Chapter 61
Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo got a temporary ID card after registering at the gate, and the two went to the hotel to rent a room as a temporary residence.

At present, the three companies and the Chinese and North Korean bases have not started trading negotiations on water purification plants, and the two can move freely in the base.

"Did the Sun family kill Song Ruorou?" Jiang Lingzhi whispered in Shen Mo's ear.She just remembered that they still have an old enemy here.

Shen Mo shook his head, and guessed uncertainly: "I don't know, the Sun family's power covers three bases, so it shouldn't be difficult to kill Song Ruorou."

He has too many things to do, he has forgotten about Song Ruorou.Moreover, there was no one at the Sino-North Korean base, so if he wanted to know the news, he had to ask Lu Shuxing.

Even if he knew the news about Song Ruorou, he would have to spend money to hire someone to kill her, or spend a lot of effort running over to kill her, in short, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Why don't we check it out?" Jiang Lingzhi suggested worriedly.

If Song Ruorou was still alive, she could just give her a ride.The most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy. Her parents and elder brother are all dead, so how could she not go down to reunite with them!

Shen Mo also had this intention, he nodded and said: "Let's go to a place like Trade Street to find someone to inquire. If it doesn't work, we can wait for the Lu team to come, and ask his spies to help find someone."

If Song Ruorou was still alive and discovered the two of them, not only would it hinder their hidden plan, but it might even kill them behind their backs.Of course, if Song Ruorou died, these problems would not exist.I hope the Sun family isn't really so useless and has already killed Song Ruorou, otherwise Shen Mo has no choice but to do it himself.

Jiang Lingzhi looked at the sky, the sun was about to set, the sky was dark, and there was a lot of traffic in the commercial street. At this time, if they went to buy news, they could quickly hide in the traffic with just a little cover.

"Okay, let's go."

Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo smeared their faces and walked towards the trading street hand in hand.

There are people coming and going in the trading street, and the sound of hawking and bargaining is endless.

The two first went around the main street a few times to buy some things, and then swaggered into the dark alley with two bags of supplies. They didn't go to the sparsely populated alley until two or three little tails followed behind them. Running wildly, as if being stalked by bad guys and fleeing in fright.

Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo found a dead end when they entered the alley, and as soon as they ran into the dead end, a little gangster laughed triumphantly from behind, "Run, you should run, my lord, let's see where you are going!" . "Running into a dead end, it's a deal!
Another thin and muscular man hurriedly shouted: "Hand over what you are holding, or Brother Shi will make you look good." He asked the laughing person as if flattering, "Let's put it this way, Brother Shi?"

Brother Shi nodded, and praised with a little satisfaction: "Yes, Xiaoxin, you can get started very quickly." The younger brother who used it was killed, so he had to find another one.

At this time, another person came up behind them. He was surprisingly tall. When he stood there, he stood there like a wall, and he looked like a standard thug.He straightened his well-developed chest muscles, put his hands on his hips and bulged his arm muscles, showed a fierce face, and respectfully called out: "Brother Shi." Then he stood there without moving.

If Jiang Lingzhi was a timid girl, she would be scared to death at this moment, but unfortunately, she was not.

Shen Mo looked at Brother Shi and asked directly, "Are you selling news?"

Brother Shi looked them up and down, and couldn't help but sneered, "Brother is robbing now, and I'm talking about business with you, just rob you all."

Xiaoxin repeatedly echoed: "Yes, yes, I robbed you directly. Throw your things over quickly, or you will anger our Brother Shi. Be careful, Brother Shi will let you have a taste of the power of the third-level fire power."

The big man stood in the middle of the alley, as if to block the way out of the two of them.

"Oh, you don't want to do business..." Shen Mo's voice dragged on, and one hand began to gather abilities.

Brother Shi saw that the lightning ball was getting bigger and bigger, which had already surpassed the size of the third-order lightning-type superpowers he had seen. He quickly lowered his posture in a timely manner, smiled embarrassingly, and said flatteringly: "This big brother, Little brother has eyes but doesn’t know Mount Tai, and you don’t remember the faults of villains, so I don’t know what little brother can do to help big brother?”

Shen Mo stopped activating his abilities, and he said with a three-point smile and seven-point threat: "I want to find news about someone. After this is done, these will all belong to you." He pointed to Brother Shi and the three who wanted to rob Their two big bags of supplies.

