When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 272 I Have an Extra Granddaughter

Chapter 272 I Have an Extra Granddaughter
Cheng Anya didn't care too much, she rushed directly in front of Jun Wuyou and hugged Jun Wuyou who was hanging in the air tightly in her arms, crying uncontrollably while choking up and saying: "An Ning, you Tell grandma, are you really grandma's granddaughter? Where is your mommy now, why are you back, but she hasn't come back yet?"

"Don't cry, grandma. An Ning is really grandma's granddaughter. It was my mother who asked An Ning to come back first. My mother said that she still has something to do, and she will come back when she is done. Xi'er, not even An Ning I know when my mother will come back." Jun Wuyou explained with his arms around Cheng Anya's neck.

"It's good to be able to come back, it's good to be able to come back..." There is nothing better than being able to come back alive, and Cheng Anya is well aware of this truth.

"Grandma, An Ning is hungry again, can you ask uncle to cook something delicious for An Ning?" The child is growing up, and Ye Ningyuan's cooking skills are useless. Jun Wuyou loves to eat, so It is also normal to be hungry quickly.

"Yes, yes, Ning Ning, hurry up and cook some delicious food for your eldest niece, the more the better." Now that he has a granddaughter and knows that his precious daughter is still alive, Ye Chen is overjoyed. Whatever his granddaughter wanted, he had to satisfy her.

How is my baby girl now? She was so short at the beginning and her body was not good. Is it better now? Has she grown? If she grows, can she be 1.5 meters now?
It doesn't matter if it's not long, it's okay to be that tall, after all, it's Ye Chen's precious daughter, if anyone dares to say that she is not good at all, he must organize a group to kill him, so that he is fine and likes to talk.

In Ye Chen and Cheng Anya's minds, it has long been confirmed that Jun Wuyou is really their granddaughter. If not, then how could this Jun Wuyou be able to 'magic'?

In their lives, the only person who knows magic is Ye Hailan. Although Ye Hailan has been away from them for 22 years, it is impossible to find someone like Ye Hailan in the whole world. Such a cute little loli looks almost exactly the same as Ye Hailan when she was young. If she is not Ye Hailan's daughter, then this world may be a fantasy again. ?
This is a happy event, but they will not make it public until they actually see Ye Hailan, they just called Ye Feimo's family to come over for dinner.

Ye Feimo naturally did not suspect him, because today happened to be the weekend, and he and Nuan Nuan had time, so they took their youngest son home together, but they did not expect that they saw a very cute long man at the door A little loli, and the door behind her was open, so it was obvious that this little girl was waiting for them at the door.Moreover, this cute little loli happily yelled 'little uncle' when she saw him. He was startled in shock at that time. After he finished being surprised, he saw the little loli trotting all the way in front of him on her long legs, and opened her arms for a hug.

Ye Feimo looked down at Jun Wuyou in a daze, only to see her looking at him expectantly, Ye Feimo, who usually seldom even hugs his own son, bent down to hug Jun Wuyou for the first time He got up, but what Jun Wuyou said next in Ye Feimo's arms completely surprised Ye Feimo from ear to ear.

"Little uncle, little uncle, can I play with Tian Bo's little cousin later?" Jun Wuyou asked excitedly as he stared at Wen Tianbo, who was hugged warmly behind Ye Feimo, with big wet eyes.

Ye Feimo hesitated, because he felt that although the little girl in his arms called his little uncle was very cute, and although he swore he had never seen this little girl before, he always felt that when he saw this little girl His back vest felt cold, and he was always restless, as if something big was about to happen.

Jun Wuyou couldn't get Ye Feimo's answer, so he looked at Wen Nuan with a smile, and said Nuo Nuo: "Little aunt, can An Ning play with Tian Bo's cousin? An Ning promises that she will not bully Tian Bo Cousin, the most is to dissect cousin Tianbo, to see his body structure and so on!"

Just imagine, how surprising it would be for a very cute and cute little loli to utter these bloody and violent words in a serious manner, and Ye Feimo, who was holding Jun Wuyou, was directly shocked. Jun Wuyou in his arms forgot, and as soon as he let go of his hands, Jun Wuyou fell directly from Ye Feimo's arms. If it wasn't because Jun Wuyou was not human, he would have fallen down on the ground with a thud. On the ground, coupled with the fact that the child is weak, the fall would have bruises even if the bones were not broken.

But this Jun Wuyou landed straight on the ground, and she took two quick steps back, then raised her cute little head and pouted, with her hands on her waist, she let out a very unhappy snort "Sure enough, little uncle doesn't like An Ning, and An Ning won't like little uncle anymore, unless little uncle likes An Ning too, An Ning will like little uncle." Then she passed Ye Feimo proudly and walked straight to the warm place. In front of her, she raised her hand and tugged at the hem of the warm clothes, just to show how pitiful she was, so she only tugged a little bit, and then said with her cute smile and sweet and glutinous voice: "Little aunt, Can you let cousin Tianbo play with An Ning, An Ning is really lonely playing alone. An Ning promises that cousin Tianbo will not be hurt during the autopsy, is that okay?"

When listening to the first half of the sentence, Nuan Nuan still thinks that this little loli is quite cute, but the second half of the sentence makes Nuan Nuan puzzled, what is anatomy?Don't let Tian Bo's cousin hurt?It is estimated that her parents are either doctors or forensic doctors, or they also work related to autopsy, otherwise this cute little loli would not put the word anatomy on her lips.

Before Wen Nuan came and spoke, he saw Ye Feimo turn around at the speed of light and hugged the little loli who was pulling at the hem of his clothes without saying a word to him, and carried him directly into the villa, " Whose family's daughter is this, if no one comes out to claim it, I'll throw her on the street!" Wen Tianbo, who was left warm and in her arms, was completely shocked by Ye Feimo's voice that was both shocked and threatening. The wind is messy.

(End of this chapter)

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