from end to end

Chapter 67 Here Comes

Chapter 67 is back

Just when Jiang Lingzhi was 30 meters away from the weak point of the space, the space seemed to be torn apart by something, and a white space crack appeared in front of her eyes.

This time was the closest she was to the rift in space. Jiang Lingzhi's excitement poured out from her heart like a flood that broke a bank, and she would definitely be able to go back through it.

With the belief of winning, Jiang Lingzhi, who used her supernatural ability to teleport, did not dare to stop for a moment. Finally, before the white light of the space crack disappeared, she was sucked in by the crack as she wished.

At this time, the members of the mercenary team who did not notice the existence of Jiang Lingzhi, only felt a white light flash in the distance, and all their attention was attracted by the fierce mutant gray wolf in front of them.

The moment she was sucked in, Jiang Lingzhi thought: She can finally time travel back!

After some weightlessness, "Aiya..." several times, Jiang Ganoderma lucidum fell from a branch 60 meters high.In the end, the thick branches of the big tree near the ground hooked her loose sportswear, and Jiang Lingzhi was directly hung in the air about ten meters away.

At this time, Jiang Lingzhi was not in a hurry to land, she shook her head from side to side, looked at the surrounding environment, it really changed, there was no mutant gray wolf, and there was no mercenary team of 30 people.She has definitely time traveled, but she dare not be too happy too early, what if this time and space is not the time and space where Shen Mo is?
After inspecting the surrounding environment, Jiang Lingzhi finally thought about getting down from the hanging branch.

Although throwing a space blade can cut off the clothes, and a few more teleports will not cause a heavy fall, but now in an unfamiliar environment, she dare not waste her ability. In case of danger, she still wants to stay a little longer. Differentiation can protect itself.

She threw the life-saving mat on the ground, turned around halfway, and cut the clothes with a knife. There was a sound of fabric tearing, and with a "bang", she landed on the life-saving mat. Two or three seconds.

After getting down on the ground, Jiang Lingzhi put away the lifesaving mat.She took out her compass and ran towards the outer edge of the mountain, relying on her experience in Qinnanbeiling for several months.

At this moment, Jiang Lingzhi felt several waves of coercion coming from all around, and after she released her own coercion, the releaser of those coercion immediately ran away cowardly.After a while, she heard the sound of running away in a panic in the grass disappeared, and only the low-level mutated plants were left trembling around.

The levels of mutant animals and plants here are not too high, and she can frighten them at the seventh level.So the probability of "this time and space is the time and space where Shen Mo is" is a little higher.

Jiang Lingzhi sprinted out of the mountain while releasing coercion. She frightened the low-level mutants and plants along the way, and occasionally a few mutant rabbits ran into each other in a panic.

But Jiang Lingzhi didn't stop to harvest these low-level mutated rabbits. All she could think about now was to hurry back to the Chenxi base and return to Shen Mo's side.She couldn't count how long she hadn't seen him and her friends.

Three hours later, Jiang Lingzhi looked at the strange environment outside the mountain. She was not discouraged, but comforted herself in her heart: Qinnan Beiling is so big, she can't see every place, it's normal.

It was already dusk, and Jiang Lingzhi, who couldn't wait, drove the car to chase the sunset.The mountains behind her were shrouded in the twilight, and the mutated animals and plants that had escaped the catastrophe resumed their usual noise and struggle.

When the night came as expected, under the cover of clouds, the moonlight was hazy, and the stars were confused, Jiang Lingzhi finally stopped her rush and found an open place to rest.

Jiang Lingzhi, who was in a complicated mood, couldn't fall asleep peacefully. She looked at the moon above her head and whispered softly: Shen Mo, do you and I see the same moon?

After walking for another two days, Jiang Lingzhi suddenly saw a scene outside the mountain, like the place where 30 people from China and North Korea were attacked in a surprise attack in her memory.She stopped the car and checked carefully. Although several months had passed and the place had changed by two or three points, Jiang Lingzhi was very sure: they entered Qinnanbeiling from here at that time!
This is the time and space where Shen Mo is!

She timed right, she's back!

At this moment, Jiang Lingzhi just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times, and shouted a few words, "I, Jiang Lingzhi, are back again."