They are the most well-informed about the gangsters, and the reward for the two bags of supplies is very generous. Of course, Brother Shi wants it, so he hurriedly asked: "I don't know who the eldest brother is looking for?"

"A woman, her name is Song Ruorou. She came to the Sino-North Korean base more than two months ago. She should be treated well in the base and may have joined the army." Although Song Ruorou is his step-sister by blood, he can I can't get a photo of her, otherwise I can be more detailed.

"Okay, brother, I will give you an answer within three days. You can go to 'Youyuan Restaurant' to ask for an answer." Brother Shi nodded and bowed.

"it is good."

Shen Mo led Jiang Lingzhi out of the alley, and the three of them retreated to the sides consciously, allowing them to pass.

Back on the main street, there were a few faint lights on the trading street at this time, and candles were lit in the rest of the stalls.

There are not as many people on the street as in the evening, but they are not too few. The whole street has the atmosphere of a night market. It is a pity that the roadside stalls cannot sell food, and only a few shops sell food to satisfy the hunger. Otherwise, Jiang Lingzhi must be To eat the whole street.

The breeze blew on Jiang Lingzhi's face, messing up her shoulder-length hair.

In the sky, the stars shone unanimously because they were not covered by clouds, and the earth finally stopped making noise and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Two days later, Lu Shuxing, Sun and Zheng came to the Sino-North Korean base together, but the negotiation did not start immediately.

The people in the China-North Korea base were responsible for receiving them, entertained them with delicious food and drinks, took them around the trade street like a tour guide, and introduced the red light district... But they just didn't get into the topic, and didn't talk to them about the trade of water purification plants. Let them dry.

The next day, when the three-day period came, Shen Mo and Jiang Lingzhi went to "Youyuan Restaurant", and they found out that Song Ruorou hadn't been killed by the Sun family.

The Sun family was useless, Song Ruorou changed her name to "Cen Rourou", and they couldn't find anyone.Song Ruorou didn't stay in the army either, but found a second-generation official, Young Master Wu, as a backer, and now she lived a life of stretching out her hands for clothes and opening her mouth for food.

Jiang Lingzhi can let her continue to live freely, of course not!
Then Shen Mo bought a map of Song Ruorou's place and a guard map at "Youyuan Restaurant".

The map was in their hands the next day.

That night, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo put on night clothes and ran to Master Wu's villa.

In order to avoid the situation that they couldn't find Song Ruorou's room last time, they also specially emphasized the need for a detailed map inside the villa, and Song Ruorou's room was directly marked on the map.

The Chinese and North Korean bases are not about the military. Although their government areas are guarded against outsiders, they are not heavily guarded.Their threats often occur inside the government area. The main reason is that the official factions in the government area are intricate. No matter how strict the external defense is, it is useless in front of the villas of important personnel. It's hard for people.

And from the fact that Shen Mo was able to buy the map of Young Master Wu's villa, he knew that this Young Master Wu was not an important person. He only lived on the edge of the government district because of his father's relationship.

Even if something happened in Young Master Wu's villa, the neighbors next door would not come to help. Who knows if some faction is fighting again, if you help Young Master Wu and your own family suffers, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Jiang Lingzhi first used space shielding to hide her and Shen Mo, then returned to the original space while the guards were patrolling, and then the two ran forward for 30 meters avoiding the guards.Repeated several times, until they escaped the guards outside the government area, the two went to Master Wu's villa with confidence.

It doesn't matter even if the guards in front of other villas notice it. These guards will not meddle in other people's business. As long as their boss does not have an accident, they will never leave their posts.

Soon, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo ran outside Young Master Wu's villa.

The two lay in ambush outside and observed the patrol route of Young Master Wu's guards from a distance, and it was indeed consistent with the one on the map.

After finding the pattern, Jiang Lingzhi repeated the old trick. After only three space shields, the two of them went straight into Master Wu's villa.It's not that Jiang Lingzhi is too strong, it's mainly because the guards are weaker than Sun Jiarong's guards, there are only six of them, and two of them have already leaned against the corner of the wall and snored.

During the day, Jiang Lingzhi had already bought a set of unlocking equipment in advance. Originally, Shen Mo had to unlock the lock again, but Jiang Lingzhi saw a bunch of keys hanging from a sleeping guard in a blink of an eye. It's easier to steal the key!
Jiang Lingzhi made a gesture and asked Shen Mo to go up to the second floor. She used teleportation and space shielding to steal the key, ensuring that no one would notice.

