surprised to see An Xia tightly grasping the whip. She hardly saw how An Xia moved here to grab her whip, and the whip was so fast that it hit her body It was so painful, how could An Xia dare to grab her whip with bare hands, and make her unable to whip it out?
An Xia originally felt very distressed when she first saw the injuries on Qiao's father and mother. At that time, she did not see Qiao Hanwan beating them, so she was not so angry, but now she saw Qiao Hanwan with her own eyes. Raising the whip to beat her parents, how could she, a daughter, have the heart to watch her parents being beaten by Qiao Hanwan?
So she didn't care about so many things at all, and moved directly in front of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, abruptly caught the whip with her hand, and at the same time gritted her teeth and looked at Qiao Hanwan bitterly, coldly He said: "Qiao Hanwan, it's okay if you hit my parents when I'm not there, I can't protect them, but now I'm still standing here, you just don't want to hit them in front of me , even if they have made thousands of mistakes, they are the benefactors who brought you up. You really are a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it! Since you want to beat people so much, then I will let you have a good experience of being whipped I promise, with the strength of my beating, I will definitely make you unforgettable this whip!" As he spoke, An Xia squeezed Qiao Hanwan tightly in his hand His whip was pulled over, without looking at the whip, he knew that as soon as he stretched out his hand, the whip fell into An Xia's palm obediently.

Qiao Hanwan was so surprised by An Xia's sudden appearance that she was almost speechless, but she soon came back to her senses when An Xia raised her whip and whipped her. I have to say, An Xia The whipping of her was really painful, and she was almost in pain to the point of shedding tears, but she still didn't cry.Because she still has the last magic weapon, which is the pistol. No matter how fast and strong An Xia is, can she pass the gun fast and strong?

"Don't move!" Qiao Hanwan pulled out the pistol hidden behind her and pointed at An Xia who raised her hand and was about to whip her. She clasped the pistol with her index finger and said in a trembling voice: "Don't move, Qiao Anxia, ​​let me tell you." , if you dare to move, I will definitely shoot you to death, and then send your parents and your good sisters down to accompany you, believe it or not?" After threatening An Xia, Qiao Hanwan shouted again : "Where are people? Where have they all gone? Don't you know come out and tie up that woman for me?"

An Xia sighed speechlessly. Looking at Qiao Hanwan and the gun in her hand, the corners of her mouth suddenly and slowly curled up. At this moment, An Xia could still laugh, but everyone present except Ye Ke Everyone except Lan almost dropped their jaws.

(End of this chapter)

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