from end to end

Chapter 21 The Death of Cen Yuexiang

Chapter 21 The Death of Cen Yuexiang

Jiang Lingzhi and his convoy were chased by a group of mutant chickens and dogs and fled.

About 10 minutes later, Jiang Lingzhi, who was recovering, noticed that the pointer on the fuel gauge in the front row had already pointed to [-] kilometers per hour. Looking at the mutated animal at the end of the line, she had to sigh, What a great perseverance.

Fortunately, the group of mutated animals they met was not high-level, except for two or three that were only second-level, the others were zero-level or first-level, and they had no supernatural powers, otherwise they would really be doomed.

She also felt very fortunate that the mutated chickens were animals without shells or scales, otherwise she really couldn't roast them to make roast chickens.

There were still a few bloody holes left on the arm, and the wound had stopped bleeding, but Jiang Lingzhi still frowned, looking at the pit of flesh lost on his hand with self-pity.

Inadvertently, she saw a large piece of meat off Hao Wenjing's leg, and she felt a little comforted in her heart, her brows eased, and she felt sorry for each other, so she would share the roast chicken with Hao Wenjing, and let's build up the flesh together .

Hao Wenjing could see her movements clearly, and the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously. She had never seen a woman like Jiang Lingzhi who wanted to gain weight. body.

The supernatural being has a strong self-healing ability. Even the walnut-sized wound on her leg will grow back before tomorrow, and even a scar will not be visible within a week. I don't know what to mend.

The people in the car had just breathed out, and there was a squeak, and the brakes were suddenly slammed on in front of them.

Inertia almost threw Jiang Lingzhi, who was not wearing a seat belt, to the front row. Fortunately, Shen Mo, the co-driver, quickly helped her up. She almost bought experience with the lesson of blood and tears: you must wear a seat belt in a car!

There is a string of traffic jams on the difficult country road, and the mutated chicken and the mutated dog see that the food will no longer run away, so excitedly they fly to the roof of the car to show off their might.

Being trampled on the top of his head and being afraid that the car would be crushed, Shen Mo yelled, "Get out of the car."

Several people quickly jumped out of the car.

Jiang Lingzhi got out of the car and saw that people in other vehicles also hurriedly escaped out of the car.

This time the mutated animals were as agreed in advance. One or two animals were responsible for occupying a car, forcing everyone out of the car, and then slowly surrounded everyone. The mutated animals formed a circle around the periphery. , and began to attack the survivors inside.

Lu Shuxing shouted in an orderly tone, "People with supernatural abilities surround the outer circle, and the old, weak, women and children hide in the circle."

"Yes." Everyone listened unconsciously.

Everyone gathered together, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Lingzhi actually saw Cen Yuexiang and his party, and sighed inwardly, the road to Encounter is really narrow.

It seemed that it was Cen Yuexiang and his group who blocked their way of escape, which made the front of the convoy slam on the brakes, forcing them to face the mutated animals, but fortunately, Cen Yuexiang and the others did not escape.

Now that I met Cen Yuexiang, let her stay here forever, so as to avenge the death of Grandpa Shen.

Most of the supernatural beings stood outside to resist the mutated animals, Cen Yuexiang hid behind Song Ruorou and Song Cheng, Jiang Lingzhi fought and retreated, and slowly moved towards Cen Yuexiang.

He approached Cen Yuexiang only five meters away, unexpectedly Cen Yuexiang turned around and saw her suddenly, and immediately hugged Song Cheng tightly in fright, without any arrogance like before.

To startle the snake, Jiang Lingzhi had to retreat and gave up the assassination plan.Seeing the grandma who was alone, she couldn't help thinking about it, and first asked Hao Wenjing to protect her personally.

Cen Yuexiang is not stupid, her sons and daughters are now killing mutated animals, and she has no spare energy to protect her, and she is not a supernatural being, so she will not be able to please Jiang Lingzhi.

Thinking of revenge, she looked back and forth among the crowd, her gaze met Cui Man's back, hmph, she is not afraid of that old woman.

After a while, Cen Yuexiang saw Jiang Lingzhi backed away, concentrating on dealing with the mutant dog on the periphery, not paying attention to her, and staying seven or eight meters away from Cui Man.

While looking up at Jiang Lingzhi's back, she carefully bowed her waist and walked behind Cui Man secretly.

Once standing behind Cui Man, Cen Yuexiang raised her hands and pushed Cui Man's back violently.

Unexpectedly, when Cui Man was pulled, Cen Yuexiang was thrown into the air, and due to the inertia of her body, she couldn't stop jumping forward.

