When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 356 The money can make a ghost run the mill

Chapter 356 The money can make a ghost run the mill

Xu Yansui's face was all wrinkled, she just wanted to make a joke, but she didn't expect to say the wrong thing, she blamed Ye Kelan for nothing, why did you tell her these things?
However, in order that there would be no conflict between Ye Tianyu and Jinyi, Xu Yansui cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Brother Tianyu just took a look, then turned around and left, and took Ke Lan away with him."

Speaking of this, Xu Yansui said in a low voice: "Because there is also a handsome guy in Ke Lan's room, but Ke Lan didn't leave, but directly molested his handsome guy, making him so fascinated that he doesn't know where he is."

Jin Yi was taken aback for a moment, the brothers and sisters had just switched personalities!
Seeing Jinyi's expression, Xu Yansui knew what she was thinking, and explained to her: "You don't know, but Kelan has liked that kind of good-looking young boy since he was a child, and my uncle Ye's tutor It's not too strict, and I encourage Ke Lan to add those good-looking young boys to her harem, and then focus on training them."

"But doesn't she already have a boyfriend?" Jin Yi asked suspiciously.

Xu Yansui nodded without denying, "Perhaps her current boyfriend is also one of her harem back then, but he was just the most important training object."

Only then did Jinyi suddenly realize that Ye Kelan had such trouble finding a boyfriend, and wondered if she was one of the beauties in Ye Tianyu's harem?

"Yan Sui, why do I feel that what you said today is to bring Jinyi to her boyfriend who is a big radish!" Zhen Ai said to the point.

Xu Yansui hurriedly stopped Zhen Ai from speaking, and quickly explained in a courteous manner: "Jinyi, don't think of my brother Tianyu as the same as Ke Lan, he is dedicated, so he won't attract people like Ke Lan. But it is estimated that those restless teenagers who were teased by Ke Lan at the beginning, if they knew that Ke Lan already had a boyfriend, they would jump off the building together! You know, if Ke Lan If Lan, she can save those little boys 100 years of struggle!"

Jin Yi nodded, "I know, she is now the vice president of Anning International, she is capable and capable, of course it is possible."

Xu Yansui shook her head, and said earnestly: "I don't mean this. Even without Anning International, Ye Kelan can live a very chic and wanton life. And I guess the assets under Ye Kelan's name are compared to Anning International's. , there will only be more, not less, and it is all earned by herself. After all, she has already come out to live in her teens, and if she wants to earn an An Ning International, that is not a problem at all."

Jinyi was shocked, An Ning International is one of the world's top [-] companies, how could a girl younger than her own wealth richer than one of the world's top [-] companies!
Not only Jinyi was shocked, but Zhen Ai was also shocked. This is simply impossible. A girl in her early twenties can earn so much money by her own ability. She is no longer a child genius. It's nothing short of a miracle, is it?
Xu Yansui actually didn't want to believe it, but it was very helpless that he had such abilities at such a young age!
"Hee hee... Jin Yi, brother Tianyu is also very rich, maybe richer than Ke Lan, you really found a treasure." Xu Yansui patted Jin Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile "So you must not save money for him in the future, even if you spend a lot of money, he can earn it back. Another point, you must remember that the whole world belongs to Ye Tianyu, and Ye Tianyu is yours." As he spoke, he gave Ye Tianyu a look.

Jinyi looked at Xu Yansui in a daze, why did she feel like being taken care of by Ye Tianyu, and she was also taken care of by their whole family.

But for someone as rich as Ye Tianyu, she really didn't dare to say that she was his girlfriend. She was a little scared, not because of Ye Tianyu, but because of Ye Tianyu's immeasurable worth.

Zhen Ai raised her head to signal Jin Yi, and asked, "Is your boyfriend really as rich as Xu Yansui said?"

Jinyi shook her head, and said with a look of shock on her face, "I don't know, and he never told me."

But after she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered what Ye Hailan told her that day. If Ye Tianyu and Ye Kelan were really that rich, wouldn't that mean that what Ye Hailan said was true? Who is the leader of the world's largest terrorist organization? !

Jin Yi couldn't help asking herself, if Ye Tianyu was really the one, would she still have the courage to stand by his side?But aren't his parents, who are officials and bandits, also very happy?
And Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo, they should have known each other's identity when they were together, but they still want to be together, did they both accept each other's identity and be together willingly?
If this is the case, does she want to be with the leader of the world's largest government?But one thing is for sure, that is, she really loves Ye Tianyu very much. If Ye Tianyu also loves her very much, maybe she will accept Ye Tianyu like this for her own little thought?

Jinyi didn't know, but she knew that if she left Ye Tianyu, she would definitely feel very uncomfortable, as if she was about to die.

After Ye Hailan left, she went to the principal's office alone. At this moment, Ye Hailan's aura was fully activated, and her aura as a queen was fully activated. The air-conditioning around her was almost freezing to death. , This is different from the feeling that Ye Chen and Ye Feimo can automatically cool down.

The principal of University A was notified of Ye Hailan's coming to University A early in the morning. The principal of University A has been fidgeting since he received the news, as if waiting to announce something about his life and death. same thing.

When Ye Hailan came in with aura all over his body, the principal of University A felt that it was better for him to die, after all, the aura in Ye Hailan was too frightening, and he was so depressed that he could hardly breathe.

"Principal Lin, right?" Ye Hailan ignored Principal Lin's outstretched hand to shake hands with her, took off her big sunglasses, walked past him, and said straight to the point: "There is a girl named Jinyi in your school. , I don't want to hear bad rumors about her, so I hope Principal Lin can discipline your students well and don't do anything that is bad for Ye Hailan, even if it's just a little bit."

Principal Lin nodded vigorously in response, "Ah, ah, I see, I'll call all the lecturers in a while, and let them tell the students not to talk around, and Jinyi will definitely not be hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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