Shen Mo nodded, walked lightly to the door of Song Ruorou's room on the second floor and waited.

Finding out the rules of guarding, Jiang Lingzhi used teleportation and space shielding alternately, and soon found the bunch of keys. She remembered that Song Ruorou's room number was 205, and Master Wu's room number was 301.

In a short time, she found the key marked 205, but there was no key for the room on the third floor. Presumably, the third floor was Master Wu's private space, and the spare key should be placed in the safe.

Jiang Lingzhi carefully took off the key of 205, planning to go to 205 to find someone first, and if she couldn't find it, then ask Shen Mo to open the door of 301.

Three or two minutes later, Jiang Lingzhi took the key to 2 and shook it in his hand. He smiled and looked at Shen Mo who was leaning against the door of 205, as if begging for praise.

Shen Mo gave a thumbs up, and said dumbly: "Awesome!" Then he pointed to the door lock of 205, "Open it."

Gently opening the door with her hand, Jiang Lingzhi slandered in her heart: This young master Wu is so reassuring as he guards the keys to his girlfriends' rooms, he is not afraid that one day he will wake up with green hair on his head!

With a small "pop", the latch retracted, Jiang Lingzhi gently pushed the door open, turned half-turned to face Shen Mo, raised one hand and waved forward twice, and when he entered the door, turned around again Close the door, in case the guard downstairs sees that the door of the room is open and comes up to check.

After walking two steps on tiptoe, Jiang Lingzhi felt uncomfortable all over, so she simply activated the supernatural power directly, and arrived at the bedside after a few teleports.

She stretched out her hands, and held the one-watt lamp far away from the head of the bed, so as not to wake up the person on the bed with the dazzling light. With the help of the weak light, Jiang Lingzhi finally confirmed that the person on the bed was Song Ruorou.

Then do it directly, does Jiang Lingzhi want to chat with Song Ruorou?
At this time, Shen Mo was also standing on the other side of the bed with a knife in his hand. Jiang Lingzhi didn't want to waste an anesthetic for Song Ruorou. She grabbed another pillow on the bed and put her hands above Song Ruorou's face. Mo's knife was also ready, and he covered Song Ruorou's face with the pillow, and pressed his whole body on the pillow. Song Ruorou immediately made a "wuwuwuwu" sound, and his limbs began to struggle violently.

Without giving Song Ruorou a second chance to struggle, Shen Mo immediately cut off her neck with a knife, blood splashed all over Jiang Lingzhi.

Jiang Lingzhi stood up, wiped her face casually, the blood spots on her face left long traces, she smiled brightly at Shen Mo.

It was supposed to be a scary scene, but Shen Mo suddenly wanted to laugh, and whispered a word, "Blood."

She looked at the hand wiping her face, and it was indeed stained with blood, so she stuck out her tongue, took out a wet towel and wiped her face indiscriminately, then looked up at Shen Mo and asked, "Are you all right?"

Shen Mo didn't speak, walked around the bed, took the wet towel in her hand, wiped off the stains on her face, then kissed her lips, and whispered: "Okay."

The night was getting deeper at this time, and the surroundings were extremely quiet. When the sound of guards changing shifts in the government area was heard in the distance, Jiang Lingzhi and Shen Mo had already left by repeating their old tricks.

They went back to the hotel room they rented without a sound. No one knew that the two had left, and the night did not leave a trace.

With no worries, the two simply washed up before sleeping in each other's arms.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Lingzhi had already stayed at the Sino-North Korean base for seven days.She had almost finished shopping here, so bored, she could only lie on the bed and play games, while Shen Mo was approached by Lu Shuhang's people to discuss the next plan to steal clean water plants.

Yes, the first negotiation failed.

After the three families of Lu, Sun, and Zheng were left hanging for three days, the person in charge of the Sino-North Korean base finally interviewed them, and the two sides argued for another day.

In the end, the China-North Korea base proposed: They do not sell clean water plants, but only clean water plant powder.And they have to pay for the materials for five years at a time, but the water purification powder will be delivered to them in five years.

The China-North Korea Base also explained that although the purification effect of water purifying grass powder is not as good as that of live water purifying plants, as long as a large amount is added, it can also reach the standard for daily use such as bathing.

In five years, they might be able to find a way to purify drinking water. Of course, the three companies cannot agree.

(End of this chapter)

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