It turned out that Hao Wenjing had been standing beside Cui Man to protect her. Seeing Cen Yuexiang's movements, Hao Wenjing subconsciously pulled her grandmother away.

Cen Yuexiang rushed forward, took a few steps forward, and was about to fall to the ground, Jiang Lingzhi was moving towards this side, and at this moment she happened to be standing where she was about to pounce.

Cen Yuexiang looked up and saw Jiang Lingzhi coming out of nowhere, and she screamed "Ah..." in fright.

Jiang Lingzhi grabbed Cen Yuexiang's arm and pulled it forward, then let go of her arm and stood aside. Cen Yuexiang, who hadn't stopped yet, ran forward a few steps due to inertia.

Seeing Cen Yuexiang being thrown out of the outer circle surrounded by supernatural beings, Jiang Lingzhi carefully guarded against other mutant animals.

Cen Yuexiang was thrown under the mutated dog's claws, facing the sharp claws of a mutated dog, she panicked, but she had no choice but to open her mouth to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth.

In the blink of an eye, she fell to the ground, her neck ached, her eyes widened and she covered her bleeding neck with her hands, she lay on the ground looking at the blue sky with disbelief, and there was a whoo-ho sound from her damaged throat .

She is a reborn winner in life, how could she just die like this!
Cen Yuexiang's past and present life kept flashing in her mind.

She flashed back to a bad past life.

At the beginning, Song Li was purged and left the house. She had nothing but her son, and Zhang Fenfang even lent her the money for renting the house.After that, Zhang Fenfang introduced her to an upstart, and in the end she worked as the upstart's mistress all her life, but failed to get into the position.

At the age of 47, she went to a restaurant to eat, but she did not expect that the enemy of the restaurant owner poisoned the food, and she and all the customers in the restaurant were poisoned to death.

She hates, she is not reconciled.

Unexpectedly, after she was poisoned and died, she was reborn, and she was reborn before Song Li was purged and left the house.

When she was reborn in this life, it was the time when Shen Zhenzhen was transferring her property. Cen Yuexiang didn't want to repeat the miserable life of her previous life, she wanted to win an opportunity for herself.

So in order to keep Song Li's money, she had to get rid of Shen Zhenzhen as soon as possible.

In her previous life, she learned from the news that on Children's Day, a gas explosion in a hot pot restaurant accidentally exploded, blowing up five shops in a row.There happened to be a coffee shop next to that hot pot restaurant that was in trouble, she could just take advantage of this, invite Shen Zhenzhen over there, and get rid of her without anyone noticing.

After getting rid of Shen Zhenzhen, she finally got her wish and married Song Li. She married Song Li for the first time in her two lifetimes and became a legitimate Mrs. Song. She also gave birth to a beautiful daughter. The company also developed more and more under her guidance. the better.

So far, Cen Yuexiang is very satisfied with this life.

However, Shen Mo, a bastard, actually founded a high-profile technology company. The company's valuation is higher than that of the company she and Song Li have worked hard for 20 years. He was also commented by the media as "the youngest and most powerful CEO".

How could Shen Zhenzhen, the son of a defeated general, be better than her son? She wanted to get rid of Shen Mo and let Song Cheng take over his company. Song Cheng was the best president.

Therefore, Cen Yuexiang wanted to borrow a knife to kill again, and invited Shen Mo to a restaurant on the day of her death in her previous life.

But Shen Mo won't go to her appointment, so she can only find a client of Shen Mo's company, and Xu Yiyi asks others to help her make an appointment.

With this plan, Cen Yuexiang hibernated for a long time and did not touch Shen Mo.

But unexpectedly, the poisoning incident broke out half an hour earlier, Shen Mo was still driving to the restaurant, and did not die of poisoning.

Fortunately, because of the poisoning incident, the traffic chaos around the hotel caused Shen Mo to encounter a series of car accidents, causing him to be injured and unconscious. Cen Yuexiang sighed more than once, why didn't he hit him to death.

After the end of the world, although she has no supernatural powers, her children are all supernatural beings. She lives better than other women, and she has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

But why let her see that Shen Mo is still alive, he should die early like his dead ghost mother, none of them surnamed Shen should be alive, she, Cen Yuexiang, is the winner in life, she is the one who should live the best life good woman.

At this time, a trace of regret flashed in Cen Yuexiang's heart. She shouldn't have been impulsive, she shouldn't have pushed that old woman Cui Man, she should have killed her directly with a gun.

