from end to end

Chapter 41 Jiayu City 1

Chapter 41 Jiayu City 1
Jiang Lingzhi's hands were dirty and it was not easy to pat her, so she could only comfort her with a smile, "Don't be angry, the bitch will have her own day."

Only then did Hao Wenjing notice that several people were digging out the mutated bird crystal nucleus, and looked at them suspiciously, "Where did so many mutated birds come from, and they were all cooked."

"On the way back, I met a group of mutated birds. After burning them to death, there were so many of them. I thought that when I picked them up, I could have crystal nuclei and meat to eat." stop.

"Okay." It's true that many people outside have no food to eat. Although they can eat enough, they can't waste it.

Jiang Lingzhi looked at so many mutated bird meat, and didn't want the team to eat bird meat every day, so she planned to send out the bird meat that had been dug out. She glanced around for a week and met their eyes, "Are you free tomorrow? Come with me." Sending bird meat to Area E?"

"Okay, count me in." Yan Xiaoqing was the first to answer.

"I'll go too." Pang Yun raised her hand and replied.

"Grandma has to go to work tomorrow, so I can't go, you guys go." Cui Man's voice was a little tired.

"Okay, grandma, go to rest when you're tired, it's okay if you can't finish digging these crystal nuclei." Jiang Lingzhi smiled with concern.

"Okay, then I'll rest first." Cui Man stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Jiang Lingzhi turned to look at Hao Wenjing, "What about you, are you going?"

"Okay, okay, let's go with you." Recently, she was a little tired from her daily tasks, so she took it as a day off.

The next day, the four of them had breakfast and went to District E to do charity together.

Jiang Lingzhi felt that she was not a kind person, so she just happened to have a lot of mutated bird meat. If more people could live two days longer, she would be very satisfied.

The four of them carried a bag on their backs and walked from Area B to Area E. There were fewer and fewer buildings around, and the clothes of passers-by on the road became more and more tattered, their bodies became more and more dirty, and their figures became thinner and thinner.

The survivors in Area E looked at the four clean and beautiful women coming here, and they were puzzled, but except for a few people whose eyes were full of covetousness, the others simply turned a blind eye, because looking at the beauties twice is not enough. abdomen.

While carefully preventing the extremely hungry survivors from making trouble, they quietly stuffed the bird meat from the bag to those who were not in good condition.Jiang Lingzhi didn't dare to distribute bird meat openly, for fear of causing panic. If she trampled on someone and hurt someone, it would violate her original intention of doing good deeds.

"Ganoderma lucidum, my bag is empty, please fill it up again." Pang Yun took the lead in distributing a bag of bird meat.

"Mine is empty too." Hao Wenjing opened the backpack, which was empty.

"Okay." Jiang Lingzhi filled them up one by one.

Yan Xiaoqing gave out the bird meat, and saw that these people couldn't drink water, so she helped them refill some water into their drinking containers.

When Jiang Lingzhi saw some seriously ill people, she quietly kept some medicine, hoping to make them feel better.

After walking around for a long time, it was already noon, and the mutated birds they dug last night had already been distributed, and the four of them did not continue. The backpacks were all packed into the space by Jiang Lingzhi, and they started to walk back.

There are many poor people in the last days, they can't help them all, they can only help as much as they can.

Having seen the cruelty of the last days, many times they had to abandon their benevolence, but now they can help others and let their hearts be comforted. Although no one knows that they have done good deeds, they can feel the pain all over their bodies now. Relaxed and pleasant.

"Call me again next time something like this happens." After doing the good deed, Hao Wenjing suddenly felt that it was no big deal that Zhuang Wenshi was angry with her yesterday, and her mind calmed down a lot.

"Me too." In the past, Pang Yun only wanted to live safely with Zhao Pei. She never thought that one day she would be able to help others.

"Call me too, I can still release water." Although water is also released in the base, the water is sold for a fee, and many people can't afford it at all, Yan Xiaoqing sighed.

There was a bright smile on the corner of Jiang Lingzhi's mouth, "Okay."

Two days later, Yuwen came to inform Shen Mo and Jiang Lingzhi, "Li Baixue has already taken out his weapons, and the Lu team asked you to get the supplies."

"it is good."

The three of them went to Lu Shuhang's villa in Area A together.

As soon as Jiang Lingzhi entered the villa, she saw that the living room was full of supplies.

Lu Shuxing stood next to the supplies, met Shen Mo and Jiang Lingzhi's eyes and said, "As we agreed last time, I will three of you and seven, and [-]% of your [-]% weapons will be exchanged for other materials of equivalent value. Right."

