from end to end

Chapter 10 Escape from Languan Town

Chapter 10 Escape from Languan Town

Jiang Lingzhi waved for Shen Mo to come to the window and check the situation of the two cars together.

Two off-road vehicles entered Languan Town, attracting everyone's attention.

Jiang Lingzhi saw the people who came to town with them in the afternoon, they all stopped at the window, probably guessing whether the new group of people were friends or enemies.

With their powerful weapons and strength, the people on the off-road vehicle habitually ignored the eyes of other survivors.

One or two minutes later, a group of ten people quickly got off the car and entered the designated shop. Their actions were very well-organized, and they did not look like a temporary team.

The leader was wearing black clothes and black trousers, and Jiang Lingzhi could feel his arrogance even if he was tens of meters away.The other nine people seemed to be his subordinates rather than companions, respectful to him but not close to him.

At this moment, a person ran out from another shop, Jiang Lingzhi took a closer look, it was Cen Yuexiang's daughter Song Ruorou.

In the night, the silent air was broken by Song Ruorou's affectionate shout of "Brother Lin".

When Jiang Lingzhi was nervous, she subconsciously grabbed Shen Mo's arm. Is this God's way of helping Cen Yuexiang?

Lin Zhenghao looked at his girlfriend whom he hadn't seen for a few days, with a faint smile on his face, he opened his arms and waited for Song Ruorou to fly into his arms.

The scene of the lovers' reunion in the post-apocalyptic world was going on in that room, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo looked at each other, and without bothering to explain to others, they hurriedly asked the three of them to clean up and leave here immediately.

Song Ruorou didn't expect to see her boyfriend here, she threw herself into his arms passionately, let go of the hug a little, and was kissed affectionately by him.

She thought messily in her mind that before the end of the world, people were panicked because of natural disasters and man-made disasters. Seeing that things were going badly, Lin Zhenghao gave her a few guns for self-defense during the date.Otherwise, their family wouldn't be able to live so well these days, and it would easily deter other survivors.

Cen Yuexiang followed Song Ruorou out, saw her son-in-law-to-be and the guns, and immediately thought of the little bastard and the two immortals who wanted to get rid of them quickly.

The shop where Jiang Lingzhi and the others are located has no windows on the first floor. Only the bathroom on the second floor has a security window facing the grove. Fortunately, the security window can be opened from the inside.

She took out the climbing rope from the space and tied one end to the window frame. She climbed out first, followed by grandparents, Chen Chen and Shen Mo.

After the kiss, Lin Zhenghao let go of Song Ruorou, and was about to abduct her to the room when he noticed Cen Yuexiang's gaze.

"Is this Ruorou's boyfriend?" Cen Yuexiang looked at Lin Zhenghao with satisfaction.

Song Ruorou smiled slightly, nodded, and said to Lin Zhenghao, "Zhenghao, this is my mother."

Lin Zhenghao gave his girlfriend face and said politely, "Hello, Auntie."

Seeing that his attitude was so good, Cen Yuexiang immediately cried to him, "Zhenghao, good boy, it's fortunate that you gave Ruorou a few guns, otherwise our family would be bullied."

"Someone bullied you?" He hasn't gotten tired of Song Ruorou yet, so it's okay to spoil her.

"Yeah, those people over there, you have to help Auntie!" Cen Yuexiang was still thinking about crying, but was suddenly interrupted by Lin Zhenghao.

"No problem." Lin Zhenghao didn't bother to ask what happened, and directly instructed Lin Yi, "Take people there to kill them."

"Yes." Lin Yi turned around and led the people towards the shop where Shen Mo and the others lived.

As soon as Shen Mo landed on the ground, Jiang Lingzhi heard the sound of someone breaking into the front door of the shop.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going up the stairs from the shop behind her, and the sound of the bedroom door being violently kicked open, Jiang Lingzhi felt her heart was about to jump out.

Shen Mo supported grandma, Chen Chen supported grandpa, and the five of them ran into the depths of the grove together.

The sky was dark, the grove had a wide view but the road was rough, Jiang Lingzhi almost sprained his foot by running too fast.

The windows on the second floor are not too big and can accommodate up to two people standing.

"Da da da..." The bullets kept flying around the five people, causing the leaves to fly, the branches to fall, or the bullets to sink directly into the tree trunk.

