Chapter 249 Nothing Has Changed
After expressing her gratitude to Zhao Ziming with a slight smile, Ye Kelan turned around and went to help An Xia who was already drunk and unconscious. She didn't see the disappointment on Zhao Ziming's face and the sound of his broken glass heart.

Maybe it's because he hasn't seen each other for too long, so his appearance has changed. Didn't Ye Kelan also become more beautiful than before?It's just maybe because he has a deeper memory of Ye Kelan, so he recognized her at a glance!Zhao Ziming comforted himself like this, and after watching Ye Kelan turn around, he shook his head disappointedly at himself, then took a breath, then approached Ye Kelan and asked with a smile: "Kelan, I'm Zhao Ziming, you Don't remember me?"

Ye Kelan raised his head to look at Zhao Ziming, then lowered his eyelids to recall, and after a while he suddenly realized with a smile: "You are Zhao Ziming! It's been so many years, if you don't say it, I guess I'm going to forget that I'm still alive." I know someone like you." Seeing the disappointment on Zhao Ziming's face, Ye Kelan also realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and quickly changed the subject: "Xia Xia is drunk, and this place is indeed too noisy. She doesn't have a good rest, I'm going to send her to the hotel to rest, can you help me?" Finally, a bright smile appeared on Ye Kelan's face, which immediately fascinated Zhao Ziming.

But soon Zhao Ziming came back to his senses, grinned and said, "It's just a little effort." After hugging An Xia, Zhao Ziming asked with some doubts: "Isn't she living at Qiao's house? Why do you want to stay in a hotel again? "

Ye Kelan pursed her lips and explained with a sigh: "Look at her now, do I dare to send her home? If I send her back, her parents will probably keep talking about her, and they will never Let her come out with me, maybe I will not be allowed to enter the gate of their house from now on!"

This is indeed a bit exaggerated, but if the Qiao family who don't know An Xia's real identity may indeed do this, but if they go back under the current situation, it is estimated that only people with a foreign surname will be allowed in? It is estimated that he will be even more displeased with An Xia's actions, and maybe he will not let An Xia in from now on, maybe!
After all, in their cognition, An Xia is a terrorist, an internationally wanted criminal, an identity that they are afraid of when they hear it. How can they still remember that this internationally wanted terrorist who is a terrorist is their daughter, and they are on this road. The point of no return is also because they are parents, but also because they can live!

After Qiao's father and Qiao's mother woke up after a night's sleep, they realized that An Xia had long since disappeared. They also knew that their attitude towards her today must have made her sad, but after all, they were just ordinary people, even if they were worth dozens [-] million, and he had never had any contact with terrorists, so he was naturally very scared and worried at that time.

It's just that they had already figured it out when they came back. As long as their daughter came back, as long as her daughter wouldn't hurt them, they could still accept An Xia's identity, and they wouldn't have any dislike or dislike. It's just that they didn't come He told An Xia about this, so An Xia was sad and left Qiao's house.

Afraid that An Xia would be hurt if she was alone outside, or would be overwhelmed, and thus be in a bad mood, she locked the door and called An Xia decisively, telling her that no matter what kind of her she was, their parents would accept her and let her go. She hurried home, where is home safe outside?

But An Xia just wanted to get drunk with Ye Kelan in peace, so she not only turned off her mobile phone on the way, but also turned off Ye Kelan's mobile phone, just to avoid being disturbed by the outside world. Received their call, and she also has the ability to prevent Qiao's family from finding them. After all, she is the Suzaku of the number one terrorist organization. If she doesn't even have this ability, she might as well die in the hands of her opponent earlier.

But some things are often very unfortunate. On the second morning when An Xia was drunk, she received a call from the No. [-] terrorist organization asking her to go back to the headquarters of the No. [-] terrorist organization immediately, so even if she saw Father Qiao , Qiao's mother's call and the text message asking her to go home, she just frowned slightly, first made a call with Nangong Yi, told him that she had something to go abroad, and told Nangong her other work number Yi, he also promised many times that this time, he would not lose any news as soon as he left like the last time. To put it bluntly, he even told Nangong Yi Ye Kelan's number. After double assurance, Nangong Yi reluctantly agreed. up.Then he sent another text message to Qiao's mother and turned off the phone, completely cutting off contact with Qiao's father and Qiao's mother.

It's just that what An Xia didn't expect was that when she rushed to the airport to get on the plane, she heard Nangong Yi calling her. An Xia thought she was hallucinating, but she still looked back. Sure enough, Nangong Yi came over. Looking at An Xia reluctantly, before An Xia could react, he ran in front of An Xia in three steps at a time, and pulled An Xia into his arms regardless of the people present. Hugging tightly, An Xia clearly felt that Nangong Yi, who was holding her, was relieved, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth slightly bent, and hugged Nangong Yi's waist.

Ye Kelan curled her lips in disgust, are they showing off to her?Showing off the two of them, you and I, and she is alone, and there is no one to see her off?
But she is also cared about by someone, it's just that they can't be together now, if they can be together, she promises that she will be sweeter with him than they are now!

It's just that seeing them embracing each other like no one else, Ye Kelan felt that she was so sad. In order not to see this scene that she didn't like, she shook her head and entered the cabin, trying to keep out of sight and out of mind.

It's just that although she entered the cabin, her mobile phone did not enter the cabin. She squatted in the corner silently, taking pictures of An Xia and Nangong Yi's reluctance, and then she could show it to others when she went back. After all, Good things are meant to be shared.

Nangong Yi hugged An Xia tightly, and was reluctant to let go, but even if Nangong Yi couldn't bear to let go, so what?An Xia was destined to leave, so Nangong Yi was not as gentle as before. After letting go of his arms, he lifted An Xia's chin and kissed it. Ye Kelan looked at the way Nangong Yi kissed An Xia's lips. She was so vicious as if she was going to swallow An Xia alive, but she wasn't worried at all. Instead, she was afraid that she would laugh out loud because they were too involved in the kiss, which would affect the overall feeling of the video, so she used He tightly covered his mouth with his hands, just because he was afraid that he would not be able to help but laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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