There was no one to tell her inner joy, Jiang Lingzhi patted her stomach, and said with pride on her face: "Baby, we are back! Are you happy? I'm so happy. It's a pity that we don't have wings, otherwise We will definitely be able to fly back to Chenxi base in one day."

After confirming that she traveled through the right time and space, Jiang Lingzhi was so happy that she couldn't find the north, humming a little tune, feeling relieved suddenly, and continued to drive to the northwest.

After a while, she held the steering wheel with her left hand, patted her belly with her right hand, and muttered to herself: "We brought a lot of good things back this time, do you think we will be lost beyond counting?" The crystal nucleus and materials are drowning."

After a while, Jiang Lingzhi, who was so happy to activate the chatterbox attribute, murmured again: "Haha, treasure, you see, I can scare away the mutant animals and plants in the mountains at the seventh level. You are a master!"

After talking for a while, Jiang Lingzhi took out her mobile phone and connected it to the car stereo, and started the karaoke mode every time, shaking her head and shaking her hair, looking like a girl.

Along the way, the invincible Jiang Lingzhi met zombies and tortured zombies, mutated animals butchered mutated animals, and uprooted mutated plants.

In the evening after 20 days, she finally saw the familiar four characters "Chenxi Base".

At this time, Jiang Lingzhi was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes. After such a long time, she finally came back.She was a little homely and timid. It had been nearly eight months since she disappeared, and she didn't know if her lover and friends had forgotten her.

She shook her head to shake off the timidity in her heart, and Jiang Lingzhi, with a smile on her face again, lined up to enter the Chenxi base.

After the inspection, the soldier took Jiang Lingzhi's ID card and looked at it, with a look of surprise on his face. He raised his head and looked at her twice before he asked, "Are you Jiang Lingzhi? It's me?"

Jiang Lingzhi was puzzled, and replied truthfully: "Ah, what's the matter, doesn't it look like it?" She felt that the photo was similar to her now, how could the ID photo be beautiful!Who dares to say that she is cheating, she dares to smash his head.

"Ah, like, very similar! Please come in, you haven't come back for so long, go home and have a look." The soldier's attitude suddenly became respectful.

Jiang Lingzhi couldn't care less about thinking about the attitude of the soldiers, she wanted to run back to the Thunder building immediately.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lingzhi stood outside the gate of Lei Ting, watching the strangers coming and going at the gate. She was blocked by the gate guard, and her blood suddenly cooled down again. Time really forgets people!

After waiting for 5 minutes, a figure finally ran out from inside. When he saw Jiang Lingzhi's face, he didn't bother to calm his breath, so he raised the corners of his mouth to the sky, and he shouted intermittently: "Welcome... come back, Ginger Lingzhi!"

"I'm back!" Jiang Lingzhi happily waved to Chen Chen.

Seeing that he was an acquaintance of Deputy Team Chen, the guard didn't stop him anymore.

Jiang Lingzhi followed Chen Chen to the Thunder Building.

Chen Chen and the passing team members nodded and said hello, and said in their mouths: "You don't know, you disappeared at that time, and Shen Mo was still looking for you in Qinnan Beiling for a month. In the past eight months, where did you go? gone?"

Jiang Lingzhi let out a long sigh, "It's really hard to describe."

Please, Jiang Lingzhi hasn't decided whether to announce it about the rift in time and space. If everyone knows, will human beings use space powers to travel through time and space to plunder resources in other time and space, causing chaos in time and space?She couldn't figure it out, so she might as well ask Shen Mo for his thoughts.

She changed the subject and asked, "By the way, is Shen Mo at the base, and are Hao Wenjing and the others there?"

Seeing that she changed the subject, Chen Chen didn't continue to ask, and then she replied: "Shen Mo led a team to do a mission. It has been more than half a month since I went to Qinnan Beiling, and I should be back soon."

Shen Mo hadn't given up looking for Jiang Lingzhi, so he specifically took the task of going to Qinnan Beiling to find her, but she came back by herself unexpectedly.

Generally, when you go to a place with a long journey to do tasks, the team travels day and night, and there are many people in the team who can rest.

Unlike Jiang Lingzhi, who is alone, she can only travel during the day and stop to rest at night, so she walked for 20 days before returning to Chenxi Base.