"Yes." Shen Mo nodded.

"All the supplies are here, are you right? See if the quantity is right." Lu Shuxing looked at Shen Mo frankly.

"it is good."

The two sides began to check the materials.

Jiang Lingzhi kept bending over to inspect the goods, and after more than two hours, the inspection was finally completed.

She stood up, rubbing her lower back, and said, "The quantity is fine."

Shen Mo walked to her side, rubbed her waist, and nodded, "Then put them away."

After Jiang Lingzhi collected the supplies, he remembered the pile of mutated birds in the space, and whispered in Shen Mo's ear, "I want to send some mutated birds to Team Lu."

"Okay." Shen Mo whispered in her ear.

She released ten boxes of mutated birds, and said to Lu Shuxing, "Captain Lu, the mutated birds we encountered on the road, these are the bird meat that was shot down, and I forgot to give it to you last time."

Seeing so many mutated birds, Lu Shuxing's face flashed with surprise, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, "Then thank you all."

Shen Mo suddenly remembered something, let go of Jiang Lingzhi's waist, walked to Lu Shuxing, and said with a serious expression, "Captain Lu, along the way, I found that the number of mutated birds has increased rapidly, and there is no protection on our base, maybe you should pay more attention , to prevent the base from being attacked by mutated birds."

Lu Shuxing's face darkened, and he thought for a while, "Okay, thank you for reminding me."

For the next half month, Shen Mo was busy dealing with the internal affairs of the Thunder team. Jiang Lingzhi and Hao Wenjing led the team to pick up the mission at the base. The two joined forces, except for meeting some men who were not long-sighted and interested in sex, No major dangers were encountered, and life was comfortable and fulfilling.

The last fifth-order plant crystal nucleus was turned into powder in the hands of Jiang Lingzhi. The mutated plant nucleus that she had hit two months ago was completely absorbed by her at this time, and she had reached the fourth-order intermediate level.

But now there are more than ten fourth-order abilities in the base. If she wants to become a master, she must hurry up and upgrade.

Now that there is no extra high-level crystal nucleus in her hand, Jiang Lingzhi suddenly felt a sense of panic. Without the high-level crystal nucleus, she cannot upgrade smoothly. She needs to get the high-level crystal nucleus.

Shen Mo knew what she was thinking, and the crystal nucleus in his hand was almost exhausted, they all needed to go out to get crystal nucleus and enhance their ability proficiency.

"I know that the military has a joint mission recently, which is to clear up Jiayu City. The zombies in Jiayu City have begun to migrate to the base. If they don't get rid of them as soon as possible, the base may be besieged by them." Shen Mo thought of Lu Shuxing two days ago Speaking of tasks.

"In the urban area, roughly how many people are there?" I'm afraid that there are too many zombies and the danger is too great.

"The population of Jiayu City was about 80 before the end of the world." There were a lot of people, and Shen Mo looked at Jiang Lingzhi with a guilty conscience.

She widened her eyes, and called out in a low voice, "What, 80?" She glanced at Shen Mo with disbelief, "How many people are there?"

Shen Mo's eyes were a little wandering, and he didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, "About...about 5000 people."

Five thousand to 80, she suddenly felt a headache.

Jiang Lingzhi put her hand on her forehead, and the words seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth, "Did you say something wrong, I allow you to repeat it."

Seeing that she was really shocked, Shen Mo stepped forward and hugged Jiang Lingzhi's waist, his voice was mellow and textured, "Don't be afraid, it won't kill 80 zombies in one day, it will take at least a month."

He quickly calculated in his mind, "Five thousand to 80, one to one hundred and six. In one month, there are one to five or six zombies every day, not many, right?"

Jiang Lingzhi rolled her eyes in her heart, and said angrily, "Is it bullying my junior high school diploma? Is that what you think? People will die if they are scratched by zombies."

Shen Mo patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, "It's not like we just rushed in to kill, we can still use tactics."

Well, she was just startled when she heard such a large gap in the number of people. After calming down and thinking about it, although the task is difficult, it is not impossible.

She muttered in response, "Okay then."

Three days later, 5000 people gathered outside the gate of Chenxi Base, and all the relatives and friends of travelers gathered at the gate to see everyone off.

Lu, Sun, and Zheng each had a leader standing on the fence of the base to boost morale.

"The task of clearing up the zombies in Jiayu City can't wait any longer, cheer for the [-] soldiers we set out to fight!"

Everyone shouted, "Come on, come on!"

"Be sure to come back safely."

"Son, I'll wait for your return."

