from end to end

Chapter 25 Familiarize yourself with the base

Chapter 25 Familiarize yourself with the base
After the discussion, Jiang Lingzhi and grandma lived in a small room, Shen Mo and Chen Chen were the head of the department, and the other three men and three women lived in a big room each.

Jiang Lingzhi took out their beds and put them in the room, and took out some new bedding for them to use.

Although the house is newly built and not very dirty, it still needs to be cleaned. She took out some cleaning tools such as brooms and mops.

After a few people started cleaning, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo followed Yu Wen to Area A.

As soon as they arrived at the base, they went straight to their residence. The supplies belonging to Lu Shuhang and the others in Jiang Lingzhi's space had not been returned to them. Yuwen was going to take them to Lu Shuhang's villa in Area A to check and accept the supplies.

Yuwen pointed to the guard at the gate of Area A, and said to the two, "The people living in Area A are all from the military department. Ordinary people need to register first if they want to enter, and someone has to come out to lead them."

He registered at the guard, showed the guard the token that allowed him to enter Area A, and led Shen Mo and Jiang Lingzhi inside.

Jiang Lingzhi looked around. In addition to the strict access control, Area A also has patrol personnel from time to time. It is really not that easy for outsiders to sneak in here.

The interior of District A is full of villas or warehouses, each house is guarded by soldiers, and the guards of warehouses are even more heavily guarded. Even if they are also soldiers in military uniform, they will not let them go easily.

Seeing Jiang Lingzhi staring at the guard in the warehouse, Yuwen explained to her, "Shen Mo should know that the Chenxi base is now mainly controlled by the Lu family, the Sun family and the Zheng family. Listen to the words of their leaders, so these guards have to guard against the soldiers of the other two."

He Xiaoming stood at the door of a villa, looked in their direction, waved to them from a distance of more than ten meters, and said with a smile, "You are finally here."

"It took a while for the settlement and registration." Yu Wen stepped forward and patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder.

"Then you guys come with me, just put some things in the basement of the villa." He Xiaoming led the three of them into the villa.

The four of them passed through the villa and went down the stairs to the basement. The soldiers at the entrance saluted them, and Xiao Ming and Yuwen saluted them back, and then continued on their way.

He Xiaoming unlocked the basement and let a few people in, "Come in."

He took out the bill of materials and said to Jiang Lingzhi solemnly, "Look, is this bill correct?"

Jiang Lingzhi glanced at her handwriting, and replied, "That's right."

"Then I will start to check and accept according to the materials on the list."

"Okay." The sooner the supplies are put away, the sooner she can go back.

According to the data on the list, Jiang Lingzhi put the materials in the open space. Xiao Ming and Yuwen had to go through two inspections for each item they took out. A heavily guarded warehouse.

The warehouse area is very large, and there is almost nothing in it. Jiang Lingzhi, Xiao Ming, and Yu Wen also checked the materials on the remaining lists, signed and confirmed, and they were about to leave Area A.

Yu Wen sent the two of them out of Area A, and said to himself, "The Lu team is very busy these days, and he should find time to visit you when he is over. If you have anything to do, you can go to the military building in Area B to find me and Dayong. A few, we can pass it on to Army Corps for you.”

The Lu team intends to let the Thunder team enter the Lu family's influence, and he also needs to wait for Shen Mo to give an accurate answer.

"Okay." Shen Mo nodded, he still needs time to find out whether what Lu Shuxing said is true.For the safety of everyone in the Thunder team and the development of the team, he needs to be cautious when making decisions.

When they walked out of the warehouse, the sky was already pitch black, the moon hung brightly high in the sky alone, and the slight wind blew away the hot summer sun. Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo walked side by side on the way back to Area B.

Jiang Lingzhi, who had nothing to do, walked ahead cheerfully, throwing Shen Mo, who was thinking about something, a meter or two away. Suddenly, Shen Mo, who came back to his senses, came up from behind and held Jiang Lingzhi's hand. Her palm was a little warm. hot.

