from end to end

Chapter 46 Mutant Eagle

Chapter 46 Mutant Eagle

Shen Mo walked over to help Chen Chen up. Seeing that the two of them were fine, he suggested, "You are injured, go back and have a rest. I don't know how long the fight will last."

Chen Chen's voice was a little weak, "Okay." He felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. He thought it might be a concussion. At this moment, he wanted to collapse on the bed and lie dead.

"Okay, I'll take them back first and come back later." Bai Yi was terrified when Bai Ran was taken away by the mutated eagle. He didn't dare to let his sister stay here any longer.

Soon, the three left.

Shen Mo gathered the remaining Thunder team members together, and Jiang Lingzhi distributed an automatic retractable safety rope for rock climbing to non-wood supernatural beings. The rope was equipped with an automatic wire retractor, which had two buttons, a A button stretches the cord, and a button retracts the cord under the weight of an adult.

In this way, even if Thunderclap's players are caught in the air by the mutated eagle, they will not be thrown from a high altitude. If they fall from a height of more than ten meters, they will be injured, but they will not die.

Around seven o'clock, the sun should have set.

"Hey, have there been fewer mutant birds?" A Thunder member sighed to himself.

Another person said happily, "Hey, don't say it, really! There are really fewer mutant birds."

Jiang Lingzhi guessed silently in her heart that the night vision ability of the mutated birds might not be good, so they couldn't fight at night.

"But those mutated hawks haven't left yet." The man pointed at a mutated hawk hovering in the air, his brows were tightly frowned, and his tone was worried, "That's the most dangerous."

A weak voice comforted, "Don't, don't worry, it might be that after all the mutated birds retreated, they retreated."

The worried man sighed, "I hope so."

It was almost eight o'clock, and all the mutated birds had evacuated, but the mutated eagle was still standing on the fence of the base, staring at them.

Some people wanted to take the opportunity to attack them, but these mutated eagles were not affected by the night at all, and their combat effectiveness remained unchanged. It can be seen that the night vision ability of the mutated eagles was as good as that of owls.

But why do they stay at the base?
A bad guess haunted Jiang Lingzhi's mind. The mutant eagle stayed at the base to prevent their prey from escaping?If this is the case, then they are here to hunt the entire Chenxi base, and they will never stop dying, which is really terrifying.

When the sun rises tomorrow, those mutated birds will definitely come back, so they had better take advantage of the night to kill the mutated eagles when they are not supported.

Jiang Lingzhi alternated her legs very quickly, trotting all the way towards Shen Mo, she frowned slightly, with thin sweat on her forehead, "Shen Mo, I guess the mutant eagle is preventing us from escaping, those mutant birds will definitely come back tomorrow , we'd better kill the mutant eagle tonight."

Shen Mo took out a piece of clean toilet paper from his pocket, raised his hand and gently wiped off the sweat and dust for her, revealing her clean and fair face, he smiled with satisfaction, "It's clean."

He raised his eyes and looked straight into her eyes, and said with a serious face, "I think the same way with Captain Lu. I'll go to a meeting later and discuss the tactics before I tell you."

It turned out that they also noticed that she was not alone worrying blindly, Jiang Lingzhi's brows gradually relaxed.

Shen Mo touched her soft short hair again, with a gentle tone, "You are tired too, go and rest for a while, there is still a fight tonight."

"Okay." Jiang Lingzhi looked up at him, "You should also find a break to rest."

"Yeah." He opened his arms to embrace Jiang Lingzhi, and said with tiredness, "Let me hug for a while."

After a while, Shen Mo turned to go to the meeting. Jiang Lingzhi returned to Lei Ting's team and sat down next to Hao Wenjing, chatting and resting to recover.

Hao Wenjing took a sip of water to moisten her throat, "Did you see how red Chen Chen's face is today?"

Jiang Lingzhi chewed a few times, swallowed the sandwich in his mouth, and said with a smile, "Of course I saw it. His eyes were wobbly at that time, and he didn't dare to look at Bai Ran at all."

"Next time, you can make fun of him."

"Yes, who told him that he loves to watch the excitement between me and Shen Mo the most." Jiang Lingzhi shook her head lightly, with an obvious smile on her face, she thought of something again, and said seriously, "Chen Chen has goals, how about you? sister?"

"Sister is such an excellent person, of course I have to look for it slowly and carefully, how can it be so fast." The corner of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a proud look.

"Okay, okay, just look for it slowly." According to past life research, people with supernatural powers can live to be three hundred years old, so they have a lot of time anyway.

