Chapter 329 We Will Go

The Ye family started dinner on time at 11:30 noon. Ye Chen and Cheng Anya sat at the main seats. Next to Ye Chen were Ye Ningyuan, Xu Nuo, Ye Tiancheng, Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan. Next to Cheng Anya were Jinyi, Ye Tianyu, Ye Hailan, Jun Wuyou and Ye Kelan are gone.

Jinyi looked at the food on the table, and found that most of the dishes in front of her were her favorite dishes, and she couldn't help but be very moved. It would be abnormal for a man who can notice what food he likes to eat, if he is not moved.

"Jinyi, you can pick whatever you like, and treat this place as your own home. You're welcome. If you can't pick it up, let Tianyu pick it up for you. Don't call him out just because you feel sorry for him." Cheng Anya put a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs in a bowl for Jinyi, and looked at him with a smile.

Jin Yi smiled and nodded, "Thank you grandma, I understand."

"Jinyi, can you cook?" Ye Ningyuan looked at Jinyi and asked gently.

Jinyi hesitated for a moment and said, "I can only know a little bit. But don't worry, uncle, I will definitely study hard."

"Jinyi, you misunderstood. What my brother means is that it would be best if you don't know how. Anyway, Tianyu can cook anything you want. His skills are even better than the chefs at the hotel we went to last time. , Let him cook a table of dishes for you to taste at night. Not only do the women of the Ye family never cook, even if they make money to support the family, you don’t have to do anything, such as washing clothes, mopping the floor, and tidying the room. The man who leaves it all to you is Yes, and you only need to be responsible for your beautiful appearance." Ye Hailan explained to Jin Yi while eating non-stop.

Ye Ningyuan nodded and agreed with Ye Hailan's statement, "Your aunt is right, the women of the Ye family don't cook or do housework, except for your second uncle, a housework idiot who can only make money. Even Tiancheng can do it."

Jinyi was shocked, and then turned her head to look at Ye Tianyu in disbelief and asked in a low voice: "Tianyu, you will really do all the housework in the future, and then will you still be responsible for making money to support the family?"

Ye Tianyu nodded solemnly, "You just need to be as beautiful as a flower, and then you can give me a football team. There must be a daughter among them. Because the Ye family has always had the tradition of emperors to prosper and yin to decline, if you can give me I would be happy if I had a daughter, if not, that's okay, I'll be content with you."

"Yo yo yo, my brother's sweet words are really proficient. But I quite agree with one of them, that is, give birth to a cute little girl as soon as possible. If it is really not possible, a big fat boy is also possible. I am still waiting to do it. Where's Auntie!" Ye Kelan looked at Jinyi with a bright smile, and even blinked at her, as if to signal Jinyi to have a baby with Ye Tianyu quickly.

Well, Ye Kelan made fun of Ye Tianyu after he said such nasty things, and Jin Yi's face turned red again. She felt that she shouldn't be foolish enough to ask Ye Tianyu.

In fact, how did she know that people were talking about these things to get Ye Tianyu to say the last few words? Don't ask them why they knew that Jinyi would really ask Ye Tianyu in the end, they wouldn't say that Jinyi wrote all his thoughts. On their own faces, they knew it at a glance.

Ye Tianyu looked at the flushed Jinyi and felt a little distressed, silently took a piece of meat for Jinyi and said to Ye Kelan: "Kelan, you have been with Yunmo for so long, why haven't you seen that you are pregnant?" Could it be that Yumo is not good enough? It happens that my aunt is here, so let my aunt treat you, so that you won’t have a place to cry when you cry.”

Ye Kelan gave the hand that was feeding food into his mouth a pause, then continued to eat the mouthful of food as if nothing happened, and after swallowing, he looked at Ye Tianyu lightly, with a sad tone, "To tell you the truth, he Never touched me at all, I have been with him for four years, and he has been an adult for two years, and he usually does nothing but kiss. I ask you, how can I have a baby by myself, you tell me ?”

Ye Ningyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Ye Kelan with a beaming smile, "I thought my grandpa would be a grandpa first if he didn't make any achievements. Now that I know that the baby is still a girl, I feel relieved. Otherwise, Daddy I have to go and cut up that offal of Gu Yumo!"

Ye Hailan raised her eyes to look at Ye Ningyuan, and retorted in a low voice, "Brother, Xiao Momo is also my godson, and when he calls me, he also calls me mother. And he is also your future son-in-law. This is a solid fact, what do you say?" Can you not be so casual when you are here!"

Ye Ningyuan followed the good advice: "I'm sorry, I was quick to talk. But even if he is my son-in-law, he is still an out-and-out bastard. He seduced my baby away without my father's consent. This is not a bum. ?”

Ye Hailan is speechless, does this mean that the more you live, the more you come back?

Xu Nuo couldn't bear it anymore, stabbed Ye Ningyuan with his elbow, and glared at Ye Ningyuan, with a cold tone, "Kan Lan is so old, it's normal to have a boyfriend, even if she's pregnant now It's normal, don't talk so much, okay?"

Ye Ningyuan pouted aggrievedly, hugged Xu Nuo and acted like a baby: "Honey, I was wrong, don't say me, okay?" After speaking, he took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Xu Nuo's face, but Xu Nuo wiped it with his hands in disgust. , "Can't you wipe off the oil in your mouth before kissing? I don't know how to pay attention in front of the children, really!"

Ye Ningyuan raised his eyes and glanced at the children sitting opposite, and said indifferently: "What are you afraid of if they are all our own children? Jinyi is also one of us. Now let's get familiar with our way of getting along, and we won't worry about it when we marry in the future." It will feel awkward. Don’t you think so, Jinyi?” Looking straight at Jinyi, the look in the eyes of other people present seemed to say that if I dare to say otherwise, I will castrate Ye Tianyu like.

But in Jin Yi's eyes, this look means that if you dare to say no, I will dare Ye Tianyu break up with you, Jin Yi was so frightened that she quickly nodded her head.

Ye Tianyu explained in a warm voice: "Daddy has been like this since he met Mommy. You can get used to it after watching it for a long time. Don't worry too much about it."

Jin Yi nodded in a daze, anyway, she can do what Ye Tianyu says now, anyway, it's always right.

Nuan Nuan was silent for a long time without speaking, because she felt that she couldn't get in the conversation, and now everyone has calmed down, so Nuan Nuan smiled and looked at the people present and said softly: "Daddy, Mommy, brother, sister-in-law, sister Ah Jing is going to get married on NO.18 next month, my mother asked me to send invitations to you, please be sure to come to the NO.18 next month."

Ye Hailan leaned on the table with her elbows, her chin resting on her palms and looked lazily at Wen Nuan, "Don't worry, our whole family will definitely be there in person, even Xiao Momo and Xiao Jinyi will go together."

(End of this chapter)

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