When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 286 Wen Jing Regrets Marriage

Chapter 286 Wen Jing Regrets Marriage
Mother Wen laughed a few times uncomfortably, and then exchanged a few pleasantries with Cheng Anya, and then left here with her husband, because something like this happened to the Ye family, no matter what kind of mentality Ye Tianyu is now, in love with Li Ye Feimo and Nuannuan should stay at Ye's house, while Wen's father and Wen's mother should go back and have a good talk with Wen Jing. After all, regretting a marriage is indeed too thoughtless, even if they don't want to, then You don't have to do it in front of so many people, just make it clear in private!

This mother Wen is also very protective of her weaknesses. Although she knows that her daughter is wrong in this incident, she will spare no effort to protect her daughter in front of outsiders. When it's over, she can fight anyway behind closed doors. Types of.

Moreover, Mother Wen has always had a prejudice against Ye Tianyu, thinking that the current Wen Jing was caused by Ye Tianyu to become like this, so now Wen Jing regrets the marriage, it is also because Wen Jing finally wanted to open up, marrying such a person at any time It is really not a wise move for a man who may kill himself, so he woke up at the last moment.

To be honest, Mother Wen was a little lucky when she heard that Wen Jing was unwilling. At the same time, she also wanted to see Ye Tianyu's sad or desperate expression because of Wen Jing's remorse.

But in the end he did come back talking and laughing with his aunt, and there was no trace of his beloved's repentance on his face, as if nothing had happened. Mother Wen was in a bad mood at the time, and even more so While hating Ye Tianyu, he also hated Ye Hailan.

So I didn't even stay at Ye's house for lunch, and I had to go home to eat when it was close to noon, but Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan just went out to send them off when Wen's father and Wen's mother left, and watched their car go away After that, I walked back slowly.

"Feimo, I know what my mother said just now was not pleasant, but what your sister said was really offensive, and my mother is her elder, although she is only my adoptive mother, can't she speak well? What's more, I am also your wife and her brother and sister. She treats me badly and I can bear it. But Tianbo is her nephew after all, the same as Tianyu Tiancheng, but she treats Tianyu and Tiancheng the same. What is Tiancheng like and what is Tianbo like? She may dislike me, but can she dislike Tianbo? After all, blood is thicker than water, so remember to talk to your sister about it. I don't care, but I have to make her treat Tian Bo a little better." Nuan Nuan still cares about what Ye Hailan said just now, and she feels uncomfortable, and she can't say it in front of Ye Hailan, so now she can only I complained a few words in front of Ye Feimo.

Ye Feimo put his arms around Nuan Nuan's shoulders and nodded, explaining: "I know what you said, and so does my sister, and I told her before, and she said it, it wasn't aimed at you deliberately, after that That's why I treated you that way because my sister was upset with your attitude towards Daddy and Mommy four years ago, so she picked on you. As long as you treat Daddy and Mommy better, it will take a long time My sister will naturally not treat you like that."

Wen Nuan asked hesitantly, "Will it really be like what you said?"

"Of course." Ye Feimo said affirmatively: "You have also seen my sister's attitude towards her sister-in-law, that is called obedient, she treats her sister-in-law just like she treats Mommy, and my sister disappeared for 22 years because of her sister-in-law Yes. Do you know why? It’s because my sister-in-law is kind to Mommy and my brother, so my sister is so kind to my sister-in-law. If you can treat me and Mommy better in the future, I guarantee that my sister will be like Treating you like Mommy and sister-in-law, even if it is not exactly the same, it is almost the same. And let me tell you, my sister is not an ordinary person, if you can make her treat you better, then she will still be nice to you. Get an unexpected surprise!"

Nuan Nuan looked at Ye Feimo and nodded suspiciously. If it was true as what Ye Feimo said, wouldn't she have made money?Besides, even if she can't get anything, she has nothing to lose, and Ye Hailan is her eldest sister-in-law, so this relationship should be good, lest Ye Feimo be caught in the middle and become a person on both sides. .

The corners of Ye Hailan's mouth rose slightly when she heard Nuan Nuan's complaints. She didn't have any complaints about Nuan Nuan. She had the same treatment for Tian Bo, Tian Yu and Tian Cheng. Mi's heart, so let her feel the feeling of differential treatment now.

Ye Feimo had already brought her in while Nuan Nuan was silent, and then everyone became silent together, and when everyone was silent, Jun Wuyou slid down from the sofa, chattering He walked up to Ye Tianyu with his long legs, stared at Ye Tianyu's face with his wide and flickering eyes, and said softly after he had seen enough: "Big cousin, don't be sad, okay, An Ning will help you find a very, very good-looking sister, who is as good-looking as my mother, to marry you as your wife, okay?" A dance to Ye Hailan recorded by Ye Tianyu.

Ye Tianyu raised his eyelids to look at Jun Wuyou, pursed his lips and said cooperatively: "Okay, but An Ning must find a sister who is as good-looking as your mother for big cousin, preferably one who can dance, you Look at how beautiful your mommy is dancing!" This is true, Ye Hailan has a soft figure, and the clothes she wears are also very elegant styles, plus she has her own special effects, so she dances like this. The especially elegant dance is extraordinarily beautiful.

Jun Wuyou nodded his little head, pointed his finger at his little lips, and said solemnly: "But big cousin, I'm afraid An Ning won't be able to find a beautiful sister who is as powerful as mother, let me tell you quietly, even my father You can't even beat your mother." Speaking of this, Jun Wuyou's eyes were full of admiration for Ye Hailan.

"That's good, that's good, then you don't have to worry about your father bullying your mother." Ye Chen said very relieved, and at the same time sighed again that he has too strong genes, so his sons and daughters are so capable, but consciously Exclude the youngest son Ye Feimo.

However, regarding Jun Wuyou's address, Ye Chen still kindly corrected him: "An Ning, promise grandpa, no matter now or in the future, as long as you don't know someone or have a bad relationship with our family, I will definitely want you." Your father and mother are father and mother, you must not forget them, do you understand?"

Jun Wuyou looked at Ye Chen and nodded obediently, "I know grandpa."?
"Well, good boy!" Ye Chen praised.

(End of this chapter)

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