After Jiang Lingzhi rested for half an hour, she saw Shen Mo walking towards her in a calm manner, with a normal expression on her face. She stood up and ran towards Shen Mo, holding his arm, "Have you eaten yet? Don't want to drink water, or do you want to sit down and rest?"

"I've eaten, I'm not thirsty, just sit where you were just now." Shen Mo didn't think she was wordy, and answered one by one with a smile.

"it is good."

After a while, the two walked side by side to Lei Ting's position. Shen Mo pressed Jiang Lingzhi's shoulder to let her sit down, and then said to Lei Ting's team members solemnly, "Only deal with mutant eagles at night, because there are only 21 mutant eagles. There are so many people, so the second-level and below superhumans go back to the villa to rest, recover their energy, and prepare to deal with the mutant birds tomorrow. The third-level and above team members will have to work hard tonight.”

"Yes." More than half of Lei Ting's team left, and only about 30 people stayed where they were.

Seeing that the people had almost left, Shen Mo looked at Jiang Lingzhi and continued, "I just finished the meeting with Lu Dui, Ling Zhi, you will distribute the safety ropes to the team members present later, and lend more to Lu Dui."

"Okay." After the mutated bird retreated, the team members returned the safety ropes to her. Now she has nearly a hundred safety ropes in her hand.

He nodded, and said to the team members, "Now the Lu team is going to prepare anesthesia guns and parachute bags, and they will be equipped with fourth-level abilities. Then the fourth-level will challenge the mutant eagle, and the third-level will only be used as support. Everyone have you understood?"

"Understood." Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay, everyone, remember to be careful. Protecting yourself is the most important thing." Seeing the team members listening, he said, "Assemble later, let's rest where we are now."

Shen Mo sat next to Jiang Lingzhi, and said to her and Hao Wenjing, "Come with me to get the equipment later." Seeing the two nodding, he suggested to Hao Wenjing, "Although you are at the fourth level, you'd better not Take the initiative to provoke the mutant eagle, the earth element has no advantage in the sky."

"Okay." Hao Wenjing really disliked her own abilities, her defense was relatively strong, and her attack was a bit weak, but after thinking about it, it was better than having no abilities, and she was relieved.

Shen Mo took Jiang Lingzhi's hand with one hand, "Although you are very strong, you must be careful." The other hand pinched her nose, and asked affectionately, "Do you understand?"

With her nose pinched, Jiang Lingzhi said softly, "Understood." Shen Mo then let go of her nose.

After they had almost rested, Pippi came to inform them to assemble.

At the gate of the Chenxi base, bundles of lights that would not normally be turned on were on, illuminating the area brightly.More than 200 people were gathered together, basically ten people dealt with a mutant eagle. The Thunder team members were divided into three teams, and Jiang Lingzhi was also separated from Shen Mo.

The 21 teams each spotted the target mutant eagle and started fighting.

The mutated eagle of Jiang Lingzhi's team was standing above the fence of the base, squinting at them. It didn't react at all to their approaching gradually, but Jiang Lingzhi could faintly feel its disdain.

She complained silently in her heart, did this mutated eagle become a spirit?Also know to look down on them.

The ten people moved quickly, but approached it lightly. When the mutated eagle was about to fall into their attack range, it flew to another wall with a flutter, still squinting at them.

They were excitedly preparing to have a big fight, when the mutated eagle flew away suddenly, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Jiang Lingzhi turned her head and didn't look at her teammates. She glanced randomly until she saw that the other teams were also like them, and then she looked normal.

Hey, the anger in her heart, how long is she going to kill like this!

Team member Xiao Fang suspected that they might never be able to get close to the mutated eagle, so he narrowed his eyes slightly and lowered his voice, "Captain Jiang, what should we do, we won't be played by that bird all the time, right?"

Jiang Lingzhi had to force out a sentence, "I think it's very possible!"

What else can they do, they can only continue to chase, Jiang Lingzhi asked the teammates behind him, "Have you ever caught a bird?"

Teammate Xiao Hei raised his hand, his voice was a little high, with a hint of excitement, "Captain Jiang, I caught it. I was the best at catching birds in our village when I was young."

She raised her eyebrows on the right, with a bit of doubt in her expression, "Then how do you usually catch birds?"

Xiao Hei pursed his lips and smiled triumphantly, "I chose a place with little grass and set up a buckle net, and put 'bird-attracting' cages, water basins, corn and other bait in the net, and the birds were lured by the 'matchbird', and entered the net to peck the bait , I will pull the net rope from the hiding place, the rope will move the net buckle, and the bird will be caught."

