Chapter 327
"Mommy, is Xiaomo back?" Cheng Anya asked as she walked, Ye Hailan came down the stairs just after she put down the phone.

Cheng Anya smiled and sighed, and said with some jealousy: "He said he was busy and didn't have time to come, but as soon as I mentioned your name, he agreed. It seems that in his mind, you are more important than me as a mummy." It still works!"

Ye Hailan walked to Cheng Anya's side, leaned her head lightly on her shoulder, and said flatteringly, "I always listen to Mommy."

Cheng Anya nodded Ye Hailan's forehead in satisfaction, looked down at Ye Hailan, and began to complain, "Then when will you bring my son-in-law back for me to see, you don't even count how long you have been back Well, I haven't even had time to meet my son-in-law! Tell me, when will you let him come back?"

Ye Hailan looked up at Cheng Anya and said seriously: "Mummy, if you see him, I may have to leave you again in a short time, this time forever, even if you know that I am still here, you will Can't see me anymore."

Ye Hailan wasn't joking, because Jun Wuhen came here with only one purpose, that is to bring Ye Hailan back to the Demon Realm, and then never want her to leave again.

Cheng Anya was taken aback, and then waved her hand to refuse, "Then don't let him come back. I don't want to know what he looks like for the rest of my life, and I don't want you to leave me. Even if I don't have a son-in-law, I can't live without a daughter! Besides Now, I have a daughter and a granddaughter now, so why do I need a son-in-law? Isn’t it obvious that you are robbing me of my daughter, only a fool would be willing to do that!” He embraced Ye Hailan affectionately.

The corner of Ye Hailan's mouth curled into a slight smile, and she leaned contentedly on Cheng Anya's body. This time, she would never leave them first.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianyu and Ye Kelan came back with Jinyi. Jinyi stood at the gate of Ye's house and didn't go in. To be honest, she was a little apprehensive. She has entered a wealthy family, right?

Ye Tianyu put his arms around Jinyi's shoulders and comforted him slightly: "Don't worry, mommy and daddy are very easy-going, and grandparents are also very kind. Auntie, you saw it with your own eyes last time. Judging from her attitude towards you, you are also very friendly." You should know that she likes you, so you don't have to worry or be afraid, I'm here for everything."

Jinyi looked sideways at Ye Tianyu, took a deep breath and nodded, she was right, she also knew that her aunt was very kind to her, maybe Ye Tianyu's parents, mommy, grandpa and grandma were all very kind to her, But she was just nervous, she was born with nervousness, and she couldn't restrain it.

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry, my mommy is usually a little cold, and she always has a straight face, and often calls me around, but she has a cold face and a warm heart, so you don't have to be afraid. "Ye Kelan stretched out a hand and put it in front of Jinyi, nodded heavily, "Come on, come in with me, Daddy must be waiting impatiently." Saying that, he gave Ye Tianyu a look, and the two pulled each other He hugged Jinyi and brought him in.

After Jinyi entered, her eyes didn't dare to look everywhere, she only dared to look ahead, but even though the range of her sight was limited, Jinyi could still tell that this family had really good taste, I don't know which famous designer it is from. hand.

Perhaps because he knew that Jin Yi had doubts about this, Ye Tianyu leaned close to Jin Yi's ear and told her: "Everything here was designed by Grandpa himself. If you like it, we can also ask Grandpa to help us design houses in the future."

Jinyi looked at Ye Tianyu blankly, asking grandpa to design the house?Will this be too much trouble for the elderly?
In Jinyi's impression, a grandfather with a grandson in his 20s should be gray-haired, so when Jinyi saw Ye Chen and Cheng Anya, he thought they were Ye Tianyu's father and mother, After hearing Ye Tianyu's explanation, he was obviously surprised, such young grandparents are going against the sky!
Surprised but surprised, but Jin Yi obediently called out grandpa and grandma, and then Cheng Anya pulled her to sit next to her, asking all kinds of cold and warm questions, asking how her family was doing, but no parents would do that. What, after all, the Ye family doesn't care about the extraneous possessions of the daughter-in-law's family, even if they don't have them, the Ye family can afford them.

Seeing how kind and young his grandparents are, he wondered how young his parents would be. At this time, Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo were cutting fruit in the kitchen, and within a few minutes they came out with fruit.

Jin Yi looked up, this is Ye Tianyu's father and mother, it is simply his brother and sister-in-law, if it wasn't because Ye Kelan saw Ye Ningyuan coming out, she jumped up excitedly, hugged and kissed him before shouting She couldn't believe that they were Ye Tianyu's parents at the sound of her father's words.

But to be honest, this big family is really good-looking, and everyone is still young, which is really unbelievable.

It was only after Jinyi obediently called her uncle and aunt that Jinyi realized that Ye Tianyu's mother was really cold. She thought it was because she didn't like her so cold, and kept staring at her intently, making her tuck in her back. It's all a little cold.

But when they got up and went to the kitchen to make lunch, Xu Nuo Youyou said something, which made Jin Yi want to find a crack in the ground to hide.She finally understood why he had been staring at her just now, it turned out to be such a reason.

"Tianyu, Jinyi looks weak, and can't stand you, remember to be more careful next time!"

Before the words fell, Ye Kelan lay on the coffee table covering her belly and laughed loudly. Ye Chen and Cheng Anya were fine, they pursed their lips and didn't laugh, but it could be seen that they were trying hard to hold back their laughter of.

Ye Hailan rested her forehead with one hand, raised her thumbs up with the other hand, and shouted behind Xu Nuo's back: "Sister-in-law, you are really good at this skill, it really is better to be taught by brother!"

Ye Tianyu coughed dryly, and looked at Ye Kelan, "Go to the kitchen to help Mom and Dad, why are you so ignorant? The older you get, the more ignorant you are?"

Ye Chen glared at Ye Tianyu, "You can't make people laugh at the good things you do yourself? Your mommy is right, be more careful next time!"

Cheng Anya echoed: "That's right, look at how Jin Yi's neck has been adjusted. The strawberries all over her neck can't be covered with a scarf." She touched Jin Yi's face distressedly.

Ye Hailan put a piece of pineapple in his mouth, "Daddy, Mommy, don't talk anymore, Jin Yi has a thin skin, you see, this little face is red, even her ears are red, if you say it again, Jin Yi will be punished." We were scared away, and Tianyu will have no wife by then, so don't cry for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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