If it happened again, she would get rid of Shen's family early. She was unwilling to die like this. She died again at the age of 47. She would definitely be able to be reborn again, definitely.

Cen Yuexiang's consciousness slowly disappeared into the world, and she never woke up again.

Back to reality, while the mutated dog was catching Cen Yuexiang, Jiang Lingzhi, who was standing by, shot the mutated dog's eyes at close range. It was injured and opened its mouth to growl. She inserted a long knife into the dog's throat, held the knife with both hands, and cut off the dog's head with all her strength. .

The animal crystal nuclei are all red, and each level is larger than the previous level by the size of a peanut.

Jiang Lingzhi, who was sweating profusely, picked up the red second-order animal crystal nucleus, glanced at Cen Yuexiang, who was lying on the ground, dying with unwilling eyes, squatted down, and attached her hand to her heart, making sure that her heart was no longer there. Beating, and finally let go of my heart.

The murderer who killed grandpa finally solved one.

After a short rest, Jiang Lingzhi roasted two more turkeys, and everyone finally finished off the mutated animals, and all the living people were in a mess.


Jiang Lingzhi, who was standing and resting, heard an angry scolding sound suddenly, turned her head and saw that it was Xiao Ming under Lu Shuxing.

"Fuck labor and management, bullshit survivors, usually domineering, push us to stop disasters when they are in danger, Hong Yi saved you, you actually pushed him out, MD, who told labor management that survivors pity labor management Who are you in a hurry with?" His eyes were red, his face was full of anger, and his voice was full of anger.

He Xiaoming watched Hong Yi pull the survivor to save her, but instead she pushed him to the front to block the mutant dog, and still hugged Xiao Hong's waist tightly, waiting for his hand to be bitten off by the mutant dog in front of him. Instead, the woman let him go and ran away. In the end, Xiao Hong was bitten off by the mutant dog and died.

Because they are "Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong", He Xiaoming and Hong Yi are often arranged together as partners, and the two have a deep relationship.

Xiao Ming couldn't help feeling sad, and there was no Xiao Hong ever since.

Seeing He Xiaoming turning around to wipe away tears, Jiang Lingzhi just felt sorry. The end times are so cruel, no one can be lucky all the time, and she doesn't know how long she can live. She just hopes that when she dies, she will not leave too many regrets.

Everyone cleaned the battlefield with a heavy heart. Their ten cars, the two cars that brought the mutated animals, and Lin Zhenghao's team had five cars. In the end, there were only less than sixteen cars left.

Before getting into the car, Jiang Lingzhi felt two strong gazes cast on her. She turned her head and saw that it was the Song brothers and sisters. She directly ignored the hatred eyes of the Song brothers and sisters.

Turning his head to look at another line of sight, it was actually Lin Zhenghao.

She felt strange about Lin Zhenghao's angry eyes. It is impossible for Lin Zhenghao to have such deep feelings for Cen Yuexiang. How did she offend Lin Zhenghao? Isn't she the one who was hunted down in Languan Town to get angry? ?
Jiang Lingzhi, who couldn't figure it out, didn't think about it any more, he was an enemy long ago, even if he got angry again, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Now Lin Zhenghao only had four subordinates left, and there were three supernatural beings, the Song brothers and sisters and Song Cheng's girlfriend Lu Shuyan, the gap in strength between the two was not so great.

Even if they go to war directly now, they won't necessarily lose.

Now, after a disastrous battle with mutant animals, everyone is exhausted and needs to find a place to rest.

At this time, the muscular men on the two cars that first attracted the mutated animals proposed to go to Lingshan Village.The muscular man and the others settled in Lingshan Village the night before. There were very few zombies and no mutated animals. Although they had to retreat a little, it was getting late and there might not be such a suitable place to stay ahead.

After the discussion, everyone hurried to Lingshan Village.

He almost reached the peak of Tier [-] before. In the car, Jiang Lingzhi absorbed the several animal crystal nuclei he hit today one by one, and he really reached the pinnacle, a small step closer to Tier [-].

"Thank you." After Jiang Lingzhi had absorbed the crystal nucleus, Shen Mo turned to thank her.

She smiled and waved, "You're welcome."

"En." Shen Mo looked at her intently for a while, then turned his head to look forward.

The meat of mutated animals is edible. Jiang Lingzhi counted the seven chickens and six dogs they harvested, which was enough for them to eat for several days. It was a day full of harvest after exhaustion. The most important thing is to solve the problem. Cen Yuexiang avenged half of Grandpa's revenge.

Sixteen vehicles finally arrived at Lingshan Village before the sun set.

(End of this chapter)

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