Jiang Lingzhi thought about it carefully, and it didn't seem to be very useful, so she asked him again, "Is there any other way?"

Xiao Hei frowned slightly and thought for a while, "There are many methods, but none of them can catch big birds. Simple ones like butterfly nets can also catch birds, and there are also slingshots to catch birds. The most important thing is to look at the technique. .”

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Lingzhi thanked him with a smile.

Although there seems to be no useful information, but when you think about it carefully, bird hunting often puts bait in the trap, so they can also put bait, and then take the opportunity to deal with the mutant eagle.

The stamina of the mutated hawks will also decrease, and they need to supplement food and water. These mutated hawks are so big that they must eat a lot, so the idea of ​​using bait to approach them should be feasible.

After figuring it out, Jiang Lingzhi asked Xiao Hei again, "Xiao Hei, do you know that kind of hunting knot? It's the kind that can be tightened quickly."

"Hey, of course." Feeling being reused, Xiao Hei smiled and touched the back of his head.

"That's great!" Jiang Lingzhi smiled, and took out a long rope for Xiao Hei to tie a knot.

She faced the teammates behind her and said with a serious face, "We will still approach the mutated eagle as before, and then you wait at the back first, and wait until I put the rope and bait away, let's see if it comes to eat , if you don’t eat it, think of other ways.”

"Okay." The nine said in unison.

The ten people approached the wall where the mutated eagle was located very lightly. Jiang Lingzhi saw that the distance was almost the same, so she put her hands on her abdomen and pressed down twice, making the nine people stop.

When Xiao Hei is finished, he can quickly tighten the knot and ask him to tie the other end of the rope to the crenellation of the city wall. Pay attention to pulling the rope. She will go alone and place the knot loop not far from the mutant eagle. Throw some grain, meat and water in it, and then retreat.

She doesn't know whether these mutated eagles like to eat vegetarian or meat, so let's try some of them first.

The mutated eagle squinted for a while, and saw Jiang Lingzhi put a piece of meat on the ground. Although it was full and came back to the base, after several hours of consumption, it was hungry again.Since these prey are sensible and know how to offer food to it, then it can barely eat it.

It hopped and walked towards the bait, while watching the reaction of the prey, hum, don’t think that it would stop eating them if it was given food, if it wasn’t for the boss not letting it eat now, it would have killed the prey long ago Swallowed it, what's the use of eating such stale meat.

Jiang Lingzhi watched the mutated eagle gradually approaching the trap, the corners of its mouth turned up higher and higher, and felt a little excited, getting closer, getting closer.

Finally, the mutated eagle jumped into the trap, bowed its head and pecked at the meat with its beak, and when it raised its head and swallowed the big meat into its mouth, the rope was tightened suddenly, and its claws were bound. The waving wind almost sent Jiang Lingzhi and the others flying.

It flew over the crenel where the rope was tied, and could not fly away again. At this time, although the wind it swayed was a bit strong, Jiang Lingzhi and ten people could stand still, and they activated their abilities together towards it.

Injured and unable to fly away, it kept making owl calls, attracting other mutated eagles to fly towards Jiang Lingzhi.

There were constant flapping sounds in the sky, and the footsteps of other supernatural beings coming to support on the ground.

Jiang Lingzhi was excited. She only wanted to catch a mutated hawk, but she didn't expect it to become a bait bird. It even attracted other mutated hawks. What a bonus.

The rope was a tow rope, very strong, and she wasn't worried about it breaking free at all, and kept it as a bait bird. She asked her teammates to move and attack other mutant eagles first.

In an instant, other supernatural beings rushed over. The mutated eagle couldn't rescue the bait bird, and swooped down angrily, trying to throw these hateful prey from the sky.

Jiang Lingzhi took the safety rope, teleported to a mutated eagle claw that flew down, quickly put the rope on it, and it flew to a height of several hundred meters with a flap. Jiang Lingzhi carried the parachute, took out the anesthetic gun and shot To its abdomen, then untie the safety rope, press the button of the parachute while jumping, and after a few seconds of rapid fall, the parachute opened, and she finally drifted down slowly with the wind.

At this moment, she saw the mutated eagle that had been drugged with anesthesia start to fall, and with a bang, it vomited blood from its mouth.

In mid-air, Jiang Lingzhi saw his teammate on the ground beheading its head directly, and suddenly felt relieved, and finally one was missing.

(End of this chapter)

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