from end to end

Chapter 30 Variation Plants 2

Chapter 30 Variation Plants 2
A mutated flower that looks very similar to the surrounding flowers is moving nervously and slowly.

Although the high-level mutated plants can move, they move very slowly, and they have to rest for a while after moving. If Jiang Lingzhi hadn't happened to see it moving, it might have sneaked away by it.

She jumped over the flowers, and followed the mutated flower. The mutated flower seemed to feel threatened, and she didn't care to hide herself. She just moved with all her strength, and didn't even care about changing the color. I was scared of being chased by Jiang Lingzhi.

Although it is a fifth-order mutated plant, it can create illusions and emit a bewitching smell, but I didn't expect that the person in front of me who was not as powerful as it could break free from the illusion created by it, escape its attack, and still be able to escape. Affected by its alluring aroma, it has no choice but to flee.

The enemy is slow and we are fast, and the pursuit movement is over soon. Jiang Lingzhi stands in front of the mutant flower and sends out a space blade. Unexpectedly, it just moved a bit to avoid the blow.

She was about to attack again, when the footsteps from behind stimulated the Mutated Flower, it suddenly struggled painfully and grew bigger, gradually becoming taller than her from knee height.Jiang Lingzhi didn't know what the mutated flower was doing, and she didn't want to wait for it to finish singing its big move, so she directly fired a space blade at its root.

The mutated flower squeaked when it was hit, green juice flowed out from the root, the singing seemed to be interrupted, its body no longer grew bigger, it shook angrily, the flower suddenly increased, and wanted to devour it like a piranha Ginger Lingzhi.

Among the same level of supernatural beings, women are faster than men. When Shen Mo and Lu Shuxing arrived, they saw Jiang Lingzhi teleport away from the mutant flower's wide-open mouth, and Shen Mo immediately sent a lightning bolt to the mutant flower.

The root was injured by the space blade and then struck by lightning. Before the mutated flower even made a cry, the unbroken roots were directly scorched by electric shock, and the branches and flowers that fell on the ground became black. Ganoderma lucidum inexplicably felt a pity: Alas, the body of a fifth-order mutated flower was wasted.

Seeing Jiang Lingzhi's sighing expression, Shen Mo inexplicably felt that he had done something wrong. Since there was no danger, he should trust her and let her solve it by herself. He must remember not to intervene casually next time.

Seeing that Shen Mo's expression was unnatural, Jiang Lingzhi returned a bright smile to show her comfort.He was just too worried about her, for a moment he forgot that she was also a fourth-order ability user in the top ten of the base, and her boyfriend always wanted to protect her, which was a sweet annoyance.

After collecting the fifth-order plant crystal nuclei, Jiang Lingzhi ran to the agricultural machine and got on the car, and Chu Tu Tu started to destroy the great cause of flowers again.

When the sun rose to the highest point, the sea of ​​flowers was completely flattened. Jiang Lingzhi collected a lot of fourth-order crystal nuclei. Although they were all made by her, she couldn't eat alone when three of them were together.

The three of them found a big tree, hid in its shade, laid out a picnic mat like an outing, and put on the snacks she packed before the end of the world. They had delicious food to fill their stomachs, and they were accompanied by beauties. Although there was an extra light bulb, Jiang Lingzhi I still sigh: It’s really quiet and beautiful!

Before Lu Shuxing set off on the mission, he was on the alert, guarding against the Sun and Zheng families, while fearing the mutated plants. Unexpectedly, after half a day, he did not encounter the danger he expected, and he ate well. He couldn't help but feel that he was too worried Heavy.

After thinking about it, without Jiang Ganoderma lucidum's Fengyoujing and Chu Tutu's one-shot operation, their losses might have been as heavy as the previous team, and I rejoiced in my heart: it was indeed a wise move to win over Lei Ting.

I don't know what happened to the Sun family and the Zheng family.

However, it is said that although the Sun family did not encounter the mutant vines when they entered the mountain, they also encountered mutant grasses, and the illusion weaving was not very good, but the plotters were very good. Half of the people couldn't move forward and could only wait in place.

At this time, the talents of the Sun family barely crossed the mutated grass area, and sat down to rest and nibble on compressed biscuits.

The Zheng family's luck was not much better, as soon as they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they smelled a stench of rotting corpses. When they climbed up the mountain, the smell was actually a petite flower.

They weave illusions to make people approach them unconsciously. People who break free from the illusion will be stunned by vomit, and those who fall into the illusion will be bitten by flowers.

The sense of smell of supernatural beings is more sensitive than that of ordinary people. They are so smelly that they can't even eat compressed biscuits. Their legs and feet are so weak that they all sit on the ground.

Here, Jiang Lingzhi and the three enjoyed their lunch under the tree, and she leaned against Shen Mo's arms to digest food. Lu Shuxing estimated that the large army had almost wiped out Tengman, so he got up and walked back alone to bring the team over.

The afternoon sun made people sleepy, Jiang Lingzhi leaned against Shen Mo and squinted for 10 minutes, and when they heard the sound of footsteps, they put away the picnic mat and stood in the shade of the tree to wait.

More than 100 people continued to march under the sun, their clothes were wet with sweat, their mouths were dry and their throats were tight. A group of people gathered around one or two water system supernatural beings to ask for water, and the team slowly moved up the mountainside.