And this time Shen Mo went to the mountains in the western section of Qinnan Beiling, and the one-way trip only took about six days of day and night.If you want to come for a week at most, they should be back.

"Unfortunately, I missed him on the way back." Jiang Lingzhi came back from the eastern part of Qinnanbeiling Mountains, and the roads the two drove were quite different.

"What about Hao Wenjing and the others?" she asked.

"Hao Wenjing just finished her mission, so she should rest at the base. Yan Xiaoqing is at the fourth level, she can send out ice picks, and now she is going out to do missions." Chen Chen answered one by one.

"Okay, then you go ahead, I'll go find Hao Wenjing first." Jiang Lingzhi ran two steps forward before turning around and turning around, "By the way, invite some old friends at the base out, let's celebrate."

"Okay." Chen Chen nodded and went to make arrangements.

Jiang Lingzhi ran upstairs with a ding ding dong dong, knocking on the door of Hao Wenjing's room.

After a while, Hao Wenjing's crisp voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

Jiang Lingzhi squeezed her throat and said, "Guess?"

"Who is so boring..." Hao Wenjing opened the door, and when she saw the person in front of her, she was stunned for an instant, and she murmured unconsciously, "Jiang Ganoderma lucidum?"

She smiled brightly and hugged Hao Wenjing, "Yes, I'm back! I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

"I think, I miss you, a friend who values ​​sex more than friends, and you are finally back!" Hao Wenjing jumped up and down happily, bending the corners of her mouth in a good mood.

After Hao Wenjing came back to her senses, she welcomed Jiang Lingzhi into the room, and the two chatted nonchalantly.

Jiang Lingzhi didn't say much, but only talked about the fact that she was pregnant with an egg. Hao Wenjing did what she wanted, and told her about the big and small things that happened in the Chenxi base and the Thunder team in the past eight months. .

More than an hour later, Hao Wenjing's door was knocked again, and she asked suspiciously, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Chen Chen. Hearing that Jiang Lingzhi is back, Captain Lu specially came to Leiting. Now he is waiting for her in the meeting room downstairs."

Jiang Lingzhi opened the door and said to Hao Wenjing, "I'm going down first, we have dinner together tonight, remember, don't forget."

"Okay." Hao Wenjing waved to Jiang Lingzhi and Chen Chen who were walking away.

While going downstairs, Jiang Lingzhi asked Chen Chen, "How did Captain Lu know that I'm back, did you inform me?"

"How could I notify Lu Dui, someone probably saw you on the way back." Chen Chen didn't know why Lu Dui came to the Thunder Building so quickly.

Jiang Lingzhi thought about it carefully, "Ah, I remembered, the soldier I lined up to enter the base must be him."

"Oh, so that's how it was. After you disappeared, they couldn't find you. After you came back, Captain Lu helped Shen Mo and sent your photo and name to several bases around. You get paid a lot, so it's not surprising that someone recognizes you."

The conversation room, the meeting room is here.

Jiang Lingzhi knocked on the door twice, and after getting a response of "please come in", she pushed open the door and went in. Seeing Lu Shuxing standing by the conference table, she quickly reached out her hand to shake his hand, and greeted him, "Hi, Captain Lu!" , let's sit down and talk."

"Okay. It's really you. I can't believe the people at the door came to report just now." Lu Shuxing and Jiang Lingzhi sat down on a chair.

"Yes, I just came back. Is there something wrong with Captain Lu who is in such a hurry?" Jiang Lingzhi asked directly.

"It's nothing, I just want to confirm if you're back. And Shen Mo is out on a mission. I don't think you have a way to contact Shen Mo. He and I have a set of radio wave equipment that can be used to Send a message, even if the signal may not be very good."

Jiang Lingzhi is back, and Lu Shuxing is also happy. This is the best person for sneak attack and assassination, and he can be regarded as one of his generals.

"Really, that's great!" Jiang Lingzhi jumped up from the chair, ignoring Lu Shuxing still sitting on the chair, and hurriedly walked out the door. After taking two steps, she felt that she was too anxious. He had no choice but to smile awkwardly and stand aside, waiting for Lu Shuxing to go first.

"Let's go." Lu Shuxing got up neatly, he didn't care about Jiang Lingzhi's eagerness at all, and led her to the villa in District A happily.