The closeness of her boyfriend made Jiang Lingzhi's smile spread to the whole face, and the two held hands and swayed back and forth joyfully.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to see where the mercenary team is registered. I'll go and register first, and then I'll go find where the mission center is with you. If you have time, you can also go to the trade street. I'll go shopping with you." Shen Mo thought of the end of the world Former Jiang Lingzhi loved to go shopping, so I must accompany her for a stroll when I have time.

"Okay." Now that there is no internet, it's boring to stay where they live all the time, and they just came to the base, so they can get more familiar with the surrounding environment by going out more.

"I may be a little busy in the next few days. You can accompany grandma to familiarize yourself with the base." Shen Mo's deep and pleasant voice reached her ears through the wind, and he reached out to rub her hair.

Feeling the hands on her head, Jiang Lingzhi didn't dodge, no matter how she rubbed her short hair, her hairstyle wouldn't be damaged, "Okay, you can go to work at ease, I will take good care of grandma." Shen Mo asked her to take care of grandma, obviously Trust her, of course she will do well.

She also thought of another child in the team, "Grandma likes Xu Ruida very much, let me take the two of them for a stroll, just to relieve boredom together."

"Well, thank you Lingzhi." Shen Mo looked at her intently, with a hint of gratitude and a lot of tenderness in his eyes.

The two walked under the moonlight. With the supernatural night vision ability, they could see the road under their feet without turning on the flashlight. Soon they returned to Room [-].

As soon as Jiang Lingzhi opened the door, she found that the room had been cleaned. When she walked in, she saw Chen Chen sitting in Xu Zhengqing's room chatting with him, Zhao Pei and Pang Yun embracing each other on the balcony talking privately and watching the moonlight, Yan Xiaoqing, Hao Wenjing was chatting with her grandmother, everything was so quiet and beautiful.

The ten people finally arrived at the base after a long trek. They were a little excited, and the belated exhaustion swept over after the excitement, and everyone prepared to wash and go to bed.

Yan Xiaoqing is now at the second level, and the amount of water that can be released has also increased, but it is still very reluctant to release the amount of bathing water for ten people at a time, but it is easy to release the amount of washing water.

After washing, Jiang Lingzhi lying on the bed secretly wondered if she could have a good relationship with Yan Xiaoqing, would she be able to wash her hair with water instead of shaving it into a short cut.Although this is not ugly, she still likes medium-length hair, but it feels extravagant when she thinks about it.

In her previous life, she didn't even dare to drink water, but in this life she still wants to wash her hair. The situation is really much better.

Touching the flesh that had grown a little more, Jiang Lingzhi was very comforting. Everything was better than in her previous life. She was no longer a lonely person, nor was she a weak person who could only hide in the base. No waste, no longer have to be afraid of being abandoned by teammates.

Jiang Lingzhi finally fell asleep peacefully with some memories of her past life and good expectations of this life.

The next day, the bright sun enveloped the Chenxi base. Jiang Lingzhi stood on the balcony and stretched. Looking at the busy people below, she was full of hope, and she was no longer full of ashes like the survivors she met on the road.

Although the conditions of the base are not good enough, people are still actively building and have not given up the chance to survive. This feeling is very good.

After breakfast, Shen Mo and Chen Chen went out to the employment team registration office to fill out the application materials, and the rest of them had a hearty lunch to celebrate their arrival at the base.

After taking out the ingredients and pots and pans, Jiang Lingzhi went to the small room to count the materials, and needed to sort out a list of materials.

Now they are a mercenary team, and the team will grow. If the supplies are not cleared before the team grows, Jiang Lingzhi will not be able to account for it in the future.So yesterday they held a small meeting to discuss the conversion of team contribution value and supplies.