This mountain is not high, but their goal is not to wipe out all the mutated plants on the mountain. As long as they ensure that they will not be covered by the illusion created by the mutated plants when passing by the foot of the mountain, they will be considered as having completed this task.

After climbing for another quarter of an hour, if they didn't encounter any mutated plants, they would return to the foot of the mountain.

Soon they came to a wood, which seemed quiet and peaceful.

"Everyone, be on guard." The more safe it looked, the less convinced Lu Shuxing was.

"Yes." More than 100 people said in unison with momentum.

Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo walked side by side. She discovered that mutated plants are good at weaving illusions, and they will not release coercion at will before the prey enters the illusion, so she has not discovered the traces of mutated plants in advance, and she can only move forward more cautiously.

Except for the sound of cracking branches, the surrounding area was quiet, a mist suddenly rose in the forest, and the mist quickly increased to the point where it could block people's sight, Jiang Lingzhi turned to look at Shen Mo beside her, but There was no one there, but the surroundings were quieter. She thought she might have entered an illusion.

The coercion in the illusion disappeared in a flash, and a force kept urging her to get closer and closer.

Jiang Lingzhi knew that this was an illusion, she struggled to wake up, but she didn't.The illusion traps her, but she maintains consciousness in the illusion, and the two sides are at a stalemate.

That voice was still bewitching, she had no choice but to follow its instructions and came to a towering tree. The branches of the tree were as thick as ten people hugging each other.

She knew that she must be standing under the attack range of the mutant tree, and she might be in danger at any time, so she could only respond to all changes with the same, passively waiting to fight back.

The mutant tree stretched out a branch, urging her: insert the branch into the heart, and sacrifice to it.

Jiang Lingzhi didn't know where the eye to break the illusion was. She only knew that the crystal nuclei of the mutated plants were hidden in the roots, so she could only try to attack its roots.But first she had to get rid of the branch in front of her. She swung the long knife in her hand and chopped it off.

The Variation Tree didn't expect that she was still conscious, and stretched out more branches frantically.

Although the ability cannot be used in the illusion, the strengthened body of the person with the ability is still useful. Jiang Lingzhi quickly avoided the drawn branches, ran to the root of the tree, and chopped it with a long knife, and the thick trunk was chopped off Make a gap.

A twig pierced her head, she rolled and dodged it, and then slashed at the root, making the gap deeper.

While avoiding the branches stabbing and pulling fiercely from all directions, she slashed at the gap at the root whenever she had time. Seeing that the gap was only about one meter deep, the phantom of the mutated tree began to babble.

The scenery in front of her suddenly changed, and Jiang Lingzhi realized that she had left the illusion with a broken eye.

There is no towering tree in front of him, only a mutant tree with a diameter of about one meter shrank and fled.

The ability can be used, and Jiang Lingzhi is not afraid of this tree that she is frightened by. She chases after it, teleports to avoid the crazy dancing branches of the mutant tree, sends out a space blade, and slashes at the root of the trunk within a few minutes. The mutated tree fell to the ground with a bang, and she happily picked up the fifth-order plant crystal nucleus and put the trunk into the space.

More than 100 people surrounded several tree trunks. Jiang Lingzhi looked around for a week and did not find Shen Mo immediately. She went to cut another mutant tree surrounded by more than a dozen people. After a while, she smelled the smell of burnt branches. I only saw Shen Mo in the past, it's fine, he's fine.

With the sound of tree trunks falling to the ground, Jiang Lingzhi saw that Lu Shuxing and Ji Gaolang had also broken through the illusion. The four of them competed to cut down the mutant trees one by one, collected the fifth-order plant crystal cores, and finally a dozen mutant trees They were all wiped out, and the four of them were still unsatisfied, wishing for a few more fifth-order crystal nuclei.

Jiang Lingzhi put away all the tree trunks, even the ones scorched by Shen Mo's electricity, and the scorched ones can be used as charcoal to burn for warmth, which is not bad.

After cleaning the battlefield, more than [-] people died in the illusion of the mutant tree. The corpses were sucked dry by the tree trunk, and they were unrecognizable. The skin was wrinkled and stuck to the bones, and the death was miserable.

The convener of Lu Shuxing cremated them together and buried them in the mountains. They were nurtured by nature, and now they are feeding back nature.

After completing the mission on the middle road, Lu Shuxing can lead people back to the foot of the mountain, and wait until the Sun family and Zheng family go down the mountain to meet up and return to the base.

It was still early, and it was estimated that neither the Sun family nor the Zheng family could complete the task as quickly as they did. Lu Shuxing sent a large force down the mountain. He and Ji Gaolang went to help the Zheng family on the lower road, and Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo went to the Sun family on the upper road to clean up. mutant plants.

Of course, helping is just an official statement. In fact, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo wanted to grab the high-level mutated plant crystal nucleus from the Sun family, and find a chance to kill Lin Zhenghao to take revenge. He is a stumbling block.

Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo didn't go down the mountain, they walked directly from the mountainside of the middle road to the mountainside of the top road. The deeper they went to the top of the mountain, the higher the level of the crystal nucleus. The two only needed to grab the higher-level crystal nucleus.

Turning to the mountainside on the top road, the two who have been poisoned by the powerful illusion of the fifth-order mutant tree have experience and can break free from the illusion soon, but this time they encountered a mutant mushroom, which is small and can run quickly. quick.

(End of this chapter)

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