Chapter 260 I Will Never Forget You

The corner of Gu Yumo's mouth curled into a happy smile, and he said with some pride: "I know, I always knew that you were thinking of me, just like I was thinking of you. Lan Lan, do you know ?I can't wait to see you now, I want to hold you tightly in my arms, be with you forever, and never be separated from you in this life. Come back, back to the place that only belongs to the two of us That home, okay?"

His voice seemed to have the ability to seduce people's hearts, Ye Kelan actually nodded obediently, with a faint smile on her lips, she agreed in a very gentle tone: "Okay, then I'll come to you, if you hurry up I can see you tomorrow. If it is a little slower, it will probably take about a week, and I promise that I will come to see you as soon as possible."

Ye Kelan also knew that she had just returned to the No. [-] terrorist organization today. Although she was very familiar with the things here, it was four years ago after all, and there were still many things that needed to be re-understood. Ke Lan was very familiar with this place before, and Ye Tianyu has always adopted the previous regulations. Although some modifications and adjustments have been made, it will not be too difficult to take over. After all, he has a high IQ and a photographic memory. Put it there, if it really takes too long, wouldn't that be a sign to smash her Ye family? ?
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

"Yeah." Ye Kelan responded softly, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up. She just felt that as long as she could be with Gu Yumo, all obstacles and troubles would be no problem, even if someone wanted to take her identity It doesn't matter if you come to make a fuss, after all, who would believe what a dead man said?
Gu Yumo said a few words before hanging up the phone, but Ye Kelan took off the phone case after hanging up the phone, took out the hand-painted cute picture that had been stuck there all the time, and looked at it, feeling warm in his heart Yes, I lifted the quilt, took a paper and a pen and drew it according to the ratio of one to two of this cute picture, and then added a little cute boy of about the same size next to it, no doubt, this The cute boy is Gu Yumo, and the cute girl is Ye Kelan.

The cute girl was drawn by Gu Yunmo, and the cute boy was drawn by Ye Kelan. When two people who love each other draw this cute painting, they must have poured their love into it. , The finished product is naturally very beautiful, although not as beautiful as the real person, but when you see the real person in person like this, it can be an extra surprise.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Kelan went to Ye Tianyu's room to have breakfast in the pajamas she wore last night. When she came back, she changed into a black outfit after washing up, and her long black hair was braided into a thin braid. After looking in the mirror, Ye Kelan couldn't help touching her smooth and tender face and muttering to herself with a smile: "It's really beautiful, the eyebrows are clustered without melting, and the lips are red without pointing. This is my own face, and I am a little obsessed with it." This is a capitalized narcissism, how can there be such a narcissistic person, even looking at his own face, he feels that he is going to be obsessed with himself, this is really true A little narcissistic and self-confident.

Perhaps it was because Ye Kelan got back together with Gu Yunmo last night, so Ye Kelan was in a particularly good mood today. Even the little episode last night did not affect Ye Kelan's mood, and he still calmed down with a faint smile on his face. Step towards the big meeting room.

Although most of the people in the No. [-] terrorist organization knew Ye Kelan, and a small number of people were Ye Kelan's close friends, but after all, four years have passed, and everything has long been regarded as something different, so even Ye Kelan Kelan is back, and many people remember Ye Kelan, but after all, the newcomers don't know each other, and maybe some old people have forgotten that Ye Kelan once existed, so today's introduction meeting must be held.

It's just that I don't know how many people Ye Kelan's return will surprise.

Ye Tianyu is now the head of the entire No. [-] terrorist organization. Naturally, such a major event as Ye Kelan's return should be passed on to the low-level people by him, the supreme leader. This will not only let the low-level people know about Ye Kelan How important it is to the No. [-] terrorist organization, you can also tell them that Ye Kelan is silently supporting behind Ye Kelan's infinite glory, so that they should be as fearful as they are doing things for him when doing what Ye Kelan ordered But do it beautifully.

He stood straight on the podium, and made every single person who didn't know Ye Kelan curious about Ye Kelan, a legendary figure. Those who had known Ye Kelan before were naturally very surprised, because Ye Kelan They knew about Ye Kelan's ability, and they also saw Ye Kelan die in front of them with their own eyes. Now that she has really come back, this is really a great miracle, and it only brings them surprise. When Tianyu said that Ye Kelan came back, the jaws of all the people present who knew Ye Kelan dropped in surprise.

Ye Tianyu was very satisfied with their performance, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, how many years had he not seen such surprised expressions from this group of elites?I really miss it!

Ye Kelan still smiled and introduced herself to those who knew her and those who didn’t know her, although she smiled carelessly now, and she was already very good-looking, so it was easy for people who didn’t know her There is a feeling that she is a soft persimmon who is easy to bully. Some proud members in the audience want to challenge Ye Kelan. After all, how can such a beautiful young girl who looks weak and smiles What about ordering them?
So naturally there still needs to be a competition to convince them, otherwise they will definitely not agree to obey Ye Kelan's order.

There were even people who challenged Ye Kelan on the spot, one would have two, and gradually there were more than a dozen people who wanted to challenge Ye Kelan's authority, while those who knew Ye Kelan from the beginning all silently stood up for those people. Those who dared to stand up and dare to challenge Ye Kelan mourned for a second. After all, the ending was already in front of them, so they could imagine their embarrassment when they were defeated. Ye Kelan was so embarrassed that he couldn't help laughing, the voice was quite loud, those who challenged Ye Kelan heard it, and they all looked at the smiling and happy people.

That's right, those people are An Xia, Jing Nan, Fang Muxing and Fang Luo, and others are Qinglong, Baihu and Xuanwu. These people are all people who had a good relationship with Ye Kelan before, so When they heard that they were going to challenge Ye Kelan, they couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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