Chapter 319
Jinyi nodded, pursing her lips with a pitiful look, "It's getting late, I have to go back to take a shower, and then I have to go to class."

"Okay, I'll see you off. I'll pick you up at noon, and we'll go out for dinner together." Afraid that Jinyi would refuse, Ye Tianyu hurriedly said: "No. But I will park the car far away and come to pick you up on foot. No one else will know. Okay?"

Jin Yi nodded obediently, and didn't speak this time.

The two of them walked all the way back to the downstairs of the dormitory. Ye Tianyu was talking all the way, talking about his family's affairs.And Jinyi listened carefully, interjecting a word from time to time, and at the same time, she also developed a good impression of the Ye family in her heart, and secretly wondered if they would like her, even if her family was a world worse than the Ye family distance.

Ye Tianyu kissed Jinyi's forehead when he got downstairs in the dormitory, and handed Jinyi a purple mobile phone, holding the mobile phone was exactly the same color as the dress Jinyi wore when they first met.

"You didn't mention the phone just now. I forgot to give you the mobile phone. You can use this mobile phone. The password is the same as my mobile phone, and the functions are also the same. You should be familiar with it first. Now this mobile phone The mobile phone belongs to you. You can look at anything in it without worrying about anything. If you think you haven’t seen the privacy in my mobile phone, I can leave it with you for a few days so that you can see it clearly , see if I have done anything to apologize to you."

Jinyi wanted to refuse at first, but thinking about it, it's not a big deal. She is Ye Tianyu's girlfriend now, and as Ye Tianyu said, she will still be his wife in the future, but it's just a mobile phone. So what about Guina, she can afford it.

He raised his hand to take the purple mobile phone, and returned Ye Tianyu's black mobile phone, angrily said: "I don't want to look at the contents of your mobile phone, didn't you say that you would not lie to me? If you leave me, I will really ignore you for the rest of my life." Even she herself felt that this threat was so baseless.

"How dare I lie to you?" Ye Tianyu felt that this threat was about to kill him. This Jinyi had to make a good confession, and she must not let her ignore him, otherwise he would be very uncomfortable at that time!

"I have already saved my phone number, knowing that you should have something to call Ke Lan, so I saved Ke Lan's phone number, if you have anything to do, just call her, no matter how late, she I will definitely be there when called." Raising her hand to rub Jinyi's soft hair, she sighed contentedly.

Jinyi looked at Ye Tianyu, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Ye Kelan, what kind of brother did she have?Is it really because she owed Ye Tianyu in her previous life, so she has to be a cow and a horse to pay it back in this life?
In fact, Jinyi misunderstood. Ye Tianyu didn't intend to trouble Ye Kelan. What he really wanted to trouble was Ye Hailan. Let Ye Kelan concentrate on her work.

But Ye Kelan was lucky. When she heard that Jin Yi's cell phone was broken, she went back to her room and took out a new cell phone that she hadn't used. The color of the dress, and he even saved his own number in it, so he must ask Ye Tianyu to tell Jinyi, no matter when, as long as Jinyi needs her, just call her, She promises to be on call 24 hours a day!
"Are you really her real brother? Are you still on call? She is a girl, do I dare to let her out at night? Besides, even if I dared to let her out, I would not go out myself Yes, it's not safe." Jin Yi pouted.

Ye Tianyu nodded Jinyi's nose and said with a smile: "Our family Jinyi is really a good girl, it seems that I will have to protect you well in the future and prevent you from seeing those dirty things! But you don't have to worry about it. Lan's safety, if something happens, just call her to come out, no matter how late. Don't worry, she is used to running outside alone since she was a child, and she knows how to deal with emergencies. You are a sister-in-law I don’t need to worry about her. Besides, she is my own sister, and she is the only girl in my life in the Ye family. She is so precious. I dare to say that, so I can guarantee that she is bullying others. I can protect you in any case."

"Is Ke Lan very powerful? Why didn't I see it?" Jinyi muttered in disbelief, but since Ye Tianyu, her own brother, said so, then she reluctantly believed it, after all, no brother would put himself The safety of the only biological sister is a child's play.

"But you, the older brother, have already said so, so I will reluctantly believe you. Don't worry, I won't act recklessly. It is impossible for me to get hurt, and it is even more impossible for me to implicate Ke Lan."

"I'm not worried about Ke Lan. The person I'm worried about is you. As a brother, I know how much she weighs. When you get to know Ke Lan gradually, you will know that she is not what she seems. She's so weak, but she's real—a dominatrix!" Ye Tianyu made a gesture of baring his teeth and claws to show that Ye Kelan was really scary.

"Ke Lan would definitely cry if she heard what you said about her." Jin Yi concluded with a blank expression.

"Silly girl, go back quickly. If I remember correctly, you have class at nine o'clock, and it's already eight ten. If you're late, I don't care about my business." Although Xiang and Jin Yi continued to talk, but Jin Yi puts her studies first, so he still reminded Jin Yi of the current time.

Sure enough, Jinyi hurriedly said goodbye to Ye Tianyu as soon as she heard the time, and then ran back to the dormitory without the slightest bit of reluctance, with nothing else to say except a goodbye.

Ye Tianyu couldn't help shaking his head, it seems that Jinyi must not be allowed to go to work in the future, otherwise she will definitely forget him for work.

Even if Jinyi insists on going to work, that's okay, she has her own company, so Jinyi must work in her own company, it's easy and fun, and the most important thing is that she has nothing to do, just give her a salary , let her play in the company, and Ye Kelan will help him keep an eye on her.

This will not only prevent those who don't have good eyesight from swaying in front of his wife, but also ensure that she will not be hurt by those people's intrigue, or that the boss will not have a conscience to take her out to social parties and be eaten tofu.

More importantly, he can always know when Jin Yi is free and when he is not, which is simply tailor-made for him.

(End of this chapter)

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