Chapter 289 It's Over
After finally waiting for Nangong Yi to kiss enough, An Xia's lips were already red and swollen, because Nan Gongyi still licked An Xia's lips a few times, so An Xia's lips were still shining at this time, and Her eyes are like silk, so the current An Xia looks very attractive. Of course, this kind of An Xia can only be seen by Nangong Yi alone.

After kissing enough and kissing enough, Nangong Yi hugged An Xia and continued to say something that made An Xia blush on the road. He hugged An Xia tightly and refused to let go. Even when An Xia said that he was very hungry, he never let go of his hand. Instead, he hugged An Xia and dialed the internal line to ask them to prepare the food. Come up, they're going to dine in the room. ?
Dining in the room is indispensable and sweet. Fortunately, they know how to avoid people, otherwise they may abuse many single dogs by then. The family conditions are not good, so they come out to work, who When you know the company, you have to look at the sweetness of the boss and his wife.It would be fine if she had a boyfriend, but if she didn't have a boyfriend, she would probably be tortured to pieces, and maybe even have nothing to love!
An Xia and Nangong Yi ate this meal from the afternoon tea time to the end of the dinner time. Naturally, they changed the hot ones in the middle. In short, no matter how hot they were, they never moved and kept cuddling each other After eating together, it took five hours to eat this meal, but both of them were finally full.

After dinner, An Xia nestled her upper body into Nangong Yi's arms, and asked softly, "Did my parents come to your place to look for me these days when I was away, or came to you to ask where I am?"

Nangong Yi held An Xia's hand with one hand, and gently stroked An Xia's hair with the other hand. When he heard An Xia's question, he paused obviously, and then answered truthfully with a smile on the corner of his mouth. : "They didn't come to me to look for you, but my subordinates reported that your mother was already sick the day after you left City S. Although she was discharged from the hospital, she is recuperating at home. Although I didn't go to I have seen your mother, but I think the reason why your mother is sick is more or less because of you. you want to go back and see your mother, maybe your mother will be cured after you go back? "

An Xia pursed her lips and smiled, raised her head and looked at Nangong Yi seriously, but her tone was teasing, "Yi, if I go back, my parents don't want me to be with you anymore, will you let me go back?" ?”

Hearing An Xia ask Nangong Yi like this, his face was very ugly. Whether they wanted to or not, he didn't care, he only cared about An Xia's opinion, "Then if they really don't want you to be with me, even to let you When you separated from me and said that you would sever the father-daughter relationship with you, would you listen to them and really break up with me, or even die forever?" Nangong Yi's voice trembled, he was very scared Asking such a question is afraid of getting an answer that he doesn't want to get.

Although he knows that the people who will accompany An Xia for the rest of her life will not be her parents, but her life is given to her by her parents after all, and it is normal for her to give up her relationship with her for the sake of her parents, so even An Xia's answer is her He will obey his parents' wishes and break up with himself, and he will not let go even if he has no contact with him until he dies. He will definitely work hard until they all recognize him!

"I won't." An Xia looked into Nangong Yi's eyes and said firmly: "I won't leave you. After all, I have come here by myself for so many years. Parents, there are only a group of friends who are not related by blood. So if they insist on letting us separate, I will never agree, even if they want to cut off the relationship with me, I will not hesitate. After all, I know very well that I will be with you in the future It will be you who will spend your life, not them, and I know exactly what is most important to me!"

After An Xia finished speaking, he raised his head and kissed Nangong Yi's lips actively. Although it was just a superficial kiss, in Nangong Yi's opinion, it was better than countless, so when An Xia kissed him, he closed his eyes. When An Xia left, he didn't chase An Xia's lips, but hugged An Xia tightly after opening his eyes, he just couldn't bear to let go.

"Xia Xia, thank you, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I promise, I will not let you cry, even if you want to cry, I will definitely make all your future tears be tears of joy!"

An Xia choked up and nodded in Nangong Yi's arms, "Yi, will you accompany me back to Qiao's mansion tomorrow? No matter what the final outcome will be, I hope I can go back and make a final settlement in person."

This is the rhythm of meeting the parents, and Nangong Yi will naturally not refuse.

Early the next morning, An Xia woke up slowly in Nangong Yi's arms. She lazily opened one eye and looked at the surrounding environment, but finally found that Nangong Yi was holding her head with one hand. Waking up with a smile, the smile on the corner of her mouth was even more satisfied when she saw An Xia looking at her.

This is the first time that An Xia was watched by a man, and it was after she woke up that she looked at him so affectionately, she blushed, and covered her head with the quilt, pretending that she didn't see anything. I don't know.

But Nangong Yi would never let her go just like that. He pursed his lips in frustration and reached out to lift up a corner of the quilt. After getting in, he directly supported most of his weight with his hands, only a small part of it. It was on An Xia's body, and he slowly leaned over and kissed An Xia's lips. If it wasn't for going to Qiao's mansion today, Nangong Yi probably wouldn't let An Xia go no matter what.

But even if going to Qiao's house, Nangong Yi had to kiss enough before letting go of An Xia, then pulled An Xia up, and then carried her to the bathroom to brush An Xia's teeth, wash her face, and comb her hair. Changed clothes, but Nangong Yi was very handy at the last feeding. An Xia also enjoyed waiting for Nangong Yi to feed herself, and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

However, Nangong Yi really wanted to change An Xia's clothes. Although they were already sleeping on the same bed, they were still just chatting under the quilt. Apart from holding hands and kissing Fang Ze, don't None of the things that cannot be done temporarily have not been done.

(End of this chapter)

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