As he ran farther and farther, the sound of bullets shooting gradually decreased. Before Jiang Lingzhi could breathe a sigh of relief, footsteps came from behind, and gunshots began to intensify again. MD, this is going to kill them all!

Nervous to the point of dry throat, Jiang Lingzhi swallowed saliva to relieve it.

Unable to fight or run, she had an idea and took the furniture from the Shen family out of the air.

High-grade leather sofas, marble dining tables, carved solid wood wardrobes... The furniture was taken out in mid-air, and then fell to the ground due to gravity, blocking the footsteps of the pursuers.

Jiang Lingzhi listened to the sound of footsteps being blocked by obstacles and looked at the exit of the grove in front of her. The tightness in her heart was more than half relieved, and she finally felt like she was about to escape.

After releasing a previously rented off-road vehicle, Jiang Lingzhi jumped into the driver's seat and shouted to the four of them, "Quick, get in the car."

Seeing that the four of them got into the car, and the doors had just closed and no one sat still, Jiang Lingzhi's soaring adrenaline made her step on the gas pedal excitedly, and sprinted away with a bang.

"Huh...huh..." Shen Bowen's face turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Old man, what's wrong with you, don't scare me." Cui Man heard Shen Bowen's heavy panting, felt sweat on his forehead, but there was no heat on his face, she must be injured, she was very anxious.

"Grandma, what's wrong with grandpa?" Hearing grandma's voice, Shen Mo turned around anxiously and looked towards the back seat.

"Old woman, I can't do it anymore... You have to live well." Shen Bowen endured the pain from the wound on his back, feeling that his consciousness was getting out of control, and his slack eyes looked at the empty car roof, "Shen Mo... Take good care of "Grandma...

"Old man! Woohoo..." Grandma Cui Man's eyes were filled with tears, and she gradually became sobbing.

"Grandpa!" Shen Mo yelled, tears streaming down his face.

After a while, only grandma's hoarse crying and Shen Mo's soft sobbing were left in the car.

Chen Chen dazedly touched the wet spot on his arm, it turned out to be Grandpa Shen's blood.He blamed himself for not discovering that Grandpa Shen had been shot earlier, and why he didn't protect him well...

Jiang Lingzhi drove the car very fast, and after making sure that there were no pursuers, she stopped the car in an open place, where it seemed safe.

She and Chen Chen got out of the car and looked at each other, tacitly leaving space for the people in the car.

Through the headlights of the car, she saw the blood stains on Chen Chen's sleeves, took out a men's shirt from the space and handed it to him, then turned her head and looked into the distance.

Death is inevitable, and only by being careful can one survive in this last world.

She has also experienced the pain of losing a loved one. It hurts, like losing a piece of her soul suddenly.

Only time heals it, but it still leaves a scar, and the sight of that scar brings back memories of the past.

In the last days, she did not dare to hope that her opponent would remain weak, and could only ask herself to become stronger and stronger again.

If they had enough strength today, those people wouldn't dare to provoke them at all, and they wouldn't be chased away, and they wouldn't lose Grandpa Shen's life, but there is no if.

Shen Mo asked Jiang Lingzhi to get a military shovel, and wanted to put Grandpa Shen in peace. Chen Chen went up and wanted to help, but Shen Mo refused. He wanted to send Grandpa off for the last time in person.

I chose a place close to a big tree and there were few weeds around, dug a hole with a handful of soil, and put Shen Wai Gongan inside, and with the cover of the soil, I couldn't see the familiar figure anymore. .

Shen Mo knelt in front of the small grave, kowtowed three times, and finally got up to help grandma, cleaned the dust off her clothes, and went back to the car together.

When Shen Mo was taking care of Grandpa Shen's affairs, Jiang Lingzhi thought about where they should go next, at least for the time being, they couldn't meet Cen Yuexiang and the others on the road, their firepower was too strong, and if they met, they would only die.

She chose a detour from the map and a road that would not intersect with the road from Languan Town to Chenxi Base. Although the distance was long and the road condition was poor, she couldn't care less.

The four were silent, and the atmosphere in the car was very dull. Jiang Lingzhi drove to a nearby warehouse.

There were two large locks hanging on the iron gate of the warehouse yard. From the crack of the door, it was dark inside, and the yard was empty, with no traces of people or zombies.

Jiang Lingzhi took out a tool and slammed the lock on the door. The sound of slamming the lock was loud, but it didn't attract many zombies.

It seems that there were few people here before the end of the world, and I don't know what this warehouse is used for.

