When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 282 Wen Jing Regrets Marriage

Chapter 282 Wen Jing Regrets Marriage
Fei Di will not attend Wen Jing's wedding, because he can't bear to watch her marry someone else after he has plotted against his only friend but still can't get him. Not all of this, but even if Wen Jing marries someone else, he will always wait for Wen Jing, waiting for Wen Jing and Ye Tianyu to part ways!

Fei Di looked back at the place where Ye Tianyu and Wen Jing held their wedding, then gritted his molars and left without looking back.

Ah Jing always belongs to me, no matter whether she marries me today or not, she is mine!
Wen Jing held Papa Wen's arm and slowly walked towards Ye Tianyu who was smiling. For some reason, although she had a smile on her face now, she was not so happy in her heart. Unwilling feeling.

Cheng Anya, on the other hand, sat in the front row full of joy and watched her eldest grandson finally get married. Although there were unpleasant things before and the two were separated for several years because of this, they finally got rid of all difficulties now. Together, she is really happy.

"Hai Lan, I haven't been this happy for a long time. I can witness my grandson's marriage with my daughter. I wish I could see my granddaughter's wedding with you in the future." Cheng Anya Holding Ye Hailan's hand, he looked forward happily.

Ye Hailan just looked back at Cheng Anya who was smiling brightly, and then looked back at Wen Jing who had walked in front of Ye Tianyu at this time, shook her head mockingly and smiled, then took a breath and turned back Looking at Cheng Anya seriously, she said, "Mum, don't be too happy, this wedding will not go on smoothly!"

Cheng Anya looked at Ye Hailan in surprise. She didn't know why Ye Hailan said that suddenly, but Cheng Anya still believed in her daughter's words, so she looked at the two newcomers on the stage worriedly.

Sure enough, as Ye Hailan said, the wedding really couldn't go on, because when the officiant asked Wen Jing, who is the bride, if she would like to marry Ye Tianyu, Wen Jing hesitated, and the audience fell silent. About 1 minute later, he lifted the white veil abruptly, and said apologetically to Ye Tianyu: "Tianyu... I'm sorry, I can't marry you, because I already have someone else's place in my heart, and I am like this I don't deserve to marry you, so today's wedding will not happen again, I'm sorry!" Wen Jing backed away slowly at the end, and turned around and left here without hesitation after speaking, with a trace of nostalgia and There is no reluctance.

Ye Tianyu wanted to reach out to grab Wen Jing's hand, but he could only lift it up, unable to grab anything, he could only laugh at himself weakly: "I really want to lose you, we are destined to be separated! "

Wen Jing's escaping marriage made the audience almost confused, and Wen's father and Wen's mother had already lost face to see others, but after all, the person who did the wrong thing now is Wen Jing, so even if they have no face anymore, they still have to be ashamed The face turned to apologize to the Ye family, but Ye Hailan, who had been by Cheng Anya's side when they came over, cast a disdainful glance at Father Wen and Mother Wen who came over, then turned and left without looking back.

"Tianyu, my aunt wants to talk to you." Ye Hailan walked directly to Ye Tianyu's side, put one hand gently on Ye Tianyu's shoulder, and said to Ye Tianyu with a smile.

At this time, it is easy for Ye Tianyu to be sad alone, so it is easy for her to have an accident, so as an aunt, she still needs to have a good talk with Ye Tianyu. Although she should not come forward at this time, she cannot get rid of this matter after all, and She knew far more than they did, so she might as well say something more.

Ye Tianyu looked back at Ye Hailan in a daze, and almost burst into tears, "Auntie, I really like Ah Jing, she has already agreed to my marriage proposal, we will get married soon, but why does she still have to leave Me, or leave me forever?"

Ye Hailan's chest tightened when Ye Tianyu looked at her. She could clearly see the pain in Ye Tianyu's eyes. Losing Wenjing would be a lifetime of pain. Ye Tianyu who lost Wenjing last time was like a walking dead. Now Wen Jing came back with great difficulty, but she really wanted to be separated from Ye Tianyu. She didn't know if Ye Tianyu would live like a walking corpse like before, but she really didn't want to see Ye Tianyu who was decadent like a walking corpse. I just want to see that living Ye Tianyu.

"Tianyu, Auntie has nothing to say. You are a child of the Ye family, so you have to show what the Ye family should look like! I know you can't let go of Wen Jing, and everyone knows it, but when you can't let go of her, Think more about how she let you go!" Ye Hailan said to Ye Tianyu with a serious face.

"Really? As long as I really think that way, can I let her go?" Ye Tianyu asked helplessly. Rather than not getting it and forgetting her own pain, why not let her go as my aunt said? Let go completely, so that she won't suffer, and she won't feel so guilty about herself!
Ye Hailan gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Tianyu. At this time, he was still thinking about Wen Jing, and he didn't know whether to call him infatuated or stupid!

"Tianyu, everyone's life has been written from the beginning, you have no power to change it, you can only follow the life track that has been written. Although there will be many difficulties during the period, you only need to overcome them one by one. That’s fine. Wen Jing is just an insignificant difficulty in your life. I believe you can overcome it. Although you love her very much now and have loved her for so many years, you can still fall in love with her in the future. Someone else's, and the person you fall in love with will be with you forever, you will be very happy, that is your true destination. You believe in your aunt, God will not treat you badly, she will find it for you The best one." Ye Hailan said earnestly, and only hoped that Ye Tianyu could think about what she said.

"Auntie, I know you are comforting me, but since I have fallen in love with Wen Jing, I will never forget her for the rest of my life. Even if she doesn't want me, even if she will be protected by someone in the future, I will I will always protect her." Ye Tianyu only thought that Ye Hailan was persuading him, so he expressed his determination while being grateful.

Ye Tianyu forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, aunt, I've grown up, and I won't worry my parents, mommy and grandparents like before. I will be fine, after all, life and death are much better than death."

(End of this chapter)

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