Jiang Lingzhi made records when collecting most of the materials, only a small number of scattered materials were not registered on the material list, and she still needs to recheck the materials in the space and the data on the list.

Put aside the supplies she and Shen Mo purchased before the end of the world as personal statistics.

Then count the materials collected along the way as team materials. Chen Chen joined the team early, and he got a lot of materials, but now he has a lot of materials and it is not easy to store them, so he can exchange them for team contributions, and when he needs them in the future He can exchange contribution points for supplies.

In one morning, Jiang Lingzhi was overwhelmed with statistics. Everyone joined the team at different times, and the proportion of materials collected was also different. It was really worrying to have too many materials.

When everyone came back and lunch was ready, Jiang Lingzhi finally converted the contributions of the ten people, and presented a list of the Thunder's existing supplies and a list of contributions within the team.

After the meal, Jiang Lingzhi's job was finally completed after there was no objection to the list in the team's formula.

It went well for Shen Mo to register in the morning. In the afternoon, they had to go to the mission center to check the location, and then they could go shopping on the trading street.

After the noon sun, ten people walked to the mission center together.The mission center is located outside the E area and within the base wall near the gate, which is convenient for the mercenary team to go out of the base to do the mission directly after receiving the mission.

Jiang Lingzhi saw the tasks scrolling on the screen, and felt that the types of tasks were similar to those seen in the previous life. There were more looking for supplies and people.There are almost no tasks in the base, except that the army recruits people with water abilities to release water in the base.

Because it was afternoon, there were very few people outside the mission center, and they usually set off after receiving the mission in the morning, trying to come back within a day, but there were also missions with a longer distance, and the rewards were more generous.

After Shen Mo and the others went in to inquire clearly about the conditions for accepting the task, the collection of remuneration and the process, ten people started to walk towards the trading street.

In her previous life, Jiang Lingzhi had also been to Trading Street, where there was a lot of people, and she didn't dare to dress too clean every time she went there, for fear of attracting coveted people and causing trouble.But now that her strength has increased greatly, and she is accompanied by Shen Mo and others, she finally dares to go shopping with her back straight.

There are many old people and children on the trading street holding up the sign of "Lead the way", and the reward may be a bag of instant noodles or a bottle of water, which is very cheap.But these people are not only guides, but also thieves who take advantage of the crowd to steal things. In her previous life, Jiang Lingzhi was also forced to buy a lesson from Huajinghe.

Shen Mo found a black and thin child, and gave him a bag of instant noodles to lead the way.

The child happily took the instant noodles, and explained enthusiastically, "The stalls on this street can be exchanged for food such as steamed buns, but the shops with shops generally only need to pack goods that can be stored for a long time, such as instant noodles. It will be exchanged for others.”

"Shops generally like to collect materials and crystal cores, and street stalls generally like to collect materials." The black and thin child added very sophisticatedly.

"Is there a place that sells hot weapons?" Shen Mo asked with raised eyebrows.

The black and thin child rolled his dark eyes around, touched the instant noodles in his hand, and looked at him with a smile without speaking.

Shen Mo took out another bag of instant noodles and a bottle of water, and then he leaned over to Shen Mo and whispered, "Yes, but not here, it's in Zone E. A gun and a box of ammunition are very expensive."

"Then do you know where it is?" At present, they still have enough ammunition, but if they want to join the Lu family in the future, this amount of ammunition will not be enough.

"Add two more bags of instant noodles and I'll take you there." The child found that they were generous with the supplies, and started to increase the price again.

Shen Mo is not in a hurry at the moment, he just looks at the child and remembers him so that he can find him later, and said in a calm voice, "I'm not in a hurry now, I'll find you another day."

After saying that, the child drooped his shoulders in disappointment, and after a while went to the front again to introduce them, mainly to introduce the background of each store, especially the stores with military background should not be messed with.

After walking all the way, the information collected was almost the same, Shen Mo let the child go, and they separated here to wander around casually.

(End of this chapter)

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