Chapter 352
"Yes!" Ye Feimo looked at Cheng Anya with blazing eyes, and said solemnly: "I have already said, I work for one week a month, and this brother Zhou Kelan doesn't have to go to work, so she will have it." Is it time to spend time with your boyfriend?"

Ye Kelan shook her head and sighed, and said seriously: "I must be like Auntie!" He sighed and stood up, and left here holding the arms of Cheng Anya and Xu Nuo, Ye Chen and Ye Ningyuan also shook their heads He left here with a sigh, leaving only Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan who were puzzled.

"What does Kelan mean, do you know?" Ye Feimo turned his head and asked Wen Nuan.

Nuan shook her head, Ye Kelan's thoughts were too fast, she couldn't keep up at all, how could she know?
Moreover, Ye Hailan is not so eager to learn. Even if Ye Kelan is a genius, how could she learn non-human things?
Ye Feimo sighed incomprehension, then took warm hands and went to the staff cafeteria. It was also lunch time. Although he was very reluctant to go to a place like the cafeteria, it seemed that the food choices and tastes in the cafeteria were different. It is very good, besides, with Ye Kelan, he will be free from now on, so naturally he will go.

Generally speaking, the next few days were very peaceful, but Ye Hailan brought Ye Chen and Cheng Anya or Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo to watch the night scene from above 360 ​​degrees at night, while Ye Kelan was pestering Junwu Worry, let her take herself to the sky to see the scenery in 360 degrees.

Although Jun Wuyou is really young, Ye Kelan firmly believes that she has a high IQ, and she is naturally more reliable than other children in doing things. In addition, she believes in Jun Wuyou's ability, and she also believes that Ye Hailan will be able to fight in Jun Wuyou's life. When Wuyou missed her, Gan came to save her.

It's just that Ye Tianyu and Jinyi stayed together inseparably, never separated for a moment, wishing they could be together even when they went to the bathroom, and often kissed sweetly in front of their faces. The wife's is okay, you can kiss something, but Ye Hailan and Ye Kelan, whose husband and boyfriend are not around, can only look at Ye Tianyu and Jinyi sadly.

Although the two of them are so tired, and Ye Hailan and Ye Kelan looked at them with such sad eyes, they never stopped them. After all, it is good for making people. How I hope Ye Tianyu can get Jinyi when he comes back next time With the news of her pregnancy, the Ye family will have a fourth generation by then, and the four generations living under the same roof are simply too perfect.

Although it's been three days, the day of separation has come, because Ye Kelan has social affairs, and Ye Chen and Cheng Anya are elders, so it's impossible for them to send them off.Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo left Ye Tiancheng early in the morning and went out, saying that they wanted to live a two-person world, so it was impossible to send them off.

Now only Ye Hailan is relatively free, and Ye Hailan's fighting power is very strong, although Ye Hailan is the one who sent Ye Tianyu and Jinyi to the airport.

When Jinyi got on the bus, she thought that Ye Tianyu would enter through the ticket gate, so the surroundings would be very noisy for a while. Although she had never flown before, she had been to the airport a few times, and there were simply too many people.

But today the direction is different, Jinyi is a little confused, especially when she sees that the place where they go directly is the runway of the plane, and they stop here directly, and sees the flight attendant or something like them bowing respectfully When saluting, she was a little confused.

Ye Tianyu explained with a smile: "I have a private jet, and this airport is also our family's private airport. When we get married, I will give you a plane. When we travel around the world, we will take your plane out for fun. , okay?"

Jinyi opened her eyes wide in surprise and looked at Ye Tianyu. Others gave diamond rings, luxury cars, and big villas to those who lived in the trenches, but Ye Tianyu directly sent them to the plane. Luxury cars and mansions are much more expensive. Has she really found a treasure?

"Xiao Jinyi, whatever you want in the future, just ask Tianyu, he won't be reluctant to give it to you. If he is not by your side, the card he gave you is his supplementary card, what do you think? Buy as soon as you buy, even if you just swipe your card, there is no need to save for him. Let me tell you quietly, Tianyu is rich, although he is not as rich as his old man, but it is not much worse." Ye Hailan glanced at the rear view Jing felt that Jin Yi's surprised expression was very cute, so he smiled and taught her.

Jinyi silently lowered her head to look at her valuable new bag. Because her relationship with Ye Tianyu has made great progress in the past few days, and there is still a bag that Ye Tianyu bought for her in the cloakroom, so Ye Tianyu When Tianyu gave her his supplementary card, he also replaced all her purses and satchels with new ones.

It's a joke, Ye Tianyu's women must use the best ones, as for those cheap things, how can they be worthy of Jin Yi?It's not bad if you don't take it away.

"You don't have to worry, you can use what I give you, and don't worry about what those people in your school will gossip about. I have already asked Yan Sui to take care of you, and I told Ke Lan when you didn't have classes. She came back to pick you up when she was off work. You don't have to be polite to her, just order her around." Ye Tianyu once again regarded his lovely sister as a tool to please his wife, and it really echoed the old saying, with The daughter-in-law forgets her mother!
Regarding this, Ye Hailan just shook her head helplessly, but her nephew's happiness is still very important. In order for the young couple to be intimate and whisper, Ye Hailan got out of the car consciously and left space for them.

Ye Tianyu and Jinyi have been telling each other, although Jinyi is also worried about Ye Tianyu, but Ye Tianyu is more worried about Jinyi, because Ye Tianyu knows it very well, although Jinyi doesn't like to show off, he is not as good as their school The beauty ranking she missed, but there are many rich families chasing her, and Ye Tianyu is far away, so he can't guard Jinyi all the time, can he not worry?
So Ye Tianyu was reluctant to hug Jinyi, kiss Jinyi, and even reminded Jinyi not to look at other men even just once, and let Ye Kelan and the lowly people eat every meal every day. Delivering food to Jin Yi, this is the rhythm of watching Jin Yi.

Ye Tianyu had already told himself this, so Jinyi naturally asked him not to look at other women, no matter how fat she was or how thin she was.

Ye Tianyu was naturally very satisfied with Jinyi's possessiveness towards him, so he hugged Jinyi tightly, and sighed reluctantly: "I really wish I could bring you by my side all the time, so I don't have to be so reluctant is you."

(End of this chapter)

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