Chapter 344 Follow Mother?

Ye Hailan slapped Ye Feimo on the head without saying a word, "Ye Feimo, you are fat, right? When I was young, I cried every day to dissect me. More than 20 years have passed, and now you This wish is still there so I won’t say it, how dare you order me? Let me tell you, your brother-in-law is not here now. If he is here, if you dare to order me, according to his character, just slap me It can knock your soul out of your wits, so it's your turn to chatter here."

Leaning back, he said lazily, "Drive well for me. If you don't arrive at your destination, don't bother me with big things." Then he closed his eyes, in fact, he had already seen Ah How did Bao and Jun Wuyou treat the scene of the brainless director?

The director actually wanted to get something that he couldn't get in the first place, and he was close to Nuan Nuan, and he took special care of Nuan Nuan on the set because Nuan Nuan was the wife of the president of Anning International, and she was very talkative in front of Ye Feimo. However, Ye Feimo also listens to Nuannuan very much, so he wants to follow Nuannuan and climb up.

It means that he regards Nuan Nuan as a stepping stone for himself to climb up, but what he never imagined is that he offended Miss Ye's family before the first film he collaborated with Nuan was finished. was fired.

He also knows now that he will not gain fame and fortune in China,? But so what?As long as he has money, he can go abroad to continue his development. Even if he gives up his job as a director, he still has money and can live the rest of his life without worrying about his future livelihood. This is still very good.

But he doesn't have that chance now, just because he offended Miss Ye family, and Nuan Nuan didn't speak for him, plus some people who made trouble, made him heavily in debt overnight and lost everything.

He hated him, so he went to Wen Tianbo's school to take Wen Tianbo away, and then threatened Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan with Wen Tianbo's life, asking them to give him money that he could never spend in his lifetime. They have money, and [-] million dollars is right. To them, it's just a drop in the bucket, and it's worth it to exchange such a small amount of money for a life.

It's just that he didn't expect that Wen Tianbo, who was imprisoned by him, would be taken away from his arms within a second after he hung up the phone. Before he could react, Wen Tianbo was taken away by Take away.

If he remembers and reads correctly, there is no way for him to go behind this position now, and the place close to the stone wall inside is also very narrow, that is, the width of ten centimeters. There is a cliff outside, and an abyss of hundreds of feet below. In such a geographical location, it is impossible for anyone to take the child in his arms away.

When he looked over, he saw the fantasy TV series he had filmed, the main character had a wire hanging on his body, and he could fly around in the air.

But now this person is also vacating at a height of hundreds of feet, and there is no wire on his body, so he just soars into the air.

In addition to the man with red hair and red clothes who can fly into the air, there is also a beautiful woman and a beautiful little girl. They are holding hands and looking at him like a joke in front of him.

He suddenly had a feeling that he was watching a live fantasy movie. Gravity seemed to be non-existent to them. He was so surprised that he didn't dare to speak. He could only look at them with wide eyes and trembling shock.

Jun Wuyou made a funny face at the director on the Baizhang cliff opposite, "Big idiot, if my mommy comes here later, if I don't cut you up, I'll throw you into the sea to feed the fish , at least you don’t have to waste your capitalized scum, hmph!”

Ye Kelan also shook her head in disgust, "Tsk tsk tsk, tell me how old you are, how come you still can't learn the words of current affairs? You also play kidnapping, you should find out if the person you kidnapped has a What family member? Did you know we can crush you scum with a capital letter with just the flick of a pinky finger! Then throw you in the ocean to feed the big sharks! You idiot! Stupid! Big fool!"

Looking back at Jun Wuyou, he said with a smile, "Baby An Ning, we are flying around, and let this idiot wait here by himself for the second uncle, second aunt and aunt to come over, and then I will go to the theater again!" Ye Ke Lan really misses the feeling of flying just now, how comfortable it is to fly in the blue sky and white clouds without the center of gravity and without any constraints.

As for Wen Tianbo and this bad director, and the white sable watching, she can fly around for a few times with great peace of mind.

The director's back was pressed against Qiangbi, and his whole body was trembling visibly with the naked eye, "You... who are you? What kind of monsters and ghosts are you? What are you doing?" He roared in horror, if not Because there is no retreat behind him, if it wasn't because this place was too dangerous, he would probably turn around and run away, and now he can only tremble in fear here.

Jun Wuyou raised his head and pouted in confusion and asked: "Sister, it seems that we have already talked about it when we came, why did he still ask? It's so funny that he wants to kidnap someone with such a little IQ! "

Ye Kelan sneered, looked at Jun Wuyou tenderly and explained in a gentle voice: "He has a low IQ, so let's not argue with him, so as not to infect us when the time comes, the loss outweighs the gain, you know? ?”

Jun Wuyou nodded ignorantly, and then stuck out his tongue at the director with disdain, "Idiot, my mommy and little uncle will be here soon, you can experience my mommy's thunderous wrath in a while!"

After speaking, he said loudly to Abao, who was flying high and making Wen Tianbo happy: "Uncle Abao, my sister and I went to play, can you look at this big idiot?"

Abao held Wen Tianbo's armpit with both hands, flew down suddenly, stopped beside Jun Wuyou and Ye Kelan, and said with a smile: "Go and play, I have already set up an enchantment, let's let it go!" Let him play here for a while! Isn't he, little Tianbo?"

Wen Tianbo was a child after all, at this moment he was already very happy to be teased by A Bao, he giggled and nodded his head.

Seeing Wen Tianbo's silly look, Jun Wuyou pouted and didn't speak, but Ye Kelan raised his hand and squeezed Wen Tianbo's face, and said in doubt: "You silly boy, why are you so stupid? It's not like your father's natural maturity, could it be that your mother was as stupid as you when she was young, so she was deceived so badly by that orange juice?"

(End of this chapter)

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