Along the way, Lu Shuxing chatted with Jiang Lingzhi casually. From the results of that special mission to Shen Mo's experience in the past few months, she listened carefully.

After entering Area A, Jiang Lingzhi greeted Pippi and the others, and followed Lu Shu to the living room of his villa.

"You wait here first." Lu Shuxing let Jiang Lingzhi sit in the living room, and went to the study to get the set of equipment for communicating with Shen Mo.

"Okay." Jiang Lingzhi nodded and sat down, took out a bottle of water and took two sips.

She was a little excited, she thought she would have to wait a few days before telling Shen Mo that she was back, but she didn't expect to be able to contact Shen Mo now, her hand holding the bottle couldn't help but feel a little tight, her heart was pounding.

After a while, Lu Shuxing came down the stairs with a set of equipment the size of a family printer, "I have to wait a little longer, I have to connect to the line, and look for a signal."

Usually when Lu Shuxing used it by himself, he would not move it down, but his study was not convenient for Jiang Lingzhi to enter.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Lingzhi was not in a hurry. At this moment, she replied, "Okay." But her hand on the right knee couldn't help but quickly tapped the knee, obviously her heart was still there. Some eager.

For about a quarter of an hour, the "rustling" sound from the device suddenly disappeared, and Shen Mo's slightly hoarse voice came from inside, "Captain Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Shuxing adjusted the equipment, but he didn't answer, but walked away silently, leaving space for the two of them.

"Shen Mo." Jiang Lingzhi unconsciously shed a few tears when she heard his voice.

In the past few months, she has been alone in different time and space to find a way to travel back. She has really endured too much pressure.At this time, when she suddenly heard her lover's voice, she couldn't help herself, and those grievances suddenly surged.

Shen Mo murmured, "Ganoderma lucidum?" The voice in the device suddenly increased, "Is it you, Lingzhi, you stay in the base and don't move, I'll be back in three days, no, I'll be back in two days, wait for me."

Jiang Lingzhi's voice was full of tears, "Okay, I'm not going anywhere, I'll just wait for you at home."

The signal was not very stable, the two of them only spoke a few words, and there was another "rustling" noise in the device.

Jiang Lingzhi turned off the device, sobbed softly for a while, and waited until her mood returned to calm before thanking Lu Shuxing, saying goodbye to him, and returning to the Leiting Building.

After the sunset, Yan Xiaoqing, who was on a mission, returned to the Leiting Building, just in time to attend the small party celebrating Jiang Lingzhi's return.

This time it was not a very formal gathering, there were only a dozen or so people in total, but the scene was lively and warm, and we ate a Chinese meal for nearly three hours.

Jiang Lingzhi reunited with everyone after a long absence. In one night, she didn't know how many hands she shook and how many times she hugged people.

Leaving aside the matter of her time travel, she told everyone that she was nine months pregnant and was about to give birth, and received blessings from all her friends.She also said that she is already a seventh-level supernatural being, and she has received the admiration of everyone.

She also listened to other people talking about what happened in Leiting Building in the past eight months. Even though she hadn't experienced it personally, the vivid description made Jiang Lingzhi feel that she didn't seem to miss the past eight months. time.

Two days later, in the middle of the night, the sky was dark, and Jiang Lingzhi was not lit. She sat on the sofa, looking at the imperfect moon in the sky, like a piece of her heart missing, and she quietly waited for Shen Mo to come back.

At around two o'clock in the morning, there was a commotion downstairs, Jiang Lingzhi stuck his head out of the window, and saw Shen Mo entering the gate of Thunder, he seemed to have sensed it, and just happened to look up at her, and then his footsteps were fast rushed into the Thunder Building.

Jiang Lingzhi also hurriedly opened the door of the room, and ran to the entrance of the living room. She opened the door, just in time to see Shen Mo, who was unshaven at the door, and was hugged into his arms by him.

His voice carried an indescribable magnetic charm, "I finally found you."

After hugging for a while, Jiang Lingzhi wanted to push him away, she wanted to see his face.

"Don't move." His voice was slightly crying.

Jiang Lingzhi didn't dare to move anymore, just patted his back and said: "I am here, we will never be separated again."

(End of this chapter)

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