After breaking the lock, Jiang Lingzhi drove the car into the yard and parked it, then locked the gate from the inside.

At this time, Shen Mo tidied up an office for the overly sad grandma to rest well, and another for Chen Chen who suddenly had a fever and fell ill in the car to recuperate.

He settled the two of them, and as soon as he walked out of the office, he saw Jiang Lingzhi with bright eyes, waving to him standing in front of the iron gate of the warehouse with "fertilizer" hanging on it.

"I found something." Jiang Lingzhi felt strange as soon as she walked into the warehouse with "fertilizers" hanging on it.

It has been several days since the end of the world. Even if it does not stop working before the end of the world, it should stop working after the end of the world. However, there is no dust in the place where the fertilizer is stored in the warehouse. Someone must have moved them in the past two days.

But chemical fertilizers are not as rare as food and medicine. Why do those people carry chemical fertilizers?

Shen Mo looked sleepy, obviously he hadn't recovered from the blow of losing his grandfather, his brows slightly raised, "Are you sure it's full of fertilizer?"

"It's all." Jiang Lingzhi looked at him firmly, and randomly opened several bags with a dagger, which were full of yellow fertilizer particles.

Shen Mo's expression was uncertain, and he randomly pulled out a few bags and cut them open, then poured out all the contents, it was really all fertilizer.

He became even more puzzled. If it was full of chemical fertilizers, what was the purpose of bringing the fertilizers here?
Only then did he regain some energy, "Remove all the fertilizers and have a look." If there is no problem with the fertilizers, then is there something XZ in it.

The fertilizer as high as a hill, just the two of them, probably took a whole night to move it.

Jiang Lingzhi relied on her large enough space, and packed all the fertilizers into the space in a short while.

Thinking of throwing furniture to prevent the group from escaping today, she didn't rush to throw the fertilizer out. Maybe she found another attack method to kill zombies, that is to smash them to death.

After Jiang Ganoderma harvested the fertilizer, Shen Mo walked to the place where the fertilizer was piled up, stomped everywhere, squatted down and knocked with his hands, and after a while, finally opened a door on the ground.

There is a basement hidden here.

Shen Mo stepped on the ladder and climbed down, "I'll go down first, you stay on guard."

He stopped Jiang Lingzhi from going down too, it's too dangerous for the two of them to go down.

Jiang Lingzhi suddenly thought that it is not easy to produce poisonous gas underground, so she took out a gas mask and handed it to Shen Mo, "Why don't you wear a gas mask?"

Standing on the iron frame of the underground passage, Shen Mo was a little speechless, but it made sense after thinking about it, so he put on the gas mask helplessly, and then walked down the iron frame to the basement.

The basement was dark, Shen Mo turned on the flashlight with his left hand, held a pistol in his right hand, and carefully explored around.

The basement is about [-] square meters, and it is full of large wooden boxes. After making sure that there are no people or zombies in the basement, Shen Mo gently opened one of the wooden boxes. It turned out to be a gun, which was much better than the one he was holding.

Open a few one after another, there are bullets, grenade machine guns, all hot weapons and equipment, they are breaking into someone else's arsenal.

When Jiang Lingzhi went down to the basement and saw the room full of hot weapons, she was about to burst into tears, firepower, full of firepower.

She couldn't wait to meet Cen Yuexiang's group again, blow them to pieces and let their blood flow into rivers to vent their anger. Only then can she be worthy of the grievance she suffered today, and only then can she comfort Grandpa Shen's spirit in heaven.

Taking a peek at the dull Shen Mo, she guessed that he might be thinking: If there were so many weapons one day earlier, grandpa might not have died.

Jiang Lingzhi didn't go to comfort him, she just put all the things in the arsenal into the space, so as not to fall into the situation of being a knife and me being a fish again.

Before dawn, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo, who had emptied other people's arsenals, didn't dare to stay here any longer. Shen Mo woke up his grandma and put them in the car, and carried Chen Chen, who had a fever and lost consciousness, into the car, and left overnight. leave in a hurry.

Of course, Jiang Lingzhi didn't know that they didn't have to travel overnight, because just a few hours before they arrived at the fertilizer factory, the owner of the armory left with nine of his men in an off-road vehicle.

When the sun was rising, they arrived at Xinghe Village. The two of them stayed up all night, and there was one sick person. They decided to rest up for a day before setting off for the base.

(End of this chapter)

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