"Honey, don't leave our mother and son behind."


After the crowd became quieter, another person spoke on the wall.

"For the development of our Chenxi base, our Sun family sent a thousand soldiers, and we will definitely protect the safety of the people at the base. Please continue to support the Sun family."

A small voice echoed loudly, "Support the Sun family, support the Sun family."

Few people shouted, and the more the nurses shouted, the more guilty they became, and their voices gradually weakened, and finally stopped.

"Hehe, although our Zheng family also sent out a thousand soldiers, it is nothing to protect the lives and property of the people in the base. Please don't thank us too much. This is what the Zheng family should do."

For the Zheng family's sarcasm, the Sun family members of course wanted to fight back, and the two sides started a verbal war, almost getting angry.

On the wall, the people of the Lu family couldn't stand it, ignored them, and shouted directly at the five thousand soldiers, "Let's go."

"Yes." Five thousand soldiers listened to the order.

The long convoy began to head towards Jiayu City, and the sobs of relatives and friends came from behind.

The rising sun hangs in the sky, not caring about the sorrows of the people on the ground, it is still bright and bright.

The road was rough, and Jiang Lingzhi sat unsteadily in the trailer of the cart.On her left is Hao Wenjing, and on her right is Shen Mo. Seeing that she was shaking violently, Shen Mo grabbed her hand to prevent her from being thrown out.

Jiang Lingzhi looked at the cloudless sky, the sky was beautiful, and it used to be beautiful on the land, she suddenly realized that they traveled this time to restore the beauty of the land, and collect the crystal core by the way, so I thought , the expression on her face became relaxed.

Look at the expressions of other people in the car, the faces of several young people, with the excited expressions of jumping to kill the zombies, and the deep fear revealed on the faces of a few people, the expressions of others It's all bland.

It seems that most people came here voluntarily, and a few people came here by force. It may be because there is not enough food in their hands, it may be because they joined the army, or there may be other reasons, but in the face of the end times, who is not forced to come? Yes, afraid, but had to overcome it with courage.

It was night, and the team that had been driving for a whole day finally stopped. They stopped in a small village two hours away from Jiayu City.

Jiang Lingzhi hadn't had time to get out of the car, and the zombies in the small village were wiped out by the front team. She sighed in her heart, as expected, more people are more powerful.

The bright moon hung in the night sky. It should have been a quiet night, but Jiang Lingzhi did not sleep very peacefully.

Although it was a two-hour drive from Jiayu City, the zombies in Jiayu City had long been migrating to the Chenxi base. As soon as they came to the village, they attracted a small number of zombies from Jiayu City.

Night watchmen are constantly killing scattered zombies. Occasionally, when they encounter a small group of zombies, they will use thermal weapons. The sound of bullets travels far, interrupting Jiang Lingzhi's sweet dreams. Let her smash it It's a pity to smash your mouth and almost eat Shen Mo's mouth.

The next day, 5000 people continued to march towards Jiayu City.

After Shen Mo finished the meeting last night, he told the Thunder team they brought out the tactics.

The No. [-] hot weapon team cleared the way and dropped the bomb first, killing all the zombies at the west gate of Jiayu City.

Then the soil system will set up several high walls to divert the army of zombies.

The remaining soil and water systems cooperate to form a swamp team, and set up a swamp at the city gate to slow down the attack speed of the zombies behind.

Except for the fourth-order supernatural beings, the rest of the people were divided into several teams to guard the west city gate to prevent the zombies from escaping. Once there were too many zombies, bombs were used to control the number.

The fire department is also responsible for burning zombie corpses to prevent them from piling up like mountains.

As for the fourth-level superpowers, five people form a team, mainly responsible for high-level zombies, preventing high-level zombies from killing the first and second line of defense fighters.

The sun was not yet in the middle, 5000 people finished their lunch early, took a short rest, and marched neatly towards the west gate of Jiayu City. With the sound of bang bang bang, the No. [-] Hot Weapon Squad had already opened outside the west gate. Create a safe zone.

"Forward." The commander shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

The first hot weapon team moved forward again, and there was another bang, bang, bang, Jiang Lingzhi smelled full of gunpowder, dust was flying around the west gate, and the dilapidated gate was even more vulnerable.

Ten minutes later, an open space was cleared inside the west city gate, and the commander shouted, "The first team retreats, and the earth element team advances."

After the earth team built several high walls, the commander shouted in a hoarse voice, "Earth team back, swamp team forward!"

After a large swamp is formed, "Advance in an all-round way, guard the west gate, and don't let a single zombie escape."

(End of this chapter)

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