Chapter 263 I Will Never Forget You

It was the first time Zhao Huan had seen such an unreasonable person. If it was true what she said, then why didn't she see any injuries on her body when Liu Jie shot her?Even a little injury is fine!

But nothing at all, don't tell her it's because of her skill that she dodged it.Then he fired another shot at Liu Jie.Don't say that because of her good marksmanship, she can shoot down the bullets that are shooting at her quickly, and even cripple Liu Jie's hand.

It's not that there are such sharpshooters in this world, but even if there is, it's impossible for her to be an underage girl like her who doesn't seem to be there yet, and it's absolutely impossible for her to be the one she was lucky enough to meet.

"Don't say it so high-sounding, it's all because of you, so don't find excuses, if you still have a little conscience, just admit it, I believe Black J sees that you know your mistake In part, I can punish you a little lighter." Zhao Huan taught Ye Kelan a lesson earnestly, because he was too excited, even Ye Tianyu who was standing beside Ye Kelan was ignored, but it was It is not known whether he ignored it or caught Ye Tianyu's attention from another aspect.

She told others not to speak so high-sounding, but although she herself was not high-sounding, she was also hypocritically using the name of complaining for her friends to benefit herself.

Ye Kelan took a step forward and looked at Zhao Huan carefully, and then said loudly after a while: "I said you are all right? Do you know the cause and effect of this incident or have you seen it with your own eyes? You came here without distinction Teach me, because you have such a good relationship with her, so you blindly listen to her side of the story?"

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help but rolled my eyes at Zhao Huan again, and at the same time smiled disdainfully, and told Zhao Huan what happened last night, "This is all the facts, if you don't believe it, you can ask She, after all, this door has a password and fingerprint recognition. Otherwise, you think I can figure out the password by pinching my fingers, and then change the fingerprint, so I can easily enter all the fingerprints and passwords of that room Correct, and then casually come in and out? I asked myself that I don’t have that ability!”

Ye Tianyu took two steps forward, walked to Ye Kelan's side and looked straight at Zhao Huan, but his face did not have the gentle expression on Ye Kelan just now, but looked at Zhao Huan without any expression. , said coldly: "I know that you and Liu Jie are good friends, and I know that you are a smart person. Smart people know how to protect themselves wisely, and I hope you are too!" Who is not a smart person who can join the No. [-] terrorist organization?
Turning around and holding Ye Tianyu's arm who was standing next to him, she walked past Zhao Huan talking and laughing. She had already made it so clear just now that she believed that Zhao Huan was a smart person, and it was impossible for him to Can't think of her identity.If she knew her identity, she would know why Liu Jie's right hand was crippled, but she was fine.Why did Ye Tianyu kick her so hard in order to protect her, he didn't feel sorry for her at all, and even broke three of her ribs, but she can still hold his arm intimately and talk and laugh with him of!
After Ye Kelan's reminder, Zhao Huan figured it out, although she didn't have a good relationship with these high-level leaders at all, at most they were familiar with each other, and it was just that she knew their faces.

But so far, there are only two girls who can stand in front of Ye Tianyu in the No. [-] Terrorist Organization. One is the former Suzaku, who has quit the No. [-] Terrorist Organization. Guns, but never again to the number one terrorist group.

The remaining one is Lan, who had a higher status than Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu back then, but when she came, didn't the first terrorist organization already say that she was dead?So who is this person now?Why do you still have such a good relationship with Heij?
Could it be that the girl whose right hand was disabled by Liu Jie is the former Suzaku?But it doesn't look like it either. She heard that the former Suzaku was not so lively and smiling, and she has seen her photos, so it can be ruled out that it is Suzaku.Then there is only Lan, she is the one who laughs the most.So, is that girl holding Heij's arm really Lan?And Liu Jie's right hand was really crippled by Lan in a fit of anger because he accidentally offended Lan? !
But no matter who that person is, she knows that she can't afford to offend her. Even if the gangster didn't speak for her just now, the people behind her are all looking at her with a straight face. If he really offended that girl, then he would probably end up in the same fate as Liu Jie.

She doesn't want to become disabled, then she will be ruined for the rest of her life. She is only 19 years old this year, and she is at a good age. It's as simple as losing a right hand.

After walking far away, Ye Kelan shook his head and sighed to Ye Tianyu: "Is it because I haven't been back for a long time? So when I came back this time, I found that many things in the No. [-] terrorist organization were different from before. If In the past, no one in the No. [-] Terrorist Organization dared to point fingers at me, and I could do whatever I wanted. But now things have changed, and I have people criticizing me even when I come out of my room I, I'm now wondering if I was right to go back to the number one terrorist organization."

Ye Tianyu glanced at Ye Kelan sideways, and said lightly: "If you really feel that this place is no longer the No. [-] terrorist organization in the past, and you are not used to staying here, then you can go back. Dad Di, Grandpa, and Second Uncle both wanted you to work in Anning International, so if you are really determined to leave the No. [-] terrorist organization, it would be a good idea to work in Anning International. , I will feel uneasy when you are here, and I have to worry about your safety anytime and anywhere, which will distract me. Anyway, you have left the No. [-] terrorist organization and you are still a part of this place. If you are free You can come and visit us, I promise, the door of the No. [-] terrorist organization will always be open for you."